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Magister Ludi

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Everything posted by Magister Ludi

  1. Free until 31st oct-if you have an account it auto downloads into it for you.......pointless really thats the third copy that I have now ! UA not the brightest sparks out there are they?
  2. Funny enough I picked one up last Sunday from GuitarGuitar in Camden-Its as good as they say They appear to have overcome the supply chain issue at long last it seems.
  3. If want to run itunes (12.9.5) on the newer silicon macs,then try using 'Retroactive'. Silicon itunes to go! Just click to the right-Retroactive latest duh......and follow the instructions. Not everyone likes Apple Music
  4. Just at this very moment,the doorbell goes and its the postie with some bass guitar related goodies-namely....my first new strap in ten years or so! (apart from the Mono from Bass Direct a couple of moths ago) I dont know about you but I've been 4"Levys with suede backing or some such backpain limiting job for good reason.Being tall and skinny I need good balance on a guitar,I can help with extra hardware(tuners/weight distrib etc) but the old wide leather beast is the go-to for me.......until now........ Since I stopped lurking here and joined (thanks in no small part to a Sir Richard Head III guitar shoppe,another thread maybe) I realize that I miss the company of all thangs Bass which have been sadly lacking of late,so,I saw this ad for an english strapster over in Shropshire called 'Pinegrove Leather' which no doubt many here have heard of/used and proceeded to peruse and eventually buy from-Arghhhh not a plain wide strappy thing but a multicoloured snakeskin - its very different from my usual,but hey what the hell eh? They also do other stuffs,of which I perchased a 'Gear Wallet' in Red-not so sure about that yet,we will see..... Anyone else gotten themselves some mad strappage ??? Do show heh I'm off to play with my snake...............
  5. Nope-The two Fenders are both the new Japanese Aerodyne Specials which replaced all of the old configurations as of november last year. They have completely new (and lovely) pickups,gotoh tuners,babicz full contact bridges and that very very high standard finish that Fender Japan are known for,they sound nice too-necks are yum! I have a domestic and export model of the old Aero-I think these are well on par,if not better,maybe Big Daddy Fender in the USA has seen a big sales oportunity and are going to market these a bit more aggressively? If you can get over the lack of a pickguard,and the shock of the price/quality aspect vs US/MEX-then I think for a certain kind of player,these are the dogs doodads.
  6. Pickguards-Pah !
  7. Duh! search skills on the fritz agin....Having read the makers site and specs for this-it would maybe it be a little pointless? They show that their premium waza product at a gazillion dollars $259 is in fact the one they want you to have, I like the waza-its been a good little option to that headphone problem-after phil's stuff I lost interest & then lo and behold the unupdateable waza appears & saves the day! Now how to integrate that bloody orba........
  8. Couldn't see it on the Jungle site-had the 'KAT' vers at £79 tho,but no 'BW' vers. The makers site you list does offer the waza air at £56 plus shipping-as you say - its not much use for your reqs (and prolly mine on that basis) however I'm gonna see if I can interface it with my Orba mk2-You never know........lol
  9. mine,as of last year-its a beaut….
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