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Everything posted by Paddy777

  1. That’s where they need to be IMO when the new lot come out, £600-650 tops really, I know they mk1 MetroExpress are being reduced all over. The lack of VTC has started to bug me more and more too, I can just stick an £80 Sadowsky preamp pedal on a passive JB (say a Sire V5) and I’ve got the tone nailed plus passive tone control. They’ll have to be pretty impressive in the build quality stakes to make it worthwhile tbh
  2. I reckon U.K. they’re gonna be £800-850 region, still looking at what I can get second hand (especially on here) with that sort of cash I’ll wait till they’re £500 2/h
  3. There’s a few topics with feedback about Tobiewharton on here, this one seems the most recent. I had the pleasure of buying an MTD Saratoga 5 bass from Tobie that arrived today by courier. I can’t recommend him highly enough as a seller - this was my first transaction on Basschat so I was a bit worried, and it wasn’t for peanuts either (well for what I got for my money it was tbf!) In the grand scheme of things it was a lot of money to send to someone you’ve never met by bank transfer, along with all the worries about delivery etc. He couldn’t have been more helpful all the way though and the bass was in amazing condition. I hope this is how all transactions are on here, but he’s a credit to the forum’s classified section 👍
  4. These are really, really nice! I’ve been drooling over the 5 string ones at Bass a direct for a while now - I’ve heard loads of good stuff about them, it was Basstheworld’s reviews that first put me onto them. GLWTS, that’s a really good price 👍
  5. This! 👆 I feel like it’s basically whatever they are in dollars tend to be what they are in pounds as well (i.e. $599 = £599 give or take) even tho it’s generally $1.3 or more to the pound, and thanks to Brexit 😭🤬we won’t benefit at all from them being distributed by Warwick in Germany The 5 string Jazz is $1,115 (maple f/board) and $1,140 (morado) so I expect maybe £995? If they are that much I’d rather wait for a cheap used MetroLine to pop up around the £1500 mark, which I have seen before, as at £1k they’re creeping out of the bracket they’re meant to be in & £1k gets you a LOT of used bass and I have no real care for buying new. Compared to Fender at £1k they’re good, but compared to what you could get in the classifieds here for example they’d maybe be too much, you might pick a good one up second hand in 6 months tho If they’re priced roughly similarly to the first MetroExpress line then I’ll be in for one come In a couple of months but I have spent the money I had for this now on another bass, I couldn’t wait any longer!
  6. Just got the first song of 5 we filmed for our promo video at The Arc theatre in Stockton. It’s a Nile Rodgers tribute called “Freak Out” - very good fun on bass!
  7. I’ve been following the Sadowsky owner’s group on Facebook and Big Rodge himself had said July but not as an official announcement, I’m happy to wait a bit if it means they’re not a rushed out mess of issues like the very first ones tbf
  8. Any updates as to when these might be available - I’ve been waiting all month but still haven’t seen anything?
  9. I’m very, very keen on this - if hadn’t literally just bought an MTD from someone on here I’d have bought it immediately, I had a Ray34 before and regretted it almost as soon as I sold it. I play bass in a Nile Rodgers tribute at the moment and they prefer me to have a cream or white bass to match the off white Nile Rodgers signature Fender strat our frontman plays and the all white stage wear we have! I’ve been on the lookout for a white Ray35H coming up for sale, and although I would prefer H to HH it doesn’t matter really - I absolutely love these newer ones with the roasted maple necks too. I’ve got a couple of basses I need to sell (a MIK Lakland 44-01 & a Cort GB75JH) which would probably cover me just about for this, but it will take me a couple of weeks to get them sold I imagine, if it is still available once I’ve got them sold then I’ll be buying this!
  10. I’ve just dropped my Lakland 44-01 off to him to fix a preamp problem - his builds are legendary up here!
  11. Sadowsky Preamp + Jazz Bass = tone heaven! Looks great too - I can’t afford it unfortunately but I bet it sounds amazing, someone will be a very happy camper with this
  12. It sounds quality in the video review but unfortunately I couldn’t be seen dead with a bass shaped like that. 10 year old me that had just started playing and lived in my Guns n’ Roses T-shirt would have killed for that bass, but my tastes have changed a tad now haha. It’s absolutely blinding for the money
  13. That Jazz bass for £102 is an absolute bargain!
  14. Whereabouts in County Durham are you? I’m in Chester le St - I’ve just watched that video (assuming it’s the Bass Direct Japan one) and I’m in love with this bass haha. Would take me a week or so to get the money together but I’m very interested. I’ve got a MIK Lakland Skyline 44-01 that I could put in with cash (amongst others - Cort GB75JH, Yamaha 425, Squier VM 5 String & a Sire V7 Vintage haha) if you’re interested otherwise I’ll need to do some wheeling, dealing & possibly worse over the next few days to get the readies together 😁
  15. Is this still available?
  16. I’ve started seeing new ones on eBay starting around £400 (plus postage of £20 or so), I’ve been after a 5 string J for a while and was going to put a Sadowsky preamp on my V7, but have decided just to wait for these new SMX models with the new logo 😝 I keep checking online and in the Sadowsky owners Facebook group for when they’re going on general release over here but the best I’ve heard is July which isn’t far away tbf
  17. At least 1 more as it’s the only thing that stopped me (as shallow as that sounds 😆). How long until this will be available to buy? Need to make sure I save my pennies
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