My 1967 Eb3. Lovely neck, plays great, sounds cool in psychedelic blues rock, but any work I get these days requires a more conventional bass (can't even take my Ricks out as much as I want to) 🥲
Beaten up old 4001, previous owner put a horseshoe in the bridge. I had thought to switch the pickup back to an original '70s spec, but I've been putting it to heavy use recently on tour and I'm really digging it!
Pots and serial date it to '70, but it was sold to me as a '71, maybe it was built in '70 and sold in '71? Whichever of those years it is, it's practically a fretless at this point and with the flatwound strings it plays so smoothly! 😁
I was lucky enough to see Blur last night. Great gig, I grew up on those basslines!
What a player Alex is, though it doesnt seem like his playing gets much attention from fellow bassists, am I wrong?
Anyway, now I want a '58 reissue p bass 🙈