After many attempts (4!) throught the last two years, I finally have my own band and can't wait to start gigging. Don't know if it's an age thing but I prefer playing with guys a few years older than me due to them not being so immature and not always wanting to play the latest Metallica song or whatever they play nowadays on the radio.
I have played with many people in the same age group as me (16-21) and have met a lot of characters but most the time they get carried away with the image of being a rock star and the ego takes control. Obviously, they have no idea how to play their instrument or get a good sound and I politely decline their offer to join the band.
Another thing that gets my goat is drummers - IF YOU DON'T OWN A DRUMKIT, YOU ARE NOT A DRUMMER! If I don't have a singing voice, I am not a singer, simple as.