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Posts posted by CiciBass

  1. Thanks so much for the feedback, and for taking the time to check out my other stuff too! :)


    Are you meaning I should’ve scripted out the video in this thread?


    If so,

    I did have set questions which I then answered in sequence, all following the same subject (common misconceptions I, and other people, face, and the answers to those misconceptions), but anything beyond that would’ve gone against what I’m talking about in the video (I.e being genuine and expressing freely). Sorry if there was anything I missed and could’ve done better, I appreciate the feedback!

    Also for what it’s worth, personally I’m not a fan of scripted videos, I find them distracting (and occasionally disingenuous), even to watch, and there are so many out there. This video (and much of my channel) is more of a flow of consciousness, and showing myself as I am rather than anything scripted for the internet.

    I like seeing people show themselves in this way, as I think it’s quite a rare (or at least difficult to find) thing these days.

    But I can also absolutely see the value in scripted videos if it’s fitting for the subject matter (like a teaching video for example) :)


    I can completely understand why you would feel that way though, and that’s completely fine. I just wanted to offer a bit more context to the video, my channel, and the foundation it’s been built on. Hope I explained that ok! :) Thanks so much for the feedback as well!

    • Like 3
  2. That is what I prefer to do. Sadly there are many people who don’t let my bass do the talking (many of those reasons are mentioned in the video), so my voice has to - so I made this video as it’s something that is barely spoken about, but deserves to be. :) 

    • Like 5
  3. Hope it’s okay to share this - no idea if it’s of any interest to anyone here, but I thought it might be worth sharing anyway.
    The reason I filmed this - and the reason I’m posting this here (mainly for the topic in the first half of the video), is because I think it’s an interesting discussion about using many effects with bass :) This is just my two cents and thoughts on that, and a few other things. (Thought it was better to just post the video rather than write it out).

    Feel free to remove if it’s against the rules!


    • Like 19
  4. On 09/08/2023 at 16:10, Minininjarob said:

    Love your videos and I see you can play all sorts of styles with a unique sound and really enjoy it. Real inspiration for me. 

    That’s absolutely amazing to hear, thank you so so much :)


    and thank you everyone for the lovely welcome! 

  5. Cici here!

    Well, sadly I can’t help being a girl, and I have long hair because I like it. It has nothing to do with my playing, and I’ve never rested on my looks to gain followers, nor am I interested in anyone who does. 

    I take great pride in being the best musician I possibly can be, and it’s about the music for me.

    I also dedicate a lot of my time to trying my best to help other people pick up the instrument, sharing any info I have, and seeing where I can push the instrument in my solo bass jams.

    I’m not interested in being an ‘instagram girl’ so please don’t diminish me to that, and take the time to truly look at what I do (whether you like it or not is fine). Thank you. :)

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