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Chris Horton

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Everything posted by Chris Horton

  1. I'd love to see this bass Load the picks into photo bucket and the link the pics
  2. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1357860626' post='1929841'] Your gonna have to offer the wife or the 69P as a trade soon Chris. with a price of course forum rules !! [/quote]
  3. That is a totally beautiful bass !
  4. It is refreshing to see an advert with sone great quality , clear pictures of the bass Welcome to Bass Chat and best wishes with the sale
  5. The link to the pics does not work
  6. Manly strings are cool when you want that old Skool tone
  7. [quote name='mxm' timestamp='1357740903' post='1927563'] My '76 freshly restrung (I know) with cover on. [/quote] Nothing wrong with a bass with covers on , A precision looks it's best with the covers fitted
  8. That is a lovely colour on a fantastic bass
  9. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1357566726' post='1924544'] You certainly do have a great tone there indeed! Wals are fantastic fretless basses (as well as fretted lol). [/quote] Do you play a wal bass ? im guessing that it is a fretted wal ? are there any pictures of it in the "wal porn" thread ?
  10. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1357565621' post='1924509'] Wow! Do you ever go out and leave a key under the doormat and if so can you pm your address and whether I can reverse straight onto your driveway please ? What a very nice collection and backline Chris thanks for sharing. [/quote] wow , i'm not really sure how to reply to that
  11. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1357489205' post='1923336'] Go on Chris, you know it makes sense, but you do realise I'm within burgling distance of your house Just to whet your appetite further ! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_-zr5AwQbU[/media] regards Harry [/quote] Thanks Harry , That video is not helping my GAS much you have a nice tone going on there
  12. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1357472518' post='1922968'] Ok So I'm not gonna get my hands on the 69. How much for the wife, have to start somewhere. [/quote] I've got bad GAS at the moment for a fretless 5 string Wal bass at the moment so I could be tempted to trade her for a wal bass
  13. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1357336260' post='1921420'] So in which order would you part with your basses [/quote] I am a precision bass lover at heart and Having given it some thought the order of bass removal would go like this---- First to go = pink paisley precision. Second to go = '77 jazz. Third to go = MTD Forth to go = Sadowsky Last to go = '69 precision , I hope to never sell this bass.
  14. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1357336260' post='1921420'] So in which order would you part with your basses [/quote] Oh , what a question ! First off I would sell the wife ..... Then the kids ... I hope I never have to sell the basses though I will get back to you on that one , it brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it
  15. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1357336388' post='1921422'] That should be a whole seperate, open thread!! [/quote] Your not wrong there Rick
  16. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1357334800' post='1921393'] That helps a lot!! Thanks so much Chris for taking the time out of your day to compare and contrast between these beauties for me. Very much appreciated. In fact I would say that your description has me now convinced that the Sadowsky is the bass for me after all and not the MTD lol. Great stuff [/quote] No worries My pleasure I would defiantly recomend trying before you buy and having a play for your self if the chance arises. I see that you are in scotland but If your ever down this way you are welcome to try the basses out. I forgot to add yesterday .......... Before I bought the Sadowsky ,I was a bit worried because all Sadowsky basses (apart from the Will Lee model) only have a treble & bass controll. No mid range adjust. But since owning the bass i now feel that this is actually a big part of what creates the sweet Sadowsky tone (apart from the the incredible workmanship) and it is not a weakness at all. When Playing the bass live It just sits in the mix beautifully.
  17. Absolutely beautiful wood grain !
  18. Oooooooooooo what a lovely bass
  19. Hi bassic, Welcome to bass chat, Glad to hear that you have pickets up the best weapon in the world again
  20. Well I have been playing both these bass guitars this evening comparing tones. First off, the sadowsky is much lighter as the body is chambered. I would say that the core tone of the Sadowsky is throaty and creamy sounding a bit like an active jazz. The Sadowsky is super easy to play with every single string and every single note on the neck sounding even and equal. The B string is the best sounding that I have heard , tight and focused. The tone controls do vary the tone a little but the core Sadowsky remains (that's not a bad thing) You just plug the Sadowsky straight into an amp and your set The MTD is a much more tonally versatile bass. It naturally has a very mid range tone with great clarity. The MTD can do it all ........super zingey hi-fi treble to low end fat dub to an old skool P bass tone to incredible mid range punch.......anything you want to throw at it really. The MTD is very responsive to your personal playing style. How you are feeling comes out in your tone. You can dramatically change your bass tone with your fingers , it's a wicked bass The downside is that you can spend a lot of time trying to find"your tone" but when you do it is well worth the fiddling. I hope that helps a little.
  21. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1357224729' post='1919348'] SLO - San Luis Obispo ( where they make them ) . [/quote] Well you learn something new every day
  22. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1357211262' post='1919043'] Thanks for sharing Chris. You have a beautiful collection there. They are all utterly gorgeous...but the MTD is the one that really floats my boat. You are lucky to have such a nice group of instruments. How does the MTD compare to your stunning Sadowsky? [/quote] Thanks for your very kind words, i am very fortunate to own these fantastic instruments. I just need to learn how to play them now !! Here is a picture of them both together just to wet your whistle and i will report back this evening with a comparison report....... [IMG]http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff464/cmsb_horton/MTD%20and%20Sadowsky/photo_zps0fc034a9.jpg[/IMG]
  23. have you got the pics sorted yet ?
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