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Everything posted by Musicman69

  1. Yes Mr Marvin, its in Fm The scale uses C# for that 'gypsy' sound... nice!
  2. Its good, amazing technique.. top players. For myself bass is at its best where it works, stuck right in with the drummer. Too many cooks, ya know.
  3. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='794726' date='Apr 2 2010, 11:26 PM']I like to buy brand new, and get super edgy when anyone else touches them. Especially now since my mint jaguar, that everytime I played it I removed my belt, got nocked down and has a tiny 3mm dint into the wood, by my retard band mates who are like uncontrollable monkeys. Other than that one mark it still pretty brand new looking other than dirt and dust.[/quote] Well, by your exacting standards I say shame on you for letting your pristine bass have 'dirt and dust' on it. Tch.
  4. Hey well I got a laugh out of the first option 'I hate the idea that anyone has touched it, [i]even the guy who made it[/i]' Just sick that is, beyond obsessive! Edit: That option got 4 votes so far, true grit.
  5. Anyone for tennis?
  6. Im with Skank on this.. what about free-expression man? Bummer.
  7. [quote name='artisan' post='792275' date='Mar 31 2010, 06:38 PM']i suppose it depends on the bass in question,i was playing mainly a US 62 reissue jazz with a neck made out of blu-tak which was horrible for neck stability.[/quote] Ah yea, those blu-tac necks need a double strip of duck tape down the back of neck.. triple if its a 5er.
  8. We detune to Eb for first part of our set (Thin Lizzy covers just sound wrong in concert pitch) then its a quick tune up and finish the set. Not the slightest problem to my StingRay. Might be an issue if action is set ultra-low.
  9. Something very wrong here. cue *Twilight Zone musak*
  10. Have to take the rough with the smooth IMV. We have a weekly gig doing whatever we like.. but its really whatever the crowd like. So we cater for that, I love most of the songs myself but then have to play Dirty Old Town or Irish Rover, crap basslines but if the punters are happy so am I.
  11. I see some 'belt rash' alright.. ouch!
  12. Yea, Im addicted.. just started with a quick look at forum, then had to buy some gear.. then got GAS! Got a lovely Cort bass from a guy here, so all good so far. And Skank cracks me up with his posts usually, as someone said he should write some satire.. or just anything!
  13. I went to a tutor last year to brush up on technique etc. and one of the first things he showed me was how to rake. I had to learn Blackbird in the style of Jaco (basic version for me!) Listen here [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd6DTRywF7Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd6DTRywF7Q[/url] Its nice, I still play it as part of my practise routine.
  14. Its a tricky one, thread about it here.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78971"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78971[/url] Good luck!
  15. Oh, yes John was off the scale towards the end God Bless him. Up to all sorts.. this could be taken as a lesson for the Op and his bandmates. Keep doing good work, try to improve wherever possible.. and never listen to Skankdelvars advice!!! Ah, kidding on #3 there
  16. Would you employ a bassist who cant spell rhythm? At least he lists the songs he knows.. wont be any confusion about set-lists so.
  17. [quote name='Monz' post='789375' date='Mar 29 2010, 12:49 PM']Here you go this might be of help [attachment=45988:brown_sugar_bass.pdf] If it's not in the right key, has any wrong notes or is complete garbage remember it's always gonna be worth what you paid for it [/quote] Looks fairly good that, just hope its the right version now. Sticky Fingers.. best name for an album, ever!
  18. Someone will be along soon to give you a definitive answer but AFAIK allen keys for many basses are imperial size. Ask your local hardware guy to order some in for you, well worth having. A lot of stuff has US sizes aswell which is called AF, not sure if thats still common, interested to find out. (Off topic, its used on old Harleys and other US junk)
  19. Havent seen any exact tab for this but its very basic.. also easy to hear on studio version. Some other Stones tracks are v muddy to say the least. Lets know any bits ur struggling with and Ill be happy to help.
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='788998' date='Mar 28 2010, 10:17 PM']I wouldn't be suprised if he made the part up on the spot, tbh.[/quote] Thats what I like about Bills stuff.. its no big deal but he nails it every time for me. Why would Albert Lee be bothered otherwise! All good.
  21. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='787479' date='Mar 26 2010, 10:05 PM']My thumb rest is cunningly disguised as a B string.[/quote]
  22. I agree with Doddy on this, Marshall arent the best for bass amplification (I personally think they are crap for geetar aswell)
  23. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='787613' date='Mar 27 2010, 05:32 AM'] OI! Don't dis Mr Williams! He's one of the rock-steadiest players in the field. Sheesh! You'll be having a pop at Alan Lancaster next! [/quote] Absolutely not dissing Mr. Williams.. Ive total respect for the man and his bassisms. Love the Quo aswell.
  24. Good to get ur speed up.. get 16ths (ie 4 hits for each click) up to 120 bpm. Its not easy but youll start to bliss out if you get to 116, it sounds so sweet. Make sure its a pattern that changes strings, no Ac/Dc stuff!
  25. Good to play with a machine, you only need to punch the information in once! Good to play with a real drummer for groove, if you can find a real drummer. Hens teeth.
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