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Everything posted by throwoff

  1. I think I played that Tokai in Denmark street! I remember it being insanely heavy, but really fun to play.
  2. Oh goodness I want it! Not got cash for 6 weeks though and im only in gillingham
  3. bump!
  4. Then I would not be able to afford a cab! It is a vicious circle! I have the art of 2 hard cases, guitarists massive pedal board, my little board, Fender Hot rod deluxe, my bass head and the drummers cymbals and snare all in a 3 door punto with 3 people in it and nothing on our laps. This cab as fantastic as it is and as well priced as it is ruins my tetris like system. I need a van...
  5. I actually know it would fit, I had a Markbass CL108 which is just a shade taller than this and with the back seats down it just fitted in the back of my punto with my bass alongside and head and pedalboard on passenger seat. I now however am transporting the guitarist and drummer to practices so I need seats
  6. I agree with Spike, look at my avatar, im an overweight 24 year old with a poor quality beard. Sure the photos got some funky effects on it but what makes it cool? The Fender bass.
  7. I do like a passive Warwick fretless, but for fretted I would always hunt down an active. Great pickups though the MEC's
  8. Thank you so much. I have printed this off and put it in my important documents folder!
  9. I know there have been threads about this but I still can't understand it. I am buying a Warwick Profet 5.1 which has 1 speakon out at 500W with a 4ohm impedance. If I buy a 6 ohm cab what will happen? I assume it will power it but I will lose some watts? Secondly If I wanted to daisy chain two cabs (a 410 and 115) and they were both 4 ohm I would then end up with an 8ohm load so get half power?
  10. EDIT - just realised its a 6ohm cab. Ignore me! EDIT 2! - Back in! right as I said, if you can wait till 31.10 I will be at your front door with 450 quid in crisp notes. EDIT 3. Nope ignore me, just remembered how small my car is I shall keep looking for a 410. GL with sale.
  11. Chiming in I always find V&R a friendly enviroment, I think really people who go in generally are : Seasoned players who know how to respect instruments, people with money to burn, people who are actually interested in guitars to the point the know about older models and vintage sounds etc. I didnt have the guts to go in for about 3 years of going to Denmark street as I knew I could unlikely afford anything in there. First time I did with my spikey hair and less than jake T shirt they sat me down and let me plunk away on a 70's Jazz Bass. Great guys.
  12. If the head and 1x15 go then ill take the 410
  13. Im need to go to Croydon in the morning anyway to pick up a bass head so will be in area.. no excuse really!
  14. Hey guys, I am considering shipping out my GEB7 and bass chorus. With rig changes and band changes they are really just taking up room now as all I use/need are my TU2 and Bass blogger. These are both mint as mint can be on top. The chorus has lost its bottom silver saftery sticker from the velcro on my board but thats it. The EQ goes for 85 new and the Chorus 75 so I would be looking at about 50 quid each? I would do a deal on both. Trades would interest me for WHYG? Im interested in a bunch of different pedals and stuff so just make me an offer.
  15. Im kind of up for it, only issue being are there any other lefties?!
  16. I genuinely want it, problem being I cant come up with the cash till 31st october
  17. My only beef with a $$ is the open pole pieces giving that click if you slap a bit hard. Personally I always dig a $$ with Barts
  18. I kind of want it but cant work out why, it really doesnt fit with anything I have ever done or plan to do. Maybe thats why I want it. And I kind of want it gold.... hmm.
  19. Can I ask, The Fenderbird thing? What is it made from? Where did bits come from?
  20. Does anyone know a site that lists lefty Hipshot D tuners online? I want a BT1 and BT10 in chrome I can find plenty of dealers for right handed ones (who can most likely get the leftys) But means calling them etc etc.
  21. Oh lawd, temptation again! So many good things on here atm
  22. Sorry Rasta, far from. Warwick let them be almost a year and a bit late just to get them right rather than rush them to market. German p/ups and electronics, German hardware as well. The $$ is the one to get.
  23. Hey Let me look around at home I might have a perfect practice option. If you are in Eastbourne I can likely come to collect.
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