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Chris Horton

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Everything posted by Chris Horton

  1. Here is a pickie of my Stingray 5 [attachment=67212:2.JPG]
  2. That bass is a stunner ! Best wishes with the sale
  3. I am fortunate enough to own 4,5 & 6 string bass guitars. I mostly play bass in our church worship team and a lot of the modern christian songs we play have a 5 string bass parts in them. For me and the type of music that I play, a 5 string can cover all I need. Recently , we have lost our lead guitar player from the team and i have just started getting into playing a 6 string bass. The lack of a guitar player has allowed me venture into and explore the upper regiter of the bass world. it all depends on the type of music ya play . I could easily play our songs on my 4 string, but for me, the low B string just brings another dynamic to the table.
  4. Hi, I bought a TRB 5 II P bass guitar from Stan. The bass arrived just as described in fantastic condition . The parcel was perfectly wrapped with loads of protection around the bass case. This bass is a keeper Communication was fantastic throughout the sale and Stan went above and beyond the call of duty. Buy with confidense from Stan , He's a great guy. Best Regards Chris
  5. [quote name='lee650' post='1047817' date='Dec 4 2010, 10:09 PM']ooooohh thats great im going to be in the market for a new bass soon, but thats slightly over budget!! very nice if it had a maple board id be in trouble - bump!!![/quote] If you are ever down this neck of the woods , you are welcome to try it out
  6. [quote name='chris_b' post='1048210' date='Dec 5 2010, 01:42 PM']Hi Chris, I dunno, you got a great sound out of your SR5 when I heard it. It was the piezo that decided it for me. I'd be surprised if you could find a Fender that got close.[/quote] Hi Chris, It is a great sounding bass , I think im just after a different sound at the moment. Shame i can't afford to keep all the basses I don't think that my wife would be best impressed P.s , I am loving your Epi Cab It is fantastic !
  7. [quote name='trevor' post='1048022' date='Dec 5 2010, 10:02 AM']facny a trade on a marcus 5[/quote] Hi Trevor, Thanks for the offer , but I am after the cash T.B.H as I have my eye on another bass.
  8. Hi , I have recently joined the TRB Owners Club Here is a pickie of my fab bass which I bought from a fellow bass chat member [attachment=65286:2.JPG] [attachment=65287:3.JPG] [attachment=65288:6.JPG]
  9. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1039937' date='Nov 28 2010, 02:20 PM']I'd be very happy with that for £500. The TRB range set a bench mark for professional 6 string basses. Unless you fall in love with a specific bass, you'll find that rather than just being a good 'introduction' to 6ers, I think you'll find you have actually bought a serious bit of kit that will fulfil pretty much every need you'll ever have.[/quote] I Think you are right , The more i play this bass the more i realise what a great all round instrument it is
  10. Hi Again, As promised , here are some pickies of my new bass, i'm super chuffed I bought it from a fellow bass chatter , It has been loved & played and still in great condition. looking at the serial number and doing a bit of an internet search , i think that the bass was made in June 1998. [attachment=65149:1.JPG] [attachment=65150:2.JPG] [attachment=65151:3.JPG] [attachment=65152:4.JPG] [attachment=65153:5.JPG] [attachment=65154:6.JPG] I could not really justify spending £1500 . I think that " Thombassmonkey " Is right , £1500 is a lot of money to pay when I was not sure if I would get on with a 6 string. I fourtunatly was able to pick this great instrument up for almost a third of my initial budget. I am getting used to the slightly longer fretboard and wider neck. It takes me a bit of thinking about when playing . It is good to be kept on your toes . I am getting to grips with it though. I love the tone of the TRB , This bass sounds fantastic through my Epifani rig. Clear , defined and punchy . This bass is very versitile , it has all the tones available that i think you may want from the high C string which can be anything from ultra zingey to clear and walm through to the awesome low B string which can be anything from clear and punchy to a deep reggae subby sound. I am new to the 6 string world , But this bass does everything ( and far more ) that I could ever wish for from a bass guitar. I was a bit nervous about buying a 6 string , But , If anyone is thinking about getting into paying a 6 string bass , I would highly recomend checking out one of these beasts. The build quality is up there with the best. Very solid . The only down side as far as i can see is the weight. This is the heavest bass that I have ever owned. It has the same mass as a small Plannet This is a whole lot of bass / tone / quality for £500 squids. This is a great way to test the "6 string" water without spending a large amount of money. A big thank you to the BC community for sharing their thoughts / wisdom etc. Its fantastic to hear other bass players comments and is so helpful when diving into something new
