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Everything posted by Tait

  1. hi, check out my band's first 3 recordings, we've been together a couple of years now but haven't done any recording yet. i'm the only one who's ever done any messing around with that sort of thing, so i did all of the editing, mixing, adding effects and stuff, they just plugged in and played. oh, just so you know, we recorded "downfall" before that thread on recording overdriven guitar i started, so the guitar sounds pretty naff, but we plan on recording that and the vocals again soon. [url="http://www.myspace.com/blaqrainband"] www.myspace.com/blaqrainband[/url] of course i'm interested in what you think of the songs, but theres some more specific things i'm interested in getting feedback about. 1) what do you think of the lyrics to "End of the World"? i really hate them, i think they're cheesy and rubbish, but it was our first song we ever wrote and none of the rest of the band want to change them for better lyrics. and for the same reasons we dont want to drop it. 2) what do you think of the synth solo in "Any More"? i put it in as a joke when i realised the guitarist had gone home without recording a guitar solo for it, thinking we will just record a guitar solo later, but then both the drummer and guitarist decided they like it and want to keep it. i dont have a problem with a solo, but i don't think it fits the song at all. 3) what do you think of the general mixing and recording (with the exception of downfall, as i said, we plan to redo that)? mostly "Any More", as thats the one i put most effort into and i personally think is the best one. 4) what do you think of the guitar tones (again with the exception of downfall)? as you may have seen in the "recording overdriven guitar" thread, i've had a lot of trouble with that, and i'd really appreciate any advice. 5) and finally, what about the vocals on "Any More"? i sang on that, and i'm not exactly the world's greatest singer i just wondered if you think they're passable or not? any advice or feedback at all would be greatly appreciated!
  2. its not that epic, quite a lot of people on here have done it. i'd have a look through the different forums (mainly build diaries but search the others as well), see who's done it, read their threads about it and if you have any specific questions you can't find the answer either PM one of the people that has done it, i'm sure no one will mind giving you advice, and if they don't know they can probably tell you the name of someone who helped thm out when they were defretting for the first time, or ask here! if i remember right my dad managed to do it ok ages ago, and he's not exactly handy with the tools although i probably shouldn't say that cos he'll almost definatly read this thread!
  3. [quote name='purpleblob' post='590737' date='Sep 5 2009, 03:37 PM']Any thoughts on the 10,000 year old mammoth ivory nut ? Not an option I tend to see from other luthiers [/quote] bah, a nuts a nut.
  4. [quote name='lowdown' post='590720' date='Sep 5 2009, 03:19 PM']First of all. When you get to the page - press the union jack! thats usually for English.[/quote] oops, i didnt notice that! [quote name='lowdown' post='590720' date='Sep 5 2009, 03:19 PM']Its a VSTi, thats what you said you are after. Independence is a sampler that loads up high quality samples [provided] But you can use just as a rompler [and its easy to use] just like loading presets. Not sure what DAW you are using, But it will show up after installation. Yes a .dll file, but that is automatically directed to your VST folder on programme installation. Some small .dll files can be copied to your VST folder manually, But software that comes with an installer, usually sets the path for .dll on the installation. Hope this helps. Garry[/quote] ok, thanks, i'm downloading it now. i'm using reaper, so hopefully it'll show up where its supposed to. once its downloaded i'll have a good play around with it. thanks!
  5. ok, its pretty hideous, but its not THAT bad. i think the worst part is the inlay to be honest. closely followed by the gold hardware (but that applies on any bass ever, gold hardware = BAD).
  6. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='589278' date='Sep 3 2009, 11:48 PM']I will be picking it up Saturday 19th September! [/quote] great! itll be at the SE bash then hopefully (hint hint )!
