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Everything posted by sandy_r

  1. As a very bored - and cold - panda, i re-housed this sticker from a non-working Station waiting-room heater to my bass, over 50 years ago, and it's still in place
  2. ...and split the profits with Mr Simonon πŸ˜‰
  3. greetings jeroen! sounds like a busy life you have there ...so all the more important to enjoy some music making with family or friends i'm a newbie here (although a bass oldie) and BC seems to be like a virtual mix of family and friends - hope you also find some interesting discussions and helpful info here when you're able to call in i like the quote, supposedly by a Mr J Lennon: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
  4. I'll try and remember to bring a bottle (in addition to the Intelligate)
  5. ...and sometimes there were still a few unsatisfied customers!
  6. ...sorry, you're beyond the help of mere mortals! πŸ˜‰ (j/k ...a pup guru will be along directly)
  7. as mentioned earlier, it's possible that some degree of hydrogen de-embrittlement may be occuring in the steel - it only requires temperatures around 200+ degC and can restore a measure of ductility to the metal Mechanisms leading to embrittlement aren't fully understood yet, but one of the feasible scenarios could be a combination of stress to the metal plus acidic surface contact
  8. It should be fine with any supply voltage between 18-25V (although operating devices at max rating never a good idea for extended use) 12V supply is probably outside its expected operating conditions - does the 'popping' noise also happen when you use 2x 9V batteries? Anyway, it appears that using the Truetone will be ok from both PSU and pedal PoVs electrically
  9. From an electrical PoV, that's exactly what it was meant for - to convert any 9V DC output to 18V (or 12 to 24), rated just under 1W Since it uses voltage switching internally, however, there is a slight possibility that some equipment (connected or nearby) may pickup some switching noise, and you'll only find that out by trying it out - but discovering that would only be annoying, not destructive (Truetone say: "The only 18V pedal we know of that the Voltage Doubler can’t power is the Pigtronix Infinity Looper, which requires it’s own power supply" ...they don't list any PSUs with which it won't work)
  10. - another way, if you're only using a mono mix to PA, is to feed the PA from, say, Main Out Left, feed the IEMs from Main Out Right, and use each channel's Pan control to allocate that channel either to PA (full Left), IEM (full Right). or both (panned centre) (Actually, the IEMs could have a stereo mix from both Main L & R - just ensure any talk back mics are full Right, in above example)
  11. ..."Just Say No" to drugs, Boys and Girls!
  12. ..."Strings and things haven’t any in stock" according to @gt4ever
  13. ...I got a bit distracted for a moment and missed the bit where this topic moved on from 'playing' covers to 'making' them... πŸ˜‰ (different threads i s'pose)
  14. ....the following BC thread appears to be relevant...
  15. eB*y uk? aliexpr*ss? ...they appear to be offering 'plastic box' type 1/4" sockets https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283543750358?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338766898&toolid=20006&customid=b22059195229ff6706b1d16b90b791d7&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1eVu_Ov9KTB-DOQvplEHkQg10 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274615125531?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338365712&toolid=20006&customid=EB153869813& https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005883657318.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=494-037-6276&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=17859473014&albag=&trgt=&crea=en1005005883657318&netw=x&device=t&albpg=&albpd=en1005005883657318&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvL-oBhCxARIsAHkOiu2ranFBR6xALcL1ni6DzE3vTU_fQE6YYtmFYkT6mIEMTYHaoKwL2MMaAo-bEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&aff_fcid=1335b8d724264419868ec8208e95868c-1695585535595-08284-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=1335b8d724264419868ec8208e95868c-1695585535595-08284-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=5ef72488de18468bb38d1ad84d316415&afSmartRedirect=y (Also... Have you checked that the existing socket is tightly secured? A loose socket can sometimes move in as the lead is inserted, causing intermittent connection to the jack plug. Just an idea...)
  16. "...new Teflon-like layer..." but, in general, never let reality stand in the way of off-the-wall humour πŸ˜‰
  17. Definitely not! ...would have to move the bodies first!
  18. Apologies @Jay2U - joking aside, heat tempering of steel may be related to de-embrittlement action in restoring a certain ductility to the steel in the strings
  19. It WoRkS!!!! ...just tried this (strings only, of course, Gasman!) It's totally transformed my black nylon flats into shiny new metal rounds... (and I've got a completely new Teflon-like layer on the oven-floor: win - win!)
  20. Now that you ask, I'd say that Covers bands are following on in the honourable tradition of the dance bands dating back at least to the last century (in an organised way), obtaining and playing from sheet music of the then-latest 78 releases, and well-prior to Hardy's time, with village bands providing the musical entertainment and accompaniment to social occasions I've felt honoured to be a small part of it, tbh
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