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Everything posted by Tait

  1. I'd love a yellow jazz.
  2. Tait


    for me, gold hardware 100% of the time, and black hardware 90% of the time.
  3. [quote name='Sibob' post='719713' date='Jan 21 2010, 12:30 AM']+1 Yeah, say what you want, but she's good at what she does! And I actually have a lot of time for her [/quote] personally, i much prefer pixie lotts acoustic version of pokerface. i think pokerface is such a fantastic song, i really like it in its original pop form, i really like you me at six's pop-punk version, i think both lady gaga's acoustic version and pixie lotts acoustic version is excellent. i think its one of those songs, that no matter how you play it, its always going to be a good song really, and not a lot of songs sound good like that. one thing my dad always says as a very general rule is that if you can play the song with just an acoustic guitar and a singer and it sounds good, it tends to be a good song. i think pixie lott has proved that with poker face!
  4. that is amazingly cool. just a shame about the gothic pickguard.
  5. i think they look amazing. i was considering buying one for sale on here a while ago but didn't for some reason. they're so cool its unbelievable!
  6. [quote name='WWRRSS' post='711059' date='Jan 13 2010, 11:07 AM']Didn't the bassist from Bloodhound Gang have a flamethrower bass?[/quote] i dunno about that, but when i went to see them he downed a stupid amount of beer then puked on the stage. bowling for soup (who followed them) didnt seem too pleased. IIRC he also chained his penis to his amp and dragged it across stage, or something along those lines.
  7. [quote name='Johnston' post='710145' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:09 PM']Hi folks My first post here and to say That looks very like My hohner arbor, same headstock bridge tuners similar shape scratch plate although mine was busted many years ago! it had screws were there was once a thumb rest Although you say yours has a skinny neck mine definitely could not be described as skinny Mine too had a fender precision bass sticker on the head stock but the give away was it said hohner arbor on the neck plate. Though strangely an e mail to hohner with the serial number on the plate to try and source a scratch plate came back saying there was no such bass and the number didn't match any of their records I put a set of seymour duncan quarter pounders and a soap bar that came free when subscribing to bassist magazine on mine it looked like crap because of the busted plate bad paint job and generally because it had had so many uncareful owners but sounded great when plugged in . I have been trying to rebuild it but put it to one side as I couldn't get a plate. if you want pics of the head stock and body to compare just say.[/quote] that sounds pretty cool, i'd love to see pictures of that. shame about the missing pickguard though.
  8. i voted uncool, but i didn't realise prosebass was planning on building one! it would definatly be cool in say white with a black pickguard, or like someone else suggested earlier zebrano. its just that horrible purple and hideous pickguard (sparkly pink, the shape is pretty cool)!
  9. [quote name='keefman' post='705757' date='Jan 8 2010, 05:14 PM']yep - look forward i really want to ask around regarding cabs....[/quote] keefman, will you be bringing that ray in your avatar?
  10. my band tends to be that whoever writes the song comes up with a chord sequence or riff, shows the rest of the band, and then we all leave each other to it. we'll chip in and make suggestions, but usually its only something minor and the vast majority of the time we'll all either agree it sounds better or it sounds worse, and tbh i think if there was ever something where we disagreed about whether it sounds better or worse, it'd be the person playing that part's choice. eventually as we play the song more and more we'll realise when a bit doesnt sound right and sort it out, and eventually we have a decent song.
  11. i dunno anything about them, but i've always thought they look amazing in white!
  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='700914' date='Jan 4 2010, 08:23 PM']The later OLP models (twin humbucker & active MM22/MM23) come very close, but apart from that the only thing I can think of is the Ibanez ATK300. Also, you can always look for a second hand MM SUB model.[/quote] pretty much exactly what he said. i'd say the ATK is the closest i've ever heard, and i've owned both types of OLP and an ATK (well, my dad owned the ATK, but i lived in the same house as it).
