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Everything posted by Tait

  1. Tait


    [quote name='simon1964' post='197343' date='May 12 2008, 05:54 PM']Yes - I bought one a couple of months ago. I really like it. Nice playable neck, and a bit of a Stingray vibe to the sound. Bloody heavy though![/quote] +1 to everything my dad said... but then, its the same bass that we're talking about - my dad's - so i would agree...
  2. thanks a lot moody, there were some interesting basses there. i know its already been said - but that pedulla was just great!
  3. thomann is in germany, i dont think you have to pay imports because its part of the EU (could be wrong). they stock barts.
  4. that reminds me of a musicman sabre mixed with a gibson grabber mixed with a precision. i like.
  5. thats sooo nice! ive never seen one like it. its not even the black and chrome one with a rosewood fretboard with the pickguard changed to a black one (like i was expecting), because its got black hardware. i hope they bring a four string version of this out as a stock standard.
  6. what are the controls there? and what pickups are they (they have some sort of writing on them, is it a brand name?)? im guessing its passive, too?
  7. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='195911' date='May 10 2008, 11:47 AM']I joined another band a few weeks ago ( Chasingamy ) playing Lizzy, ACDC etc and we have about an hours worth of material that is sounding somewhere between excellent and "improving" We have just been asked by the Football Club we use as a free practice venue to play next Sat night at their end of season do. We have said we will do it and could do with a few quick gains ( ie easy to learn and hard to get them wrong type of songs ) The lead guitarist is also new ( but superb and a very quick learner ) Hope you can help with a few ideas Tony[/quote] back in black and highway to hell go down well with our band, and they dont take long to get right. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='196026' date='May 10 2008, 03:46 PM']You could easily knock off [i]Walk This Way[/i] (Aerosmith) and [i]Paradise City[/i] (Guns'n'Roses) if you have vocalists who can sing high and remember words.[/quote] haha yeah, they're pretty easy to get right. a couple of months back i played a gig and played both of these songs, and i didnt rehearse with either of the bands (a different band for each song... and they were people id never played with before) until the morning before the gig. even then we only ran through them both twice, sounded great on the night though. [quote name='markytbass' post='196102' date='May 10 2008, 05:22 PM']Teenage kicks Blitzkrieg bop Ever fallen in love[/quote] all brilliant songs!
  8. [quote name='Alien' post='196105' date='May 10 2008, 05:25 PM']I wouldn't touch any of the three with the wet end of a sh*tty stick.[/quote] i would, if only to see the way they reacted.
  9. i used to have a five string. they're great basses, well built and everything, but they're also crying out for an active circuit to be put in them IMO. i don't know why they make the OLP passive...
  10. basically this isnt getting played much, but i dont really want to sell it either. just thought i'd see how much it'd go for if i did sell it. its a squier black and chrome precision, and i've put seymour duncan quarter pounders and a BADASS on. its also got a mexican fender neck, but i probably wouldnt sell that if i did sell the bass anyway. so how much would it sell for? and would the mexican neck make much difference to the price it'd sell for (the squier neck being jazz width and saying squier, the fender neck being precision width and saying fender. the squier neck has also got a painted headstock)? [attachment=8574:bass.JPG] [attachment=8575:DSC02059a.JPG] (the pics were taken before i put the seymour duncans in) heres a link to the squier site with specs: [url="http://squierguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0321503506"]squier black and chrome[/url] im taking it to the nottingham bash tommorow if anyone wants to play it or have a look at it
  11. flea on "charlie". the bit where it goes to just bass and drums.
  12. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='194817' date='May 8 2008, 05:00 PM']Bring your telebass, I didnt get to have a play when I was at your house. Still dont know if I can make it yet, if im not drunk/hungover when I wake up ill be there.[/quote] yeah, im definatly bringing the "taitycaster" and my SR500. dunno bout my precision, depends if i can be bothered.
  13. has anyone thats going got that Yamaha BB with the humbucking pickup at the front? i think its the BB 714? i wouldn't mind hearing how one of those sound and how they are to play.
  14. [quote name='jono b' post='193598' date='May 7 2008, 07:56 AM']He only plays finger-style too.[/quote] you serious? i sometimes have have trouble playing that fast with a pick!
  15. on the rating things, how is quality for price range different to value?
  16. [quote name='JoeS' post='191620' date='May 4 2008, 03:15 PM']I think Ian Grushka must have been said already because Jono called it right on the last page. He's not very good.[/quote] o yeah, and i'd said it on the page before lol. i think he's quite good, he puts a lot of small fills and moves around a lot, even if it is just moving around on the major and pentatonic scales, its more than most in that genre do. i think hes undderated because everyone thinks he just follows roots like all punk bassists, but he really doesnt.
  17. tha viking series is cool! if i played double bass... lol
  18. have all moduluses got a really long waiting list to buy new, or just the flea?
  19. i still think a chrome one would look best. im liking the idea of black, too. IMO you dont want anythign that'll draw the eyes away from the finish, and something thats really different will do just that.
  20. so something a bit like this (only better): [attachment=8420:001.jpg] im not very good at paint lol.
  21. that pickguard would look good in a sort of burst finish, so spraying the outsides with a fairly tight fade, and spray the control cavity and the pickup cavity bit with a fairly tight fade. of course, if you're doing and black fades it'd also make sense to spray the insides of both cavities black, especially if you're airbrushing because there might be small holes you dont notice at the time, but when you put it on you might see the purple beneath. just an idea.
  22. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='190797' date='May 2 2008, 07:17 PM']Is that pencil MIM or American? It's not clear... [/quote] nah, its a bit of jap crap.
  23. i cant see the problem. he doesnt say it definatly is a 70s lawsuit bass, just he thinks it might be. what difference does it make anyway, tbh? its about the bass, not what decade its from. and if you want a 70s lawsuit bass that badly, look it up first. and of course he's going to imply its better than OLP, he wants to sell the bass. no ones going to buy it if he says its a crap bass, and its mcuh worse than an OLP. for all you know, it could even be better than the OLP. its a matter of opinion anyway, which bass is better. its not even like the starting bid was that high.
  24. a few months ago now my dad bought a double bass. i mess around on it fairly often, i can jam along to the blues with my dad and stuff so im not awful, but im no where near as good as i'd like to be. i think i got the technique about right, the bass is a little bit tall for me because its set to my dads height, but other than that i dont think im doing anything wrong technique wise. i think my problem is that apart from jamming with my dad and brother sometimes, all i can plya is i miss you by blink 182 lol. so what sort of stuff do you play when playing double bass to help you improve?
  25. a while ago i saw (i think in bass guitar magazing) some guy who played double bass in a punk band and he had a cool double bass that was black and white checked. if i remember rightly he was using a wizard thumper (it was definatly some precision pup anyway) on a stick, with the wiring going into a sound hole and a jack at one of the sides. i cant remember exactly how he did it... i might have to look it up.
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