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Everything posted by Tait

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='686973' date='Dec 17 2009, 06:23 AM']Ever seen a good picture of Ollie? [/quote] plays a cool looking guitar though.
  2. its like a wobbly jazz. excellent!
  3. shuker course?
  4. can you find a picture of your comic book person (sorry, i don't like comics so havent a clue who she is) with a black background? my dad has a natural ray with a black pickguard, and it looks fantastic. i'm just thinking that your bass would look even cooler (IMO) if you could find a picture with a black background. although definatly what you have now, rather than before! also, thats quite a good idea. how did you do it? did you just print off the picture, cut it to the shape of the pickguard, then put it behind the clear pickguard?
  5. hey guys, my band's just put up a new song, i'm just wondering what guys think? the new song is unplug, although feel free to comment on the other 3 if you like the site is [url="http://www.myspace.com/blaqrainband"]www.myspace.com/blaqrainband[/url] if you've seen any of my other threads in the recording forum, you'll know i'm pretty new to the whole recording thing, so as well as general comments on the song, i'd like to hear comments on mixing and editing etc. so if there's something you'd have done differently, tell me! some of the things i particularly want to hear about are - 1) the tone of the guitar - i put up a thread about this a little while ago, and i'd like to think its sounding better, but any advice on getting a nicer sound when recorded? like i said in the other threads, we have no trouble getting a great tone live, but it just doesnt seem to work when we record it. 2) the drums - one thing i've realised is that i really don't know how loudly or quietly the drums should be mixed. i've always seen the drums as a tool for the other musicians, keep them in time, keep a rythm etc. but when it comes to mixing, i have no idea if i'm making the drums too loud or quiet. i'm just having a listen to it now, and i suspect the drums may be a little too quiet in unplug. have a listen to the other songs too, see what you think. 3) my voice - i'm singing lead vocals on unplug. i'm not our lead vocalist (although i'm singing on 2 out of the 4 songs on our myspace!) and i really don't see myself as a good singer. the first song i sang on (its called any more, its on the myspace) we chose me because both the drummer (my brother) and the lead guitarist agreed my voice suited the song more, so i didn't mind singing that one, if it was better for the song. but the reason i sing this one is because the lead singer hadn't learnt the lyrics and it was only a week before our next gig, so we decided since i wrote the song and knew the lyrics by heart, i'd sing it for the gig, and... well, i've sung this song ever since. so i'd really like comments on the singing, good or bad comments, either way. just be honest. 4) the tone of the bass - just as a matter of interest really, what do you think of my tone, both from a bassist's point of view and from a sound engineer's point of view? i realise, live at least, some tones just don't work with the rest of the band, even though they may when you're just playing by yourself. i assume this applies with recording? 5) anything else you want to comment on really. i'm inexperienced, i don't really know what to look out for with these things. any advice/constructive criticism on either the song or the recording/mixing etc. is welcomed!
  6. [quote name='gnasher1993' post='680693' date='Dec 10 2009, 09:31 PM']Any of you folks got a problem with a 16 year old joining in? Thought I best check...[/quote] i'm 17, i'll be there. sam (budgetbassist) is only 18 or 19, too. i expect there'll be other people our age there, too.
  7. Tait


    ATKs are beautiful basses. they do amazing stingray impressions, and decent precision impressions. they're not as smooth or versatile as the SR500, but they're definatly more of a rock bass. although i love my SR500 to bits and would never sell it, i've got to say if i had never owned it and had to choose one now, i'd go for the ATK. it depends what music you play, if you're a jazz man, then i'd steer clear of the ATK. if you play punk or rock, then definatly give the ATK300 a try, see what you think. however, just so you know, the ATK has a much thicker neck. precision width(ish). also, they're quite heavy, compared to the ibanez they are ridiculously heavy (although i did have the 5 string ATK whereas i have the 4 string SR500). play one, try it out, see what you think!
  8. only one i have a name for is my taitycaster. and thats because there is no other name for it, i built it myself, its not a copy of any bass, and so it needed a name! and taitycaster isnt a human name, its just a spin of telecaster because its kind of telecaster shaped and my surname is tait. all the others in the house are "the precision" or "the shuker" or "the ibanez" etc.
  9. £50 for used headphones? erm... if you say so...
  10. i always assumed on any pickup the ideal distance is as close as you can get without making a clicking sound because your string is hitting the pickup when you play?