  13. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='699791' date='Jan 3 2010, 06:31 PM']In all honesty I don't think jealousy often comes into it. It's more that "virtuoso" bass players usually play pretty inaccessible music. I can't think of any kind of music that routinely features bass guitar as a lead instrument, except 'trade show music', a cheese-heavy variety of jazz-funk. And, maybe it's just me, but I think the sound of a bass guitar played in that way is quite tiring to listen to, and quickly becomes unpleasant. If the kid next door was a master of dragging a stick across railings and did it in a supremely funky way I would still ask him to stop after a minute or so.[/quote] + about 6 billion on everything you said. its very rare that i ever comment on threads about this sort of bass player any more, because i'd say the same thing on every one - absolutely fantastic playing, but i don't want to listen to it. saying that, when my brother shows me some famous player playing a drum solo he found on the internet, i can tell its great playing (albeit i know nothing about drums), but it gets very boring very fast. i can't bear to listen to things like joe satriani or steve vai either. i think the reason is that (to me, anyway) its not a song i'm listening to. the bits don't seem to link together, as far as i can tell theres never a chorus and a verse and a proper structure, its just some guy noodling about, admittedly very well. i'd rather listen to a good song any day, with all the instruments playing parts that work, a singer, a structure etc.
  14. [quote name='basshead56' post='697881' date='Jan 1 2010, 12:54 PM']Mark Hoppus used a capo for the recording of Blink 182´s ´I Miss You´ The bassline was actually recorded twice and then filled in with a Fender Bass VI. Live he just slides-never as good as the recording.[/quote] this is interesting, where did he put the capo? doesn't he need open E for the verse? and where does he slide live? the verse is hammered on, and the chorus just plays root notes, doesn't it?
  15. my taitycaster has a 3 way switch, but thats for 2 reasons - 1) i think switches look loads cooler than knobs. 2) the bass has a precision pickup and a stingray pickup. when i built it i had a precision and a stingray (well, my dad had a stingray). i used the precision when i wanted a precision sound, and the stingray when i wanted a ray sound. i figured i'd put them both into one bass. i never planned to blend the 2 pickups, i planned it so i could use it as a ray or use it as a P. tbh i may as well have had a 2 way switch, i never use it on the centre setting at all. its always precision pickup or stingray pickup. simples.
  16. [quote name='elom' post='693530' date='Dec 25 2009, 11:51 PM']At Xmas time it can be easy to become separated from your bass. Perhaps you are staying with family, or your spouse's family? Perhaps your practice room now has an elderly aunt, mother-in-law, or your brother's entire family sleeping in it? You need a survival kit. A small package which can be discreetly stored so as to not alert too much suspicion. Here is one I made earlier: [attachment=38867:mil.jpg] On the other hand you could just take all your basses, a 4x10 and blast them out of the house for an hour or two! Merry Xmas[/quote] whenever we go to france me and my dad take pretty much exactly the same set up. same bass (same colour, too) and same little bass/headphone/mp3 gadget thingy.
  17. [quote name='Shockwave' post='430393' date='Mar 10 2009, 12:49 PM']Shame isent it? I could buy this and trace on one of mine [url="http://img15.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tokays.jpg"][/url][/quote] the one on the right looks like a bobble head
  18. [quote name='largo' post='691893' date='Dec 22 2009, 10:01 PM']I own one of them, but not the main pic P.S. As a clue, I don't play for The Stranglers or Kaiser Chiefs ![/quote] sparkly red? tasty
  19. [quote name='yorick' post='691603' date='Dec 22 2009, 03:53 PM'][b]Squier/Fender Broncos[/b]. Also Daisy Rock do a line of guitars and basses aimed at the female market, some of which if i remember correctly include short scale basses.[/quote] +1 on the broncos, i started learning when i was 11/12 (year 7 anyway) and my first bass was a bronco.
  20. you did a great job of refinishing that orange precision and that yellow squier...
  21. the bass on his homepage, does anyone here own it? thats one crazy looking beast!
  22. [quote name='hagguy' post='690893' date='Dec 21 2009, 07:05 PM']would you trade for an epiphone non reverse t-bird 5 string[/quote] are you asking simon1964 or the OP? i know for a fact simon1964 got rid of his a while ago. i expect the seller probably sold his, too!