  7. [quote name='YouMa' post='590303' date='Sep 5 2009, 12:40 AM']Mate to be honest you get what you pay for.There is a hell of a difference sound wise between a top vst synth and a free one,i have been working with them for years and it is worth the the investment if you want to go down this route.Think about the difference between an 80s bontempi and an 80s roland juno,its the same difference in software,i love high end vsts. Some free stuff is ok but if you want to do this well you must get a decent soundcard and decent software,or people will know,believe me. If you need help vst wise pm me some are a lot more bang for your buck than others.[/quote] thing is, at the moment anyway, i don't want to go down this route, not seriously. its just something to mess around with, i'm not bothered about getting a great sound, i was simply asking because when i search for free VSTi downloads theres loads of them, i figured i might as well ask and see if there are any people recommend before i download one that i might end up disappointed with. [quote name='Stewart' post='590318' date='Sep 5 2009, 01:10 AM']There is no shortage of great VST stuff - here's a source of some goodies - mostly freeware. In particular, check out Antti's ASynth and Taurus.[/quote] hi, sorry, i might be completely misunderstanding your post, but did you mean to post a link there? you said here's a source of some goodies but you didnt say where. thanks! [quote name='lowdown' post='590366' date='Sep 5 2009, 07:56 AM'][b]Independence free sampler[/b]... Its a free sampler with about 2 gig of sounds,and they are as good as they get. Hefty download, but it is free! You can add to the library as you go, [ you pay for the extra library's if you need them] But more than enough to get you going. Superb. [url="http://www.yellowtools.us/cp21/cms/index.php?id=842"]http://www.yellowtools.us/cp21/cms/index.php?id=842[/url] Garry[/quote] that link leads to the news page, did you mean [url="http://www.yellowtools.us/cp21/cms/index.php?id=892"]this[/url]? the independace free 2.5? does this work the same way as a .dll plugin, you put it into the right folder for you DAW software? my german ist sehr schlect (although i'm suprised at how much i understand on that page ), so i'm not sure how it works, i'd rather get an explaination i fully understand, rather than odd words and phrases that i understand on the website. thanks!
  8. [quote name='Mikey R' post='590140' date='Sep 4 2009, 08:42 PM']56. Mikey R: Shuker course P Bass[/quote] ooh yes please!
  9. thanks, a useful link that. but still, its just lists of VSTi's, which i could've found by myself. any specific ones you'd recommend?
  10. depends what model, as far as i know ibanez 200 doesn't exist. i'd guess at it being a GSR200, theyre the most common ones i can think of. if it is ths GSR200, then i'd estimate at about £100, but i might be way off, wait for someone who's sold or bought one second hand in the past to come along and tell you what they bought/sold theirs for.
  11. ooh very nice, i dont usually like sunburst (too boring, i dont dislike it though) but sunburst really looks great on this bass!
  12. hi, i'm just wondering if anyone has any links to any free VSTi's that might some in handy when i'm messing with MIDI? i'm not looking for anything serious or professional, just for messing around with when i'm using a MIDI sequence. i'm not looking for anything i won't ever use either, like a didgeridoo or something, but maybe a decent sounding guitar, bass, keyboard, maybe a violin, cello, double bass, grand piano, things that i could actually use. although if there is anything completely weird, a link to that would be pretty fun anyway cheers, tait.
  13. may as well add my name too i guess, me and my dad should be coming. 01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, Wal Pro2e, BC Rich Eagle, Fender Jazz V Deluxe, plus my recently acquired Eden Metro Rig 02. Merton: Status Retroactive, Mikey's Singlecut Fanned-Fret Prototype, LH500 and Barefaced Vintage 03. OBBM: StRay5, MB F1, UL212, something else. 04. Hamster: BFM Omni15 tallboy, Barefaced Compact, Fender P with Thumper & Villex PTB 05. Alex Claber: '87 Warwick Streamer, RIM Custom 5 with 36" scale and Q-Tuners, Avalon U5/QSC PLX3002, GB Shuttle 6.0, Barefaced Compact, Big One, Midget, Midget T, maybe Big Baby. 06. Johnnylager: Spector Euro 4LX, KSD Jazz, LH-1000, Barefaced Big Juan, DHA Custom Shop VT2-Twin-EQ-Bass with Tech Tube valves & whatever other effects I have at the time. 07. Happy Jack: Lightwave Sabre VL, Hofner 500/1 (1964), Hofner 500/5 (1959), PJB Bass Buddy + headphones. 