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Everything posted by Tait

  1. The schecters also the hardest to get hold of, though. Simon1964 just phoned me to suggest a Fender Precision Lyte. I've never played one, but they have a Precision neck and body, don't they? Anyway, what are your thoughts on these? EDIT: I've found a great one!!!!!! Its a Fender Precision Special.... from the year I was born! (admittedly, thats not too special since it was only 1992, but still!)
  2. following on from [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7773"]my other thread[/url] i have decided to sell [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5700"]my jazz bass[/url] and i'm considering buying one of three other basses to replace it. 1) epiphone ripper bass- i played one of these at music live and really loved it, but would probably put seymour duncans in, which leads to the schecter and the peavey maybe being better for me. 2) schecter model t- i also played on of these at music live. it was a little more expensive than the ripper and comes with a rosewood fretboard on the white (i prefer both rosewood and white basses). it also comes with seymour duncans. 3) peavey zodiac david ellefson sig.- i don't know much about these. they come with seymour duncan pups. they're are also in my opinion the coolest looking of the three. but i don't know how much one of these would cost (i haven't been bothered to find out, but it wont take long) and at the london guitar show i played a cheaper version of the zodiac and hated the neck. before i buy I'll try one out, but what do you think about these? which of these is the bass for me? if you read my previous thread you will find out what sort of music i'm into, but all you really need to know is that i'm after a p/j combo that will give a good precision sound on the front pickup as well as a good slap sound on either the back or both pickups. EDIT: would also like to add that if anyone thinks they know a better bass I'm open to suggestions. I'm not just limited to these three, but I am limited to that sort of price range.
  3. [quote name='bassboy115' post='83616' date='Nov 4 2007, 06:09 PM']watched Nate playing i think(quality btw!)[/quote] yeah, i think i watched nate playing, too. was he the one who was doing the cool thing where it recorded what he was playing then played on top of himself and again and again...? i think that was a basschatter, even if it wasn't nate.
  4. GAS... i got GAS for a schecter model t & especially those epiphone rippers. i [i]was[/i] going to get a mark hoppus jazz, but after playing that ripper...
  5. ooo, whats that white jazz shaped thing? its very nice. i like the look of that stingray, white with pearl is cool looking.
  6. yeah, i'm probably wrong. i just went over the basic details quickly such as body, pups, bridge and neck. i think that came to about £250 and i just guessed everything would cost roughly £50. i didn't take paint into account, either, which i have just realised costs quite a bit.
  7. I went to music live yesterday and I tried some stuff and have decided either a schecter model t or an epiphone ripper. they both sound great, feel great to play, and the schecter is just a bit lighter. the schecter costs a little more than the ripper. I'm going to sell [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5700"]my jazz[/url] because its too heavy to help pay for them, so which would be the better buy? heres as much as i can find about them: [url="http://www.schecterguitars.com/index.asp"]schecter model t[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/epiphone_the_ripper_bass.htm"]epiphone ripper bass[/url] does anyone have either of these? which would you get?
  8. theres the epiphone ripper out now, isn't there? i couldn't afford a gibson.
  9. [quote name='Mobius' post='82000' date='Oct 31 2007, 11:14 PM']I disagree there, i played for 3 years before i picked up bass. Certainly taught me a lot about music and theory, and the extra hand dexterity helped. It doesn't help with the basics of bass playing like fretting noted and your picking action but of course there's more to being a musician than that.[/quote] +1, even though i managed to fail grade 1 piano, it still taught me a lot for when i came to play bass. and id get him a squier bronco, that was my first bass. they're cheap and pretty decent basses.
  10. [quote name='bass_in_ya_face' post='62345' date='Sep 18 2007, 08:06 PM']Mick Karn, JJ Burnell, Geddy Lee, Nick Beggs, Norman Watt Roy, Peter Hook,[/quote] +1 for JJ also duff makagan and tim crommerford (i think its him from rage against the machine)
  11. yeah, its brand new, as well as the fretted tony franklin
  12. yeah, i was thinking about the mark hoppus. i've always wanted one. that (and the fact it had bartolinis in) was one of the main reasons i bought my jazz, it looks so cool. if i was to get a mark hoppus i'd sell my jazz anyway, so i could go above the £300 mark. also, does anyone know how much the duff makagan (im pretty sure i spelt that wrong ) signature fender costs, and how does it sound? anyway, im gonna have a look around at music live. i probably wont buy anything, unless it really catches my eye.
  13. shukers and laklands cost more than £300 though don't they? i was thinking a white thunderbird with a black pickguard, all bashed up. i was just asking to see if there was anything you'd recomend for less than £300. what p basses are there for about £300? EDIT: if its going to be a p bass its got to be white or a cool bright colour. maybe a surf green or a lake placid blue.
  14. I play a lot of punk music and love the sound and neck of a precision bass. but they're just to common for me, I'd prefer something a little different in looks. I was thinking of slowly doing a Warmoth build, using a thunderbird body with a P pickup and a P neck and Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders. but I'm interested to see if anyone has any other ideas. the Warmoth build will cost about £300, so that's my limit to price. my dad also owns a CIJ P bass with EMGs and a BADASS, and here's [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5700"]my jazz[/url] that has a decent precision sound on the front pup. should i go for the warmoth or is there a better Precision like bass out there, or do i stick with the basses I've already got and not bother?
  15. Tait

