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Everything posted by Homatron

  1. This appears to be a successful model in the world of cycling too. @skidder652003 posting here has made me aware of a shop 30 mins down the road I had never heard of, so it's not all about what you buy! Hoping I can find an excuse to end up in Ashburton soon...
  2. @0175westwood29 who is Alan? He has been there for a few iterations now.
  3. I've almost convinced myself I'll find a use for a Warlow Mini... these time-limited offers don't do anything for my GAS suppression meditations.
  4. Thanks for the heads-up! Doesn't look like it applies to Bass Jive preorders. Sad face.
  5. Woah... that's some serious good luck and/or perseverance! I count myself lucky if I find some half-priced strawberries for my berry addict toddler! Not sure I could hide a Trace cab at the back of the fridge.
  6. I wasn't aware of Aclam boards - smart bits of kit.
  7. Do I spy a repurposed IKEA Baggmuck? Good to know boutique pedals can still slum it with the rest of 'em.
  8. Great stuff! In that case I'll put my tinfoil hat away and my headphones on!
  9. Must be a bot account. I thought perhaps I didnt have permission to delete from the playlist. It looks like playlists can set up in such a way that only invited collaborators can contribute. Seems like this function was added, in part, in response to this type of playlist spamming problem. https://community.spotify.com/t5/Implemented-Ideas/Playlists-Only-selected-Playlist-Authors-for-Collaborative/idi-p/201374
  10. That's a real shame. Especially as I've only just discovered the playlist's existence! Just out of curiosity I tried removing some of those songs added by that "ForYou" account. They went away, then returned within a few seconds. Seems pretty suspicious.
  11. I can think of at yeast half a dozen more... just use your imagnumation!
  12. There's also Solent Plastics: https://www.solentplastics.co.uk/20-litre-ip67-rated-waterproof-protective-case-with-or-without-foam/
  13. Inspired by @ordep, I decided to build a battery-powered board. Looking forward to testing this tonight at a local community jam session. No idea what genres are likely to be played so I'm hoping this will cover most bases. Cable management to be improved, and I'm hoping to fit some small feet so I can sling the powerbank underneath the scrap plywood board.
  14. There's an instruction manual for that somewhere... karma something-or-other?
  15. Haha... just rub it in. I would have gone with both OC2s, each with a different settings. Trying to hide my jealousy.
  16. Thanks @Chienmortbb! I had seen the software mentioned on BC but hadn't thought about using it in that way. Sounds like a good place to nerd out! I'll take a look.
  17. This thread inspired me to give an HPF a go too. I went with the Schalltechnik Vong HPF kit and built it in a lunchtime. Only trialled at home so far but I'm pleased with the outcome. I was worried that it would do bad things when using a -1 octave but it may even sound better*! *biased opinion warning.
  18. Looks like a brilliant compact rig! What is the unit plugged into the ZGPw's output?
  19. I've been on a big Mark Giuliana binge these past few weeks. https://youtu.be/tZNu9gLE_KE?feature=shared
  20. This thread got me thinking whether a tree of life for musical genres exists... of course it does. In many forms. Here's one example: Discuss.
  21. Spotify recently pigeonholed me as being into "Crank-Wave"... whatever that is. Personally, I prefer Post-(Shoegaze-Dreampop-Hardcore-Post-Punk-Sludge-Stoner-Doom-New-Wave Midwest Emo Indie Alt-Rock), as it is a bit more earthy.
  22. That is a handy article! Thanks for sharing. I've also found that the explanation of the "7 bad dwarves" of the frequency spectrum in this video really helped my understanding of this subject.
  23. I'm there too, with the added complication of being too precious about my basses to allow them to get into 'relic' condition organically.
  24. Looks like they tried to sand the whole thing without going through all the effort of removing the strings. I'm sure it looked lovely beforehand!
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