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Everything posted by daws0n

  1. Yes, the screws threads rise but the pick ups seem to be at full height already. If anyone out there owns an AM Pro II jazz, could you kindly measure the distance between the E string and the pick ups for me? My are measuring as follows: Bridge 6mm Neck 6.25mm Edit: Mojo restored now that relief is measuring somewhere between 0.012 and 0.013 again - when I plugged it in earlier my heart sank a little, all the snap and pop had gone. Re-measuring the action tonight it's in a very similar place height wise prior to adding the shim. What I don't like is that the E string chokes out now between 16-17-18-19. The A string less so, D / G strings are fine. I am half-tempted to take it out (he used a strip of sandpaper in the back pocket) and re-do the saddle setup myself. I've read praise for full pocket shims, particularly the ones from stew mac. Are they worth a try?
  2. Man this bass is giving me a headache! She's back in hand again today - good news is the truss rod is definitley working and it now has a straighter neck and a nicer look bridge / saddle setup due to the new shim. Bad news is the neck is too straight now, I measured 0.008" relief so it now needs more relief added. Output and tone have been robbed somehow - I noticed when I bought it that I needed to dial the amp volume up 1/2 steps to get the same output as my other basses. Now with the pickups even further away from the strings I need to dial up considerably higher. I've taken the scrath plate off and am slowly adding relief myself, currently at 0.010", aiming for recommended 0.012" as a starter.
  3. Took the guitar to local luthier today for second opinion. There is a shim already in the neck pocket, it's very small though and has indented into the wood so not doing much. With a bigger shim installed there is plenty of adjustment on the saddles, but lower action is causing dead notes high up on the neck. He agreed that the neck relief is still off (forward bow), I've left it with him to look at.
  4. Picked up the bass last week and took to a reputable guitar shop for inspection. They confirmed no issues with the neck / truss rod, I left it with them for re-string and pro setup. After sitting for a few days, measurements are as follows: Neck relief = 0.016" / 0.40mm (fret 1 capo'ed / fret 17 fingered, measured above fret 8 wire with feeler guage) String action at fret 17 = E 2.55mm A 2.6mm D 2.65mm G 2.45mm The E saddle is still bottom'd out which I am puzzled by however there is plenty of room for adjustment across the rest of the bridge. Less than ideal against fender's specs, but it plays nicely with no buzzing or obvious issues - beautiful tone and finish on the neck!
  5. Good news - no up country drive required now as he's passed the guitar over to friend who lives a few towns across from me. I can view the guitar on a take or leave basis. Seller has confirmed that truss rod moves freely, fingers crossed it's a simple matter of neck relief but if not hopefully adding a shim should sort it.
  6. The saddles were bottomed out when he bought it from previous owner, he found it perfectly playable as-is so hasn't touched the setup. Personally that would bother me, I like to tinker with my basses to make sure they're kept reasonably in spec. He's sent a photo of the truss rod nut, it looks OK to me. Will take a look in person with capo/feeler guages and a notched straight edge to hand, fingers crossed all is as expected!
  7. Thanks for the comments everyone. It's a tricky situation - factoring in travel costs it still works out at half the price a new one. It doesn't come with a truss rod wrench so I'll need to get hold of one beforehand to test it works OK (don't fancy trying an allen key). I wouldn't expect a high end guitar to have this sort of issue out of the shop so to speak - 3mm action would considered too high? He's messaged to say the neck will need adjusting as it's been stood for while, there is no sign of fret buzz and it plays well.
  8. Cheers both, I'll ask re: neck relief and truss rod - fingers crossed all is working as it should.
  9. Afternoon all I've bought Fender American II Pro online and am looking to collect in person. The seller appears to be genuine, we've spoken on the phone however he's on the otherside of the country which pretty much rules out demoing beforehand. It's a 2021 example in very good cosmetic condition, however he's forewarned that the guitar needs a setup as the action is currently quite high (the strings are most likely original). Photos show 3mm action height at 12th fret for E string the saddles look to be bottomed out for E / G strings. My MIM player series jazz has plenty of travel left on the grub screws for adjustment, I'd expect an MIA to be the same - is this an easy fix or potentially something that requires attention beyond basic setup? Thanks
  10. Through word of mouth it turns out that we live not far from a luthier! Top gent, neck and action carefully adjusted and guitar back in hand buzz-free on same day for a very reasonable price. Guitar needed a very minor 1/6th adjustment to the truss rods (loosen) and the action raising a touch aswell, it plays much better now. A whole hearted recommendation for Mike Tarr https://www.youtube.com/@mitarrguitars
  11. 0.4mm / 0.15 inch is what I usually aim for on my budget basses, I can't get them to play well with a dead straight neck. Aiming for 0.3mm was more trouble that is was worth last time. I've learn to live with a slight bow and highish action but this SR506 is a cut above build wise. I'll check with some smaller guages later to see what fits. Good point re: measuring relief on both sides of the neck!
  12. Picked up a nice 2014 SR506 bass recently. It plays well with decent strings / notation and very low action. The neck profile and string spacing is not unlike a classical 6 string guitar, certainly won't surplus a 4 string for me but quite liking it so far! I have noticed that there is quite a bit of fret buzz on the lower frets, not noticeable when playing through an amp but more so without one. I've measure the relief by capo'ing at the 1st fret and fingering where the neck meets the body - using a 0.40mm feeler guage I am able to move the string above the 8th fret. This suggests that there is not enough relief in the neck and I need to loosen the truss rod. This guitar however has 2 truss rods under the cover! I have not seen this before so looking for advice re: do's and don'ts for adjusting... With a single rod I'd turn 1/8th anticlock wise to loosen and leave it overnight or so. Should I do the same with this x2 or is there more to it? Cheers all Dawson
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