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Everything posted by Musicman69

  1. My God.. it seems theres no end to health and safety issues! Anyway, if you are brave enough to give your nails a trim (youve been warned about the dangers!) and start hitting those strings, keep it alternating and try to dig in and play some fast double notes for that funky groove.. best of luck!
  2. Keep your fingernails cut short... seriously!
  3. [quote name='discreet' post='743970' date='Feb 13 2010, 01:40 PM']After a long process of trial and error, I have found these to be an excellent balance between speed and tone: [/quote] Yeah, I use these too. Really easy to grip, the .75 is perfect for me. BTW not metal coated! Grey plastic.
  4. Hi Nick.. Lovely bass! Does it come with a case? Would you consider shipping to Dublin? Im sure we could come to an arrangement on shipping costs. John
  5. I hadnt seen it before so thanks for posting. Cant get too much of Pino anyways..
  6. Very nice. He alienated a few (me too) with his antics in panty-hose but obviously its just some cultural differences catching us out. Excellent player in fairness to him.
  7. Spot on there! The drums are dominant and if theyre being played by an incompetent "drum-kit owner" (as opposed to a real drummer!) its just going to cause confusion instead of fusion! Simple as that.
  8. Sorry Telebass.. I should pay more attention to the OP! Cant drop a full step on my bass without a change of strings, things start flapping about and its just too out of control. Depends on the style.. might suit some heavy dub stylee!
  9. No big deal to drop a half-step during a gig once its helping the vocals.. otherwise theres no point. Punters dont hear it. We find Lizzy covers just sound wrong unless dropped, SRV and Jimi also. Its a love-thang!!
  10. Well weird! But he seems to be enjoying it so what the hell.. I can see potential for mental scarring alright, among other issues!!!
  11. Nice and I got a bit excited at first but no.. its second hand. Probably been around the block a few times. Oh, the amp looks good!
  12. Mr X is spot on though IMO The two guitarists in my band both play Les Paul Customs.. at approx €2300 each. One of the guys had to get his set-up (twice!) and fretwork done to get the tone right. The other guy has two Pauls and they both sound pretty bad to me, poor tone.. he doesnt realise they need work done. Pity cos hes a good player. I should mail him that link as a hint!
  13. Clever idea.. I wonder how it would perform in the long term! Any idea on price or availability of these? JD
  14. [quote name='Doddy' post='729657' date='Jan 30 2010, 01:43 PM']Yeah I can take my thumb off the neck and still play comfortably.[/quote] Yeah me too. Thumb should be completely passive IMO.. if not its likely to cause problems like the OP described. Hope you get it sorted
  15. I think when I was breaking them regularly Id simply been using 'em too long and the core had broken down. All that gunge that builds up (especially with palm muting), acids from sweat etc.. somethings gotta give! If I wasnt paying €25 and up a set Id have replaced em sooner. Its not an issue for me anymore thankfully but Im trying out some more affordable strings from webstrings.com now.. half price but Ive yet to string em up, been told theyre just fine!
  16. I used to break lots when I used a plec.. since switching to fingerstyle and getting a good set-up done I havent broken any.
  17. Yea Ron played the bass part on Maggie May.. Mighty good job too, not your usual run o the mill. I never tire of listening to it, class!
  18. Hmm.. I bet we all play perfect basslines in our living rooms or whatever. Sometimes errors lead to new boundaries and expression. I dont think JPJ played many "bum" notes and if he did Mr.Page would have pointed it out!
  19. Ah yes, a true gem!
  20. Bought a wireless system from Terry.. very easy to do business with and product is in top condition. New batteries were included aswell, nice touch!
  21. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='712152' date='Jan 14 2010, 12:31 AM']The copper sleeves (AKA bootlace ferrules) are meant to slide over your cable end before you put it in the hole and screw it up. It prevents the action of the screw, and/or the concentration of the force on one or two strands from breaking strands off, and also ensure sthