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Everything posted by Tait

  1. [quote name='bigjohn' post='646208' date='Nov 5 2009, 01:27 PM']Doesn't the natural come with a scratchplate?[/quote] so does this... squier do a sonic blue '54 reissue(ish). the mike dirnt is also this shape and comes in solid colours, however its got a rosewood fretboard and a normal split precision bass pickup.
  2. that hoppus is looking a bit beat up! lovely looking bass though!
  3. i'm broke but one day I WILL OWN ONE OF THESE! good luck with the sale!
  4. [quote name='thodrik' post='645777' date='Nov 4 2009, 10:15 PM']I'm pretty sure that there has been a Mark Hoppus bass out. I think it was a Fender Mexican(Japan maybe?) thing with the body of a jazz bass and the neck of a precision. Wasn't that much more expensive than what is being charged for the Johnston bass in this thread. Unless I imagined it having ever existed![/quote] no, there is. its about £500. that was my point. they should do a cheaper squier version for us teens who can't afford that. although i agree, if it would be a similar price to the james johnston bass, there wouldnt be any point. although reading back i admit i didnt make it clear. i'll edit my original post to be clearer.
  5. i've said for a while now the next signature bass squier need to bring out is squier version of the mark hoppus bass. think about it. blink 182's target audience is teenagers. how many teenagers have £500 spare to spend on a bass (like the fenders cost)? is there a similar, cheaper bass to the fender mark hoppus out? nope. you either have a precision or a jazz. and you dont get many squiers in the same bright colours as the mark hoppus jazz either. squier missed a perfect opportunity as well, they could have brought one out just for blink getting back together, or for the start of their new tour. the next best time will be when the new album comes out, i'm just hoping someone at fender thinks of this by then!
  6. doesnt matter if they make a difference to the sound. they look awesome!
  7. [quote name='Rich' post='644232' date='Nov 3 2009, 10:53 AM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=63547&hl=shuker+course"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...l=shuker+course[/url] [/quote] like i said in the last thread, feel free to PM me. you can see my build thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=15736&hl=shuker+course"]here[/url], thats got some information on it.
  8. just to add my two pence, don't bother getting a fretless if you don't feel the need for it. i very rarely ever play fretless, and when i do i play about 3 songs then get bored and go back to fretted. i'm a fairly competent fretless player, but tbh for the music i play fretless just isnt necessary and i like a clicky trebly tone than i can't achieve on a fretless. so i'd say get a fretless for the right reasons, and not just because you like the idea of a fretless.
  9. i prefer the copy. i think its the chrome hardware.
  10. bass -> amp for me. but its an active bass, so i guess its really bass -> preamp -> amp. no effects for our guitarist either. he just has an overdriven and a clean channel thats he's programmed into his amp, and has a channel select footswitch.
  11. ahhh i just joined an acoustic band, this would be perfect! but i've not got the cash good luck with the sale!
  12. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='636393' date='Oct 25 2009, 07:13 PM']Depends on what you like & dislike about your current bass, your budget and any number of factors. If your current bass is the basic affinity and you want something similar but better, you might benefit from having a look at the Vintage modified or Classic Vibe Squiers.[/quote] +1 with the covers you named, you can't go wrong with a jazz bass tbh. so i'd give one of those play, the squier classic vibes are excellent basses. there really is no NEED to go anywhere from a squier, they're quality these days. you could go for a mexican fender, but they're not consistantly good quality and they cost a lot for a little difference between them and the squier CVs. obviously the other option is a nicer amp.
  13. it looks like one of the GSR series. probably old and they dont make it anymore if its not on the site.
  14. of a certain age?! i'm going to see them in march, i'm only 17!
  15. it occasionally does for basslines, but one time our entire band seemed to forget to play summer of 69. we just couldn't start it, we looked so foolish on stage, so told everyone it was the drummer's fault. but we had to skip it in the end, after a couple of attempts to get it started. never had that problem before or since though. and i sing one of our bands songs, i can't ever remember one of the verses, and i usually have to sing the first verse again, or we play through the verse without me singing at first and then i come in.
  16. thats a precision bass, not a jazz! cool colour though!
  17. sorry for the thread highjack! why do people recommend macs over pcs for recording? i know the studios at my college all use macs, too. whats the big difference? is it better for me to start a thread of my own? i don't want to highjack the thread. but if its a two word answer, then theres no point in starting a new thread. again, sorry for the highjack!
  18. Tait


    you don't want to rely on TAB too much anyway, i only ever use it as a sort of guideline, i see roughly where they're playing what, then i work it all out by ear. if you rely on it too much, you're screwed when you can't find a good one!
  19. Tait


    thing is, when i work out the corrections, i dont bother to tab them, because theres no need, because i've just worked it out and so i can play it without reading them.
  20. i actually really like the look of them. although i don't care how good they played, for what it is it could never be worth £400. not with things like squier CVs and ibanez SRs out there for less than that.
  21. [quote name='mrcrow' post='628251' date='Oct 16 2009, 07:50 PM']i would let someone who is a real luthier (jon) make it...then you can enjoy the crafstmanship its a little beano to do one but i dont think you would be happy with the results or resale value[/quote] completely different points. if you want a perfectly built bass, then sure, jon can do it. if you want to learn about the bass and want to have a fun week, and especially if you want something special that you can say "i built this myself" then you want the course. you wont come out with a perfect bass (although the quality is still amazing), but you'll come out with something IMO a lot more special than even a custom bass.
  22. i wish people said i sound like jaco
  23. matt, without wanting to put you off, because it really is an amazing week, have you thought about waiting a while before doing it? its just, it sounds like you don't know what you want in your bass, and trust me, this bass really is a keeper. i don't know how new to bass you are, but maybe you want to wait until you have your own technique, you know what styles you play, what pickup manufacterers make a sound you want, whether you want active/passive etc. sure, if you want to go for it now, then thats great. but its just a thought. either way, you'll love what you've made, you'll have a great time, and like others have said, jon and basschat are here to help. of course, you can't go wrong with a precision or a jazz really, and my personal favourites are seymour duncan. i also really like the EMGs in my dad's precision. also remember that if you begin to develop a taste for active basses, or you find other pickups you like or whatever, the knowledge gained from the course will allow you to swap pickups, route holes for active electronics, remove electronics etc. for yourself, and even if you don't have the confidence to do that, a local luthier or jon will be able to do it. you can even refinish the bass yourself! so the only permanent things are the body woods, the shape and the neck. you can even route it or plug holes for different shaped pickups, so if you ever take a liking to a musicman pickup. so don't worry too much about things like that. and remember jon will help you pick things like that, he knows a fair bit about basses! i've not recieved a PM from you, i don't know if you've sent it yet or not, but if you have i'm not ignoring you! voxpop, jon will give you a quote based around what you want to build. when i did the course about a year and a half ago, i think the one-to-one courses were about £950 each (that was what i was quoted, i later added another pickup to have a final price of £990. my build was fairly basic, too) and the five person courses were about £650. although now its three person courses so the prices have probably changed.
  24. [quote name='OldGit' post='627176' date='Oct 15 2009, 06:08 PM']Always makes me think of someone sowing potato seeds for some reason [/quote] haha some of my friends call me "taiterbag" which makes me think of a bag of potatoes.
  25. PMd! there are others that have done this course, if you search "shuker course" there are a few threads with people asking about the course, and a few threads from people to have done the course. although, sorry, the vast majority or threads that turn up in the search are ones where i've referred to my "shuker course taitycaster" in a reply.
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