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Everything posted by septicrat

  1. Hello all. I have not recieved my new phone yet so no pics as promised, hopefully I'll get them on by tomorrow if the new phone comes(I dont have a camera, I just use my phone) But its still for sale.... Cheers, have a good weekend everybody! Steve
  2. Will hopefully have pics up by Friday if I get my new phone by then, currently unable to upload pics from my phone. Steve
  3. [quote name='jimmybass04' post='740309' date='Feb 9 2010, 07:51 PM']any pics, price[/quote] No pics as yet, but its Brand spanking new. Price? Dunno, make and offer.... somewhere in the region of £750 would be nice.
  4. Hi all. I have a Brand new in the Box Trace Elliot 1210 combo signed by Doug Wimbish. I won this amp in the Trace Elliot warranty competition and I really have no need for it so am offering it here first before trying to sell it elsewhere. Any sensible offers considered, I'd like to see around £750 or more. New they're about a grand so I'm thinking with a Artist signature offers from 750 seems fair. Feel free to ask any questions. Take it easy. Steve
  5. [quote name='Raggy' post='692105' date='Dec 23 2009, 09:42 AM']What a gorgeous set up. That just smacks Old Skool. Have really got GAS for one of those Squiers.[/quote] Cheers Raggy. Yeah, its a pretty good old skool sound, I'm really happy with the Squier, especially as my last bass was a Rickenbacker which I loved with all my soul. This rig though has made me a pretty happy man........ for now *Fights off another GAS attack*
  6. Heres mine. Amp is a B200r, Bass is Squier Vintage modified P-bass TB with Jazz Flats and lowered pick up(pole pieces too) and Bass Muff. Sounds pretty decent and after having many different set ups over the years this one pretty much is where I'll stay for a while. May only be a humble Squier but I really enjoy playing it and surprising people with my sound from this rig.
  7. Ampeg B-100r. Portable enough, plenty loud, and nice moody tone. Not a bad price at the moment either, you can get them foir about £350 if you search the interweb. Its the one I'd go for if I didnt already have a B200r
  8. Bass Big Muff!!!!
  9. That looks really interesting, let us know what you think of it. I'm on a little Bass Overdrive/Fuzz/Distortion collecting thang at the moment, thought it might be fun to amass a whole bunch of different ones just for $h1ts and giggles.
  10. Its not much in the way of gear but I love how these two items look together. I'm only getting the amp on Saturday though, seriously looking forward to it. As for the bass, cheapo but I love it, and hopefully will sound great with the B200r. Well heres my update. Got the amp and together with my Vintage modded P-bass TB strung with TI flats it sounds fantastic!! Happy days ahead!
  11. +1 on the Boss. Been using one for nearly 6 years and its not once ever let me down. Infact my whole band(me, two guitarists) each have one and we're always perfectly in tune. I think unless you are a total tone snob with ears like a thing with VERY good ears you never notice any tone suckage of volume being stolen, I certainly have never noticed any difference and the guitarist I have been jamming with who only uses high end "Boutique" gear and who Is a total tone freak uses one. I've had beer all over mine, its been dropped and had things drop on it, its been left in freezing band vans and been left in the boiling heat of a summers out door gig, infact it was so hot to the touch from being left in the sun that it was hard to pick it up. Its been thrown in various gear bags and boxes with a bunch of other rubbish and it still functions perfectly, all scratched and dirty b ut it does its job. If it ever does die, I'll get another one in a heart beat.
  12. I'd have a 62' Reissue P-bass strung with Flats and a Ampeg B15-r... Oh baby!!! *Walks off Drooling* Oh and a Slice of Keira Knightley Christmas pie too please Santa?!?!?
  13. Consider it sold mate. Just PM'd you.
  14. Hello. I've recently bought a Bass Big Muff and I'm really pleased with it. Works great on a variety of basses(I tried about 6 in the shop where I bought it from) and can go from slightly overdriven to full on psycho and everything inbetween. Its great. I am however also in the "Build your Own" fold and am collecting all the various bits to build one. Am sourcing a bunch of expensive and rare bits for a experiment. Should be fun. I'm getting bits from hificollective .co.uk, they got some cool things.
  15. I'm going to be a nuisance and Bump it again as it didn't sell on ebay and I only have it for sale here now and I'm desperate to sell it. I REALLY want that Ampeg B200r!!! Someone PLEASE buy this from me?!?!?
  16. Bumpity bump.... Getting desperate now, hurting for that Ampeg!
  17. I had a Laney R4H head blow at a gig, didn't as much Blow as just fizzle out and a little puff of smoke issue from the air vent. It was 3 years old and had been extensivly gigged and rehearsed so it did serve me well. After I just went straight through the PA, sounded better lol!!!
