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  1. i dont know what is going on at present but ive chosen to leave the forum - im now being accused of something i do not know about. i just want to thank you all.
  2. linus i will do my friend i promise, thankyou so much for your kindness all of you.
  3. had a couple of pm's about donations already. it brings tears to my eyes that since he didn't have the best life, we can give the absolutely best sendoff. i forgot to mention earlier he's being sent to the other side with his bass if you get me, thats how much he loved his music! i suppose it gave him a chance to make a lot of noise and not going out. on my old phone (which i cant seem to find!?!?) i have a video of him funking it out. it's only about 30 seconds long but you can see how much progression he was making. i would like to thank the one person who has donated and the other couple who have asked to donate in advance. i dont want to name anybody. thankyou, it really does give me hope in this what i feel sometimes is a cruel, greedy, dog eat dog world.
  4. it wasn't his dyslexia that mainly got him bullied, it was his severe stutter. here's an example of a sentence I I I I'm g going to t t the shops s ssss. bless him! I do think he had an undiagnosed condition. He was as timid as a mouse until he got on stage. He wouldn't even go to the bar in the pub to get a drink! (perhaps that was an excuse for me to pay haha) I've been talking to his sister again, and the family said flowers are welcome. I've already contacted a florist (I don't know if you knew but he worked part time in a florist I'm sure he mentioned this in a post!) so basically I'll get them when I'm over there. It would be nice (although I'm not being rude and demanding) if perhaps forum users would donate a few pounds each for a small bunch? I'll make sure I personally write the name of every donor on the card, and even a message from you if you want me to. For 3 quid you can't get much....packet of smokes, few sweets, and it cannot go to a better cause than this....a fallen fellow bassist. Id you would like to donate, please PM me. However please only PM me if you are genuine about donating and not deciding half hour later you want the money back. Thanks, and thanks all who've given condolences to him, they're all being passed onto the family
  5. hello all, im going to pass on all condolences left on here to the family. im still unsure yet whether the funeral is private or open, but from the phone conversation i had a minute ago i do believe flower donations will be taken. if this is the case if people would like to send a couple of quid i think the best way will to be for paypal i'll sort it out with the florist over there (as I am going over there to attend the service.) I'll try letting people know within 48 hrs. Thankyou.
  6. hello, firstly i havent been on in quite a while, been having some problems my end but this is irrelevant to below. I don't know if any of you spoke to him, he was a member on this forum....and he hasnt been on in ages, due to the fact i found out the forum user [u]jimmypreston[/u] died January 28th. You may not recognise the name but perhaps if i said he was extremely dyslexic that might ring a bell? I only found out 2 nights ago as he usually txts me every couple of days and i was a bit curious why he hadn't after 2 weeks so I called up his house.... I became quite close mates after speaking to him on here. We got talking after I found out about his dyslexia. After quite a while of constant MSN'age and txts he told me he was eager to learn more bass. Being from the Channel Islands there wasn't much in the term of live music venues compared to where I live so he packed his bass and stayed with me for a week. Literally when he arrived we grabbed some 'London' grub and we went out with our basses! I got him jamming in several open mic nights and even at a gig with a 1 night makeshift temporary cover band! I've never heard Thin Lizzy ina punk/metal way before, and they played it off pretty well. The place was packed solid, he got free booze and even a bit of cash! I must say he left at the end of that week with red sore hands, a severe hangover and couldn't speak! He told me that was the best time of his life he ever had. I even gave him one of my protoype basses to take home with him because he just glared at it....and literally a life time supply of strings the cheeky sod! Must of done me out of 10 packs! He was really polite and curtious, even offered me the money he got out of the gig as 'rent', cleaned the house like crazy (couldn't stop him!) and I even woke up one morning to find him cleaning my basses when he was cleaning his. Because of his dyslexia and stutter people used to mock him constantly. He got it at school constantly, could not get a proper full time job and even had his house terrorised a few time by thugs outside. The police are keeping this extremely low key due to family wishes but after speaking to his sister on the phone they are treating it as suicide (i think overdose on painkiller drugs and alcohol). He reminded me of Gareth Gates...he stuttered near enough every word but when he sung there was none at all and he actually had a pretty decent voice. When he was here NOT ONE of my mates took the mick out of him, had a few people at a couple of the venues try it on but when I tell them how far I believe a Fender Jazz neck can go up a colon they soon back off. I thought I would post this on here for a) to people to realise what prejudice can do b ) i know somebody on this forum did take the piss out of him - FEEL BAD ONE OF THE REASONS HE STOPPED COMING ON HERE WAS DUE TO YOU and c ) just if he had made any other mates on here if they didn't know now they would. What has really upset me is that one of my female mates actually liked him for his sweet nature, and he was due to come back in March for a long weekend. In the short amount of time we'd known each other (only several months) he had become a good mate. Absolutely f***ing gutted. I don't know if there is going to be an open/family funeral as of yet. The police only recently released the body. All I do know is that the service isn't until the end of February and I will not know for a few more days. If it is public, I will post the details of the service on here, and I will add that person on here who took the mick out of him isn't welcome. If I see you there, we'll test my theory of a Fender Jazz neck up a colon. Even if the funeral is private, I will be asking if anybody would like to make a donation for flowers soon. If you'd like to before I ask on here, please PM me. Even if you didn't know him, just a couple of pounds out of respect for a fellow fallen bassist will be appreciated. I'll keep you updated on the details. RIP James Preston. Sorry I couldn't make your life a better place for you in time man.
  7. bumpedy bump bumpedy bump bumpedy bump. bumpedy bump! super match game super match game super match game....super match game!
  8. if i had a 1000w amp, this would already be in my car. id ebay it, you'll get £150 easy on ebay. if you havent got an ebay account ill list it for you but il want the charges paid and covered for that ebay generously give
  9. it's nice to see some christianity at the holy time of year instead of the xmas! happy christmas to you too!
  10. £225 for a hartke 350w head?!? is it gold or blessed by the pope?
  11. my main basses i worship, one of them my mother (who died) got me (my SRX700) when i was 18, and the other she requested to be got for me as soon as she died (Std USA Jazz Bass). Id protect them with my life, and that is no lie! However, my old bass cabs get thrown about and scuffed. Gives them character!
  12. pics, prices :S ?
  13. hey what are the prices of heads?
  14. welcome! and ill sell u bass have fun on the forum
  15. my gp7 (with the luminating front panel) has just started to hum realllllly loud when turned on. transformer?
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