08. MacDaddy. Custom Shuker (hopefully!) and possibly Hamer Blitz or Iceni Zoot. 09. Stingrayfan: G&L Tribute L2000, Yamaha BB614, Westone Thunder 1A, Hartke LH500, Warwick 4x10 10. Chris B 11. Cetera: Pre-Kramer Spector NS-2, Wal Mk1 Fretless, Fender/AllParts 70's Jazz, Tech21 Landmark600, GenzBenzNEOX212T 12. Andyonbass. ACG Recurve, ACG J-Type, Pair of BFM Omni 10.5's 13. Waynepunkdude Fender Jazz, SX P Bass, DHA-DI-EQ & Ampeg SVT 5 Pro 14. Jakesbass Alembic MK5 Deluxe, German Blockless Wonder 1880 Double Bass (and the '78 Jazz if anyone wanted a go) 15. 51m0n (& Plux if he's not gigging): Bergantino AE410, MarkBass sa450, Focusrite Compounder, Roscoe Century Std V, (If Plux isnt gigging) Berg HT210, HT115, Hartke LH500 16. Floyd Pepper - Markbass LMK, Bergantino HT112 & EX112, Stingray '91 2eq, Lakland DJ4, Stagg EDB, Epiphone Jack Casady and a Fender '54 RI Precision 17. davidmpires - Markbass F1, Barefaced Compact, Spector Euro LX 5, T-Bass by Status 18. peted - Warwick Thumb BO 4, Hartke HA3500, BFM Omni 10, Aphex Bass Xciter, Shuker Singlecut 6 fanned fret (if it's ready by then, but I'm not holding my breath) 19. Platypus - Alleva Coppolo Jazz 5, Celinder Jazz 4 fretless, Tecamp Puma 1000 + Tecamp M212 cab 20. Prosebass - Current Builds at the time, Hofner S7B, Laptop , sequencing software , + amp and cab 21. Monz - Stingray 5 (la bella flats) Matamp GT200, Simms-Watt PA 100, Matamp 8x10 + Whatever else I have bought buy then 22. Alien - Schecter Stiletto 4, Peavey Grind 6, Hartke HA7000, Alien Audio 2x10 + other toys. 23. EssentialTension: Lakland Skyline Decade, Fender Tony Franklin Fretless Precision (and who knows what else) 24. silddx - Warwick Corvette $$ 4, Warwick Corvette Standard Ash active fretless 4, POD X3 Live, (I am praying I won't have it by then, but I will bring the Kopo Lina fretless 4 if I do!) 25. Phil_the_bassist: MMSR5 w/JE preamp, Sandberg Cali JM, Steinberger synapse5 w/ extra pup, various fuzz pedals and envelope filters, whatever amp I happen to own by then. 26. Stingray5 - My StingRay5, StingRay fretless and Tune TWB-6 plus any other basses in my signature pic if people let me know. I also have an Aria AMB-50B acoustic bass if anyone fancies a go? Could also bring my GT6-B. Plus ('cos it's small) a BLX-80 combo. And some cans...? 27. Urb - 1 x Sei 5 String Single Cut - 1 x Sei 4 string Jazz bass - EBS and Boss pedals 28. dave.c - Spector Rebop 4DLX EX, Spector NS2000-4, Gibson SGZ,Hartke LH500, Hartke Hydrive 410 29. WalMan - Wal Pro1/Custom conversion, G&L L2500 US, MarkBass CMD121H, Epifani 1x12 (not the neo one but I can't remember the initials just at the mo), Bass Pod xT Pro, Marshall SuperBass 100 head 30. Bottle - Ibanez ATK-305NT, Gallien-Krueger MB2-500, EBS Pro-line 4x10 31. Nancy Johnson (Paul) - Waterstone TP-12 Tom Petersson 12-String bass. Tech 21 Landmark 300/Ashdown MAG 4x10/Ashdown MAG 1x15 32. Beedster: Fender, Fender, Fender, Fender, Fender, Fender..and Markbass!. 33. pete.young: Burman Pro 4000 and a Dean Bromberg B2, which has an unusual Piezo bridge pickup 34. coasterbass: Mesa 1x15 RR, Mesa 4x10, Ampeg SVP and Eden WP100 preamps 35. sixshooter: 55P bass Sonic Blue Relic, 59P bass original Sunburst, 59P bass Custom Shop relic Mary Kaye, 79P bass original but upgraded Black, Modulus 6 Oteil Burbridger 36. Jean Luc Pickguard: couple of Ashborys, an NS-design CR5M & danelectro longhorn 37. Deaver: El Maya or the Prosebass Humbucker Fretless 38. Jack London: GK1001RBII and Simnett 39. ped: Vigier S2 fretted/S3 fretless, Roland Vbass, SWR 4x8/1x15, noname 1u poweramp if it doesn't explode beforehand, phone, keys, wallet 40. bythesea: Overwater Perception 5 41. Walbassist: Wal Mk III (spalted maple) fretted 5, Rick Turner Renaissance Bass fretted 5, Veillette Archtop Bass fretless 5, Brook Otter fretted 5 ABG 42. dannybuoy: Peavey T-40 & pedalboard 43. bassace: double bass 44. barneyG42: Status Series1, and possibly me Hartke 3500 45. Johngh: Fender MIJ Jazz 75 reissue. Shuker Headless 6er and Status S2 Classic 6er headless. 46. Clarky: Shuker JJ Burnel and Mesa Walkabout 47. Stylon Pilson: £10, a Hartke LH500 and a Barefaced Compact. And probably a fretless Aria Sinsonido 48. Xzantes: Conklin Groove tools 7 string fretless 49. sdgrsr400: Lākland Skyline 55-02 Deluxe, Glockenklang Soul II, Acme B2-ii 50. woolz: ABM ashdown evoIII 575w head, peavey cab. ibanez sr20th, few pedals. 