    Custom Jazz

    nah, he hasn't noticed yet. but he did say that it felt a little different to play the other day.
  16. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='81973' date='Oct 31 2007, 09:53 PM']Click on the "Quote" button. When you see a red "-" sign, click on the "reply" button. Type away! [/quote] and it also has to be add reply, not fast reply
  17. Tait

    Comfy Bass

    ibanez soundgear for them all. they also sound brilliant.
  18. +1 for an ibanez SR. not only are they slim necks, but they (the SR500 is the only one I've played, its on the right on my avatar) are extremely light and one of the best sounding basses I've heard for that price. If they had a fener logo i bet their price would be up with the american deluxe series.
  19. would have been a very cool looking bass without the ugly relicing
  20. [quote name='jwbassman' post='80921' date='Oct 29 2007, 06:32 PM']I was considering looking for one with Jazz neck - does it make a massive difference or is it just personal preference?[/quote] jazz necks are just slimmer. in my opinion they're uncomfortable, they seem to get too thick too fast, but a lot of people love the jazz neck. i prefer the precision neck myself, they're wider at the top so got feel as if its getting wider as you go up the neck. its all really a matter of what you like best. and if you get one with a precision neck, a jazz neck would fit into the body fine, and vice versa. thats what i did to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5700"]my jazz[/url]
  21. at the london guitar show last year the automatic had duck tape over their straps, no way its going to fall off then. it looks a bit stupid, though.
  22. [quote name='chris_b' post='80291' date='Oct 28 2007, 12:47 AM']You can love your Fenders but, in my opinion Lakland, Shuker, Sadowsky, Alleva Coppolo and dozens of other companies consistently make far better Precision basses than Leo ever did.[/quote] yeah, but none of them would be around with out Leo in the first place, would they? they've taken his idea and made it, in some people's opinion, a better bass. but the fact that so many have copied it has, in a way, made it even more famous.
  23. personally, i'd get him to start on guitar then bass when he gets a decent understanding of guitar. bass would be much harder to learn than guitar to start with, and i doubt there are many on here that didn't start on guitar. i understand if he doesn't want to play guitar or something, it was just a thought that popped into my head when i read this thread. EDIT: i just want to add that i don't think he's too young to start, either, and that i don't think its a matter of age at all, i started when I was eleven, so not much older than him.
  24. i installed it. i don't really use cubase much, but i couldn't really find any big differences. i can't really see much point in installing it, but you probably use it more and know your way around better, so there could be a lot of differences that i haven't noticed.
  25. is anyone else having trouble getting "the runner" to play?
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