  18. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='664003' date='Nov 24 2009, 05:00 PM']Thanks septicrat. Also having at one time or another two blazers and now down to one I think i'd better hang on to it. I used it at rehearsals last night,the first time with the flats and i've decided it'll be getting gigged on Friday. I was very impressed. Cheers anyhoo. [/quote] You'd be wise to hang onto it, you'll regret getting rid of it, I'm always on the lookout for another, the last one I had ended up selling for £700 to a collector, crazy but true!
  19. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='662149' date='Nov 22 2009, 09:37 PM']Hey folks, I'm toying with the idea of aquiring a P bass but as I already have an Ibanez Blazer i'm wondering if any of you guys have any experience with both and how the tone compares,also if the Blazer comes close.The one I have a 1980 Humbucker version and is strung with Ti flats.D I stick or twist ???? I quite fancy a Tokai Hardpuncher but they're few and fare between.I'm looking at a couple of other non Fender examples as $$$$$$$$ are not in abundance at the moment. Thanks in advance. [/quote] Hi there. I've owned two of the versions you have. Its not however a Humbucker as you might think it is, its just a wide coiled single coil, a bit like a big P-90. Mine were bloody great basses, first one got nicked about 16 years ago and I stupidly sold the last one about 5 years ago to buy a Rickenbacker(which is now gone) At the time of owning my first Ibanez my best mate owned a P-bass and we both prefered the tone of my Blazer, two different beasts though, the p-bass had a nicer neck to play. Funny you mention you have strung yours with TI's, I had some on mine too and loved it! I also had a set of True bass Roto's on it for a while, Real funky! Interested in selling your blazer??
  20. [quote name='Moos3h' post='663584' date='Nov 24 2009, 11:30 AM']Hi there, Could be interested (and am local too!) but I'd need to establish if this really had enough power for me. Can you tell me more about it's output? A quick google suggests that this is a 200w output....would it drive an extension cab too? Tempting, but I don't want to take a backward step in output (even if I end up sounding better) if that makes sense! Cheers, James[/quote] Hi james. Yes it is 200watts at 4ohms. Meaning that its running its full power through the built in speaker. You can connect it to a 4ohm cab but you have to dissconect the internal speaker to be able to plug the cab in(simply 1/4-speakon jack) I've had one rehearsal session with this amp and it handled it perfectly. Cut through two electrics and drums no problem and sounded great. I've owned several high quility combos and this one is up there with the best of them. I really love how this amp sounds, gives a range of tones with its EQ. you can also run it with the pre-shape which is the classic trace tone or combine the pre-shape and the eq to really shape some tone. Also you can run it flat, no EQ or pre-shape like I do with the built in compression set low for a real warm vintage tone. I'm only selling it cos I only want one kinda tone and thats vintage so this amp is kinda wasted on me. I'm busting for that Ampeg B200-r. This amp definatly cuts the mustard and if you are local you are more than welcome to come give it a whirl, I'm in pretty much most of the time as I'm on recovery leave from an accident, so just give me a shout when/if you want. Steve
  21. For sale here is my Trace Elliot 715 combo that I've only owned for about a month. The reason I'm selling it is because I desperatly want to buy SMV's Ampeg. The Trace is in as new condition, in fact better than as new because Trace put a new and improved power amp in it for me under warranty to get rid of the buzz that plagues this model. Its now silent and sounds as good as you'd expect. There is no doubt that this amp will satisfy most gigging/recording needs. Anyhoo, it comes with a Cover and the Footswitch. I cant accept anything less than £350. I'll deliver it within a 20 mile radius of Hitchin in Herts for a Tenner. Any questions please dont hesitate to ask. You're also more than welcome to come round and give it a whirl if you want to hear it. Cheers Steve
  22. I'll bump this for you too, I had a bk300 for two years and it was an awsome amp, the 200 is just as great, just slightly less volume, worth buying!!
  23. [quote name='gary mac' post='660878' date='Nov 21 2009, 11:26 AM']A tip from my old english teacher: necessary one coffee, two sugars! [/quote] Lol, good one!!! I'll remember that!
  24. Hi there. Boss super Chorus is a good one, better than the bass chorus imo. You dont neccesarily(I can never spell that word) a "Bass" version for chorus to sound great on a bass.
  25. Hi there. New here but been playing for 16 years. Used many od/dist pedals in the past so I'll name a couple of my favourites. Cheap and effective is the Digitech x-series bass driver, if you're not a total tone snob this is a very versatile and good sounding bass overdrive. I've recently bought a Bass Big muff and love it!! so +1 on that!! Its Brilliant!
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