  23. [quote name='trent900' post='686590' date='Dec 16 2009, 05:43 PM']I'm no recording expert either, old boy, but here's some first off impressions: What's the difference between, say, Downfall and Unplug and 'Any More'? Somehow Any More seems to have a much fuller, more rounded sound so if you recorded them all and can remember what you did differently I would go back to the recording technique used to Any More. Are you recording tracks separately or just doing a single live take? 1. Tone of the guitar: it is a bit, well, empty and tinny, isn't it? In previous attempts I've found two things to be handy at sorting this out: a direct out from the amp, if you can get one, and weirdly a mic [i]behind[/i] the speaker cab for the guitar. The DI gives you the full range signal without colouring from the cab and the 'behind the cab' mic gives you a bit of muffle to add to things. Complicated...but in my limited experience effective. Other than that, you may be using the wrong microphones: the ultimate classic Shure SM57 is a good one for guitars, or any decent dynamic mic, or a really good condenser. 2. Drums: definitely too quiet in Unplug. Lots of mics needed for good drum sound, and you need a special mic for the kick drum generally. Also, this sound might benefit from compression, which needn't be expensive. Check out this [url="http://homerecording.about.com/od/recordingtutorials/ss/recordingdrums.htm"]tutorial[/url], which deals with the basics. Other than these, it sounds like your drummer could give things a bit more beef. 3. Vocals: no problem with the vocals for the style, I don't think. Only thing I would say is that most of the song fits in quite a narrow vocal range... 4. Bass: again I think your bass tone is fine for the music you're playing. It cuts through quite nicely. 5. Nothing, other than one of my first questions again: this sounds recorded live in one take. That is really pretty hard to do and make sound nice, so I think for an inexperienced guy you've done a very good job. I would see if you can borrow some gear, different microphones and a compressor if you don't have one already and play with different mic arrangements etc., then if you need to invest in some new gear you can make sure it's really required before you shell out and get the right stuff. Jon[/quote] hey, thanks for the reply! i can't really think what i did differently on any more that i haven't done on downfall or unplug, but i've still got the project on my computer, and i doubt i've edited it much since then, i'll see if there is anything i did in post production i haven't done on unplug. the guitar does sound a bit empty, skankdevlar suggested adding another guitar chugging away at the roots. i can hear it now and i agree with him, a nice distorted guitar palm muting the roots. don't get me started on lining out from the amps (check my other threads in the recording section!) i'll have to try putting the mic behind the speaker though in the future. although i did aim for the guitar to be a little less heavy than in, say, any more. i could easily get it sounding darker and dirtier, but personally i dont think that heavy distorted sound suits the song. i've turned the drums up a bit, i totally agree they were too quiet. our biggest problem is atm we're using a line out from the electric drum kit. i really need to try and get my hands on some drum mics, it would completely fill out the sound and help with mixing the drums doing it that way IMO. i'll also check out that link. thanks for the comments on the vocals. the song does fit quite a narrow vocal range because, honestly, i can only handle a narrow vocal range. like i said in the original post, i'm not the worlds greatest singer, i don't really even know how i ended up singing on unplug. but it works, and i think some of the agression of the song would be lost if there was this amazing voice singing beautifully. it wasn't recorded live in one take though, we recorded each track seperatly. thanks a lot for the comments, they're greatly appreciated!
  24. [quote name='Wil' post='688404' date='Dec 18 2009, 02:49 PM']I wish they had a better looking pickguard - where the jazz control plate would sit looks plain wrong.[/quote] see i'm the complete opposite, i much prefer the one piece pickguard, but only on the mark hoppus. i dont think i'd like it on a normal jazz, but it kinda makes the mark hoppus a bit more unique. i dunno why really, but i just think the one piece on the mark hoppus is really cool.
  25. i like them both, but i think they're aimed at different target markets. take the white one, for example. i'd much prefer the white with the black pickguard atm, but i expect if i was twenty years older (making me the same age as mark hoppus is now) i'd prefer the white with tort. although at first the pickup placement looked really wrong to me, its growing on me now.
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