  11. [quote name='bassjamm' post='675177' date='Dec 5 2009, 06:53 PM']Yeah, I've had a Ray, it was a bit more aggressive than what I'm thinking here. But I had a feeling that the Thunderbirds were going to be the Daddy's here. I think I need to get my hands on some Gibson basses, or how do the Epiphone's sound in comparison?[/quote] i'd try the epis out, they're great basses. if i were you i'd try them both and decide whether the gibson is worth the extra cash, personally i can't imagine that they are, but you might think so.
  12. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='674994' date='Dec 5 2009, 03:25 PM']My ibby sr500 sounds very thick - have had to work hard to get away from that, even with single coils it has a monstrous lower midrange! Much 'fatter' than a Fender. I think it's the wood combinations used. Consider trying some basses made of that asian mahogany as it seems to have the tone you're after. Lots of the Jap actives have a thicker lower-mid punch than the trad Fender tones.[/quote] +1, my ibanez sr500 can really sound awesome, its an amazing bass! i had an epiphone thunderbird, but i sold it because it really wasn't the sound i was looking for. however, it sounds like it could be perfect for you, very low and bassy, with a lot of presence. i guess you could say it was quite agressive sounding. my problem with it was it didn't sound "crisp" enough for me, i like a bright sound, personally. as for a rick, having played my dads precision and my dads rick, i'd say a precision has a lot more punch and bass personally. i play in a rock band, with a couple of quite heavy songs in the set, and if i had to choose one, i'd pick the precision over the rick (for sounds - the rick looks WAY cooler) every time. although again thats personal tastes, tbh i'd pick the stingray over either out of all my dad's basses, and i wouldn't say a stingray is what you're after. but yeah, for what you're looking for, i'd definatly say the precision will do a better job of it than a rick. another thing you might think of is a little bit of distortion? not much, but a little there can make a HUGE difference! i often do that when recording, add just a little distortion, still enough that you'd call it a clean sound, but it just adds a little rumble. the actual distortion is disguised by the distortion guitars (which i assume if you're playing rock, the guitarists will be using distortion), but it adds to the tone. just another option you might consider. also, bear in mind it might not be the "bass frequencies" you want to up on your amp. you'll get a quite smooth tone, like a double bass, if you up your bass frequencies. i find raising my low mids is a lot more effective at getting a rumble than raising my bass frequencies.
  13. wouldve been oasis in like 2004ish i feel so young
  14. tbh you'll do well to get any better than the ibanez for its price. its an absolutely beautiful bass, very light, very slim neck, exceptionally versatile, IMO looks 100 times better than the cort. although like Jay said, give them both a try, see which feels right for you. in fact, set yourself a price limit and try everything in the shop within that price limit, you might find that although the ibanez and cort sound like your sort of thing, something completely different might suprise you and be much more what you're looking for. theres no harm in trying something different, anyway, and i cant imagine shop keepers will mind if you make it clear that you're actually looking to buy.
  16. thanks a lot guys! thats pretty much exactly what i want!
  17. hey, first of all i'm fairly certain this is probably in the wrong section, but i don't know where the right section is. so sorry about that! does anyone have a link to a decent tuner that i can download for my computer? it can either be its own program, or maybe there is a VST plugin that might do the job? its just for when i'm recording, i'll already have my guitar plugged into the computer so i can just bring up the tuner and check i'm all in tune. its got to be free, too, i'm not paying for it. thanks a lot!
  18. [quote name='maxrossell' post='660912' date='Nov 21 2009, 12:19 PM']My guitar player and I are looking at sorting out a pub-rock standards set because we've been offered some fairly serious revenue from it. What do you guys think are good rock standards of the sort that your average pub audience (and crucically pub landlords) will want to hear, and that could be pulled off well with two acoustics and one vocal?[/quote] wonderwall!
  19. thats a pile of rubbish! i'll tell you what, i'll be generous, i'll give you £20 for it! nah, i have no idea what it is, obviously burns-baldwin but you already knew that. its really, really cool though!
  20. its not exactly a nice looking bass, but i've seen a hell of a lot worse.
  21. you've probably thought of this already, but won't changing the position you have the bass on the strap help a fair bit? its a shame you have to sell this, it's lovely! mind you, that bass obbm has offered is a bit tasty too!
  22. hopefully simon1964 and i will be there sunday.
  23. i miss that beast! fancy giving it to me mate? i have a twix in my college bag, it might be a little squished up, but it'll taste alright. want a trade?
  24. tbh i dont think it makes much of a difference. i have tiny hands and love a precision width neck. but you can't beat an ibnez soundgear if you want a skinny neck.
  25. have you decided on which one's which yet? i'd say if the fretless is ebony, it has to be black, and the fretted white. other than that either way round works.
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