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Everything posted by LeftBass2022

  1. Just came downstairs and felt something under my foot - a small square of sandpaper! The previous owner of the bass did have some mods done by a technician - I guess he shimmed it at the time. Anyway, I'll set it up without and see how it looks. Cheers!
  2. Not a QC sticker, it had an element of thickness- I doubt it was critical but can't fathom why it was there anyway. Baffled...
  3. Slightly embarrassing, but - while I had the neck off of my Squier Precision, I noticed a small, thin - possibly rubber? Finger nail-sized pad placed between the two screws at the butt-end of the mating surface. It seemed secure, but I've just noticed that it's fallen off and is lost. It didn't look like a shim as such, should I be concerned? I've refitted the neck and checked the measurements against another bass and it's identical. I can't find any reference to this pad online. Any thoughts? Cheers.
  4. Lots of support for the Squier machines. Good to hear!
  5. Interesting. I thought slap bass was an integral part of bass playing. This is news to me...
  6. Yeah, I paid £130 for mine. Cheap as hell. Best first bass I could have got. Love it!
  7. I’m still very new to all this so modifying isn’t something I’m into yet - although I did replace a dead pickup, just with a Wilkinson one. Not expensive, but does the job. Really good feedback from you guys, appreciate all of this knowledge. 😎
  8. I had no idea that there is an ‘Anti-Slap’ movement. Until now. Is it not cool? Why is it bad?
  9. Funny ain’t it. I’ve just put away my Ampeg BA115 and got a Line 6 Lowdown 110 amp for practise and portability - it’s good for its size - but the Squier seems to suit it better. Maybe it’s the older strings, I dunno!
  10. I think I prefer my Squier Jazz to my Fender Jazz. Anyone else feel this way? I dug out the Squier and I just think it sounds better. The Fender is a new Player series, nice enough, the Squier is just a Squier. But - if I had to give one up right now, I’d keep my second-hand Squiggly. I’m even thinking about getting a Squier P.bass to see if it compares to the Squier Jazz. Maybe I’ll sell the Fender? Any opinions welcome guys. 😎
  11. Thanks Snorkie. I'm still mates with the drummer and we've got some plans to try out which is exciting, possibly an opening in a punk band that he's in - plus a few other possibilities, so I'll just keep working at it.
  12. I like that. Anyway, my idea is was to be just good enough to maybe join or even start my own - local band when I retire in ten years from now. Plenty of time for practise...
  13. Hi all, I'm Glenn. I bought a Squier Jazz Bass lefty a bit over three years ago and started learning, as I've always really tended to pick out the bass lines in songs over melody, so it seemed the natural choice of instrument for me. I took some online modular courses and self-taught too, then last year briefly joined a band and made some music-friends, I still try to play every day and teach myself new songs, anything from Kate Bush to Metallica to Duran Duran to Cyndi Lauper, Police, Dire Straits, I'll try to learn anything if I like the sound of it! Last year I bought a Fender Jazz Player Series and I'm always adding to the list of songs that I can play, I just love it. I'll never be a master at it, but it's just the best thing ever. BTW - I really would like a bass tab for 'Blinded By The Sun' by the Seahorses - the thread on here seemed to fizzle out and I still have lots of gaps in the song to fill - so if anyone can help with that?....😎
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