  11. Hi Everyone, Thanks for all who gave great comments and thoughts into my question. It is great to get other peoples thoughts/opions , very helpfull Just a quick up date . . . . . . . I have just got hold of a fantastic Yamaha TRB 6 II in dark red colour. I am super chuffed with this awesome sounding and playing 6 string. It is a beautiful instrument. I will post a pickie soon. Thanks again Chris
  12. I bought a great instrument from Doctorg57 about 2 weeks ago. Thankyou. Buy with confidence , a great , pain free bass chat sale Bump , Bump , Bump
  13. Just wanted to say that i Love Bass Chat. Its full of information and people who LOVE playing bass. I have bought the following gear in the last year from the for sale sections - Yamaha TRB6II Epifani UL 410 series 1 cab Epifani UL 502 amp 1973 Fender precision bass guitar Korg DTR 2000 rack mount tuner So , i know that at least 5 items have sold through this site Keep up the good work Bass Chat
  14. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1022817' date='Nov 13 2010, 07:30 PM']i had one of these and i wish i hadnt sold it....wonderful instrument...best made bass ive ever had..period.... whats the bass in the avatar Chris?...head stock looks like a Modulus[/quote] I must say that I do love this bass , i feel a bit torn as i would like to keep the stingray but I would also like a Fender FMT 5 or Fender DLX jazz 5 but can't affort to buy every bass on the planet I am fairly sure that the pickie in the avatar is a Modulus bass. I was doing a google search for Abe Laboriel and found that great picture so i decided to use it . P.s All PM's replied to , Many Thanks
  15. Please Remove
  16. Thanks for the great comments everyone, very helpfull. I'm gunna have a play about with the settings on my amp and see where we go from there.
  17. Thanks dood for your very helpful insight. You seem very clued up about this subject. This area can be a bit of a mine field My previous bass rig was an Orange AD200 mk 2 with a 410 & 115 cabs. I miss the creamy sound of the Orange amp but love the sound ( clarity/punch/defination) of the Epifani . The fact that the Epifani can be lifted without the help of a small crane was a good selling point also I find that my two bass guitars sound very different to each other. One is active and the other is passive. I find my stingray 5 very "tight" sounding, but also a little creamy at the same time . I guess that is because of the humbucker pickup. In comparison to my Stingray 5 Piezo , I find my stock 73 P bass to sound a little wooly around the edges. It has the normal precision tone and Mid range thump. Also . . . . . . .the two bass guitars sound very different if you plug them into either the active/passive channel on my amp. I shall have a play around with the settings on my amp and check out your recomendations , Great comments , thanks very very muchley
  18. Hi , My current bass rig/ setup is an Epiani UL 502 amp with a series 1 UL 410 cab and i play a 73 P bass and a Stingray 5 I love this rig as it is very clear/punchy sounding , but sometimes i would like to get a bit more walm/valve tome out of my speakers. I was looking into maybe getting a rackmout valve/pre amp that could be mounted alongside my amp. Has anyone done a similar thing? Can anyone recomend gear that they have used or any items that may be worth looking at ? Thanks in advance Chris
  19. Dude . . . . that bass is SWEEEEEEEEEET !!!
  20. That is a COOL looking bass Best wishes with the sale
  21. Thanks Grand Wazoo , thats really helpfull
  22. I currently have a 2002 Stingray 5 Piezo. Can anyone please tell me what the difference is between my bass and a Sterling 5 string ? are they worth looking at ? Are the neck profiles or sound etc very different ? Many thanks Chris
  23. What profile is the neck ? Bump for a cool bass
  24. What is the neck profile like on the 5 string ? What would you compare it to ?
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