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Everything posted by throwoff

  1. Because if my country can have its credit file downgraded then dammit I can as well!
  2. Baron Von Fünkés Flavour Explosion.
  3. He stole me collegues sweets. True and boring story.
  4. Hahahah, I often wonder if that might be a good idea for all parties on BC! Which J is it?
  5. Haha, maybe! No I do love it, and missed it terrible when it was away but with baby on the way I am contemplating stripping right back to the Stingray and selling the rest, thought I would see if there were any trades that took my eye before I went though with selling it.
  6. Hehe, this is all very reminiscent of the Mark V affair on a Mesa Boogie forum I used to frequent, a long thread praising the amp existed, the odd negative comment but all fairly constructive. Someone began posting how they had bought the Mark V, how it was the worst amp ever made, how his signed gigging band were being let down by the brand despite paying full whack not artist rates. A bunch of the posters tried to genuinely help him, work out if he had a faulty model or if he was using it funny as it is a killer amp and should have nailed the tones he wanted. Went on for a couple of weeks when finally the thread was locked and the mod team announced they had traced the poster to being a 14 year old boy who didn't own a Mark V or any Mesa product, just there to troll.
  7. If this falls through second dibs, really want to try a semi.
  8. Who knows why this is happening again! I love this bass but it is so marmite, on the right day it is unbeatable, the neck is fantastic, proper Warwick tone and devilishly pretty, other days it just can't beat my Stingray. Trades only, hit me with what you got, would consider another Warwick (Thumb or Streamer) EDIT - Would likely rip your arm off for an ATK.
  9. Some photos of the room finally! You need quite a bit of imagination as it is currently 'chock full o'sh*te' skip booked up now so getting close to clearance day! [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c330/throwoff/20130329_114945_zpsdfe20968.jpg[/IMG] This area will hold the control room. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c330/throwoff/20130329_114934_zps2211854e.jpg[/IMG] We will build up to the existing wall in the middle
  10. Pm'd! Thanks!
  11. I know someone on here does? Who is it? I need something very wierd made!
  12. Will be documenting the whole process as it goes, if for noone else than me to remember why I plugged certain things in certain places! It will not be a business as such, it is for personal use but I know plenty of people in bands locally and I will be happy to cut them demos etc for a decent price once everythings running. It is more a family room, I have my first child due in 7 weeks, my brother has two aged 6 and 2 and we want somewhere we can as a family play music, teach them instruments and recording and basically have fun! I will post a full gear list as more stuff arrives, we are expecting a Line 6 Pod today, this will be a guide guitar unit and good for jamming, it can also be used to record main guitars but we have a nice collection of backline for that - Marshall TSL60 and cab, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe, Fender Greta and 112 cab and a Line 6 Spider Valve. Here is the current list - Cubase Artist running on a clean PC (nothing but windows!) 16GB ram, watercooled, 2TB storage, uprated firewire card. Steinberg MR816 X (8 channel firewire interface for Cubase) Behringer ADA8000 (8 channels ADAT bridged to Steinberg for a total of 16) Mackie Onyx Satellite (just being used as a monitor control station and talkback device) Samson S-Amp Headphone amp Running into - Event TR6 Monitors Samson Resolv 40A's as a B pair. Beyer DT100's Several pairs of Behringer HPS 3000's for the live room foldback Rack DI Rack Tuner Line 6 Pod M-Audio Oxygen 8 Mics - Samson CO1 Rode NT2 Superlux Kick Superlux Tom x 3 Samson C02 (matched pair) SM57 x 2 SM58 Electro Voice ND 767 x 3 AKG C519 clip mic Countless cables and stands, I mean really, 2 large flight trunks full of them! I want to pick up a few more outboard items (Tube Compressor, Rack EQ and ideally an Alesis Reverb) plus I want to upgrade the drum mics and am on the prowl for something nice, I will get a new kick mic soon but to give credit to those superlux units they have worked flawlessly for almost 5 years of live and recording work! Next on the list is to get the racking (20U standing unit) and spend an afternoon measuring everything, the room size is flexable so although it seems a bit ass backwards to get the gear first to us it makes sense, last thing we need is to build it then not be able to fit the gear in! Ill get a photo of the space in its current 'full of crap' condition this weekend!
  13. I have a couple of Behringer bits for the studio, a rack DI, rack tuner and one of those ultragain 800 preamp chaps. 150 quid for clean sounding preamps with an ADAT out into my Steinberg? Yeh, there is a word for that. BARGAIN.
  14. More stuff arrives! [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c330/throwoff/20130321_090326_zpsb43fdba8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c330/throwoff/20130321_090451_zps294eb704.jpg[/IMG] I cant even begin to tell you the bargain prices I paid for these items, the monitors and pads (about 500 quids worth when new!) for 75 quid! Bloke is emmigrating so put a load of his gear up on eBay 99p start no reserve!
  15. [sub]This thread always turns into a war![/sub] [sub]Frankly I honestly don't believe wood makes an ounce of difference in tone, it's all in the pickups and strings. [/sub]
  16. Hey Folks, Well the time has finally come for this thread to start, over the past 6 months I have almost started it a few times but wanted to wait till everything was concrete and ready to go. I used to run a PA hire company with the old man, had a good laugh doing it and accumulated a hell of a lot of gear in the process, times moved on and we gradually wound it up but kept the gear, stacks of mics, cables, stands, outboard, not to mention the speakers, desk and a bunch of lighting gear. Well we spoke at length, did we ebay the lot as a job lot take the money and split it? Did we split it down and spend weeks selling it by bit, we even considered keeping it just for family weddings and parties! Well a few months back while moving a sofa from my dads house to his garage the penny finally dropped. Here we have a large double garage (probably more the size people would call triple!) with 1 car in it and bugger all else, said garage is on a detached house with a fair distance from another house.... Bingo. Studio build plans were born. Day 1 of the build is coming in 2 weeks when a skip is coming for us to clear out a load of old toot which has been stored in there and we will be bricking up the door from the inside. Gear has already been bought and a load of our PA is going to be up for sale (will list it down in other musically when the list is finally sorted) We are building a compact (read 'sweaty uncomfortable') control room to maximise live room size, we think there will be room for a drummer miced up and a guitarist and bassist at once time. We are running Cubase, the interface and control surface are currently in discussion but will be in soon. For now let me tease you with a photo of the first 'new' item to arrive, our M-Audio Oxygen 8. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c330/throwoff/20130319_113843_zpsf87667de.jpg[/IMG] Much more to come!
  17. I have this locked in as 10 months dont ask me how!
  18. So I have had a quote for my dream bass. It is expensive but not actually as much as I thought it would be. The problem is I would need to sell all my current herd (MM, Corvette, tanglewood acoustic) to finance the new bass. Now I would ideally sell them soon and pick up a VM squier to use for the 10 months ish build time. Has anyone gone from a clan to 1?
  19. It is not counterfeit. Noone is selling this as a Ric. Eventually someone will take it to court with J Hall and win, same as when Gibson started their insane war on PRS singlecuts a few years ago.
  20. Why exactly? Unless rules have recently been brought in by the gods of bass I am pretty sure you can play however you want on whatever bass you want.
  21. [quote name='sexy666' timestamp='1363034206' post='2007447'] what do you mean mate? [/quote] Pm'd!
  22. If something is not on Thomanns site just phone/email them.
  23. Probably seeing as noone seems to want to trade a 3!
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