Yes, the screws threads rise but the pick ups seem to be at full height already.
If anyone out there owns an AM Pro II jazz, could you kindly measure the distance between the E string and the pick ups for me?
My are measuring as follows:
Bridge 6mm
Neck 6.25mm
Edit: Mojo restored now that relief is measuring somewhere between 0.012 and 0.013 again - when I plugged it in earlier my heart sank a little, all the snap and pop had gone.
Re-measuring the action tonight it's in a very similar place height wise prior to adding the shim. What I don't like is that the E string chokes out now between 16-17-18-19. The A string less so, D / G strings are fine.
I am half-tempted to take it out (he used a strip of sandpaper in the back pocket) and re-do the saddle setup myself.
I've read praise for full pocket shims, particularly the ones from stew mac. Are they worth a try?