51. Paul S: Fender Jaguar, Hohner B2A; Trace Elliot AH300-12, 1153, 2103H 52. Bubinga 5: Fender Jazz custom shop custom Classic, Stingray 5, Sei Jazz 5, Ostinato Jazz, Fender Jazz 5, Cort Elrick 5, Aguilar 53. eshears: Pedulla Rapture J2, Lakland DPLEII (Darkstar P-bass), Genz-Benz Shuttle 6.0, Barfaced Compact, Pedalboard (Deep Impact, Supercollider, Ultra Fuzz, Discumbobulator, Small Stone, Dd-6) 54. Budget Bassist: warwick corvette $$ 55. tait: shuker course taitycaster, possibly an ibanez SR500 if anyone's interested in that? is anyone interested in an ibanez SR500? there probably won't be much room in the car if me, my dad and budgetbassist have to fit in there, so theres no point in me bringing it if no one's going to play it. i'm happy to bring it if people are though.
  14. looks like ice blue metallic to me, not daphne blue.
  15. erm... stock basses i'd say either the ibanez SR series or a stingray. but my taitycaster is my favourite bass.
  16. [quote name='Kev' post='587497' date='Sep 2 2009, 02:10 PM']really? you might have a fit then if you try an original [/quote] in all fairness i don't use it live and when i use it for recording i double track, one clean track and one distorted track thats about 75% of the volume of the clean track. it just gives my bass a bit of rumble when i need it. so i don't use it as a full on distortion like you may be.
  17. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='587722' date='Sep 2 2009, 05:29 PM']what does "owt" stand for? also what does "WHY" stand for in this forum???? kinda off topic but hey ho[/quote] owt is slang for anything. why means why also, pinned in the welcome section is a thread on forum abbreviations, if you have any more difficulties you can check that.
  18. i love mine...
  19. i hate being broke. well done, i now have GAS!
  20. my taitycaster has them the other way round because these were my thoughts exactly. problem is i have no idea how much of a difference it makes because my taitycaster's active, which i expect makes more of a difference to the sound.
  21. very cool! and £200 seems a great price, i'm sure this won't be on here long
  22. where are the fenders?
  23. [quote name='lozbass' post='584311' date='Aug 29 2009, 09:25 AM']Just love that and may have a punt - shell pink and sonic blue are two of Fender's finest colours IMO[/quote] +1, shame i have no cash, or i'd have that.
  24. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='581915' date='Aug 26 2009, 09:29 PM']Tallent boost pedal that actually works would be ideal. They already have one for guitar called BOS overdrive, turn it up full so you cant figure out what notes your playing and go crazy[/quote] that method works even better with bass, haven't you ever tried it?
  25. [quote name='thedonutman' post='581994' date='Aug 26 2009, 11:01 PM']When I don't want to fire up the ENGL I use a couple of VSTs in Cubase. I mainly use this one: [url="http://sites.google.com/site/nickcrowlab/"]http://sites.google.com/site/nickcrowlab/[/url] That emulates the preamp and poweramp and then I run Voxengo Boogex next in the chain which is a cab simulation. [url="http://catharsis.supremepixels.com/impulses/"]http://catharsis.supremepixels.com/impulses/[/url] <- I usually use those impulses It's a 100% free and it sounds surprisingly good, here's a little clip of some Opeth [url="http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/867382/Full.mp3"]http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/867382/Full.mp3[/url][/quote] hi, i've been messing with that nick crow VST and it's alright, but i struggle to find a nice sound. still, it's nicer than any other digital distortion VST i've messed with, so i'll keep working on it. whats voxengo boogex? another VST? where can i get it from? will it improve the sound of a previously recorded overdriven guitar that's been DI'd rather than mic'ed? what are impluses? i'll mess around with them at some point over the next few days, but can you give me a rough explaination of what they are please? are they just with recording, or do you have impluses playing live? if you have them live, i guess the ones in the link are digital ones made to emulate it or something? i'll have a listen to that Opeth track tommorow cheers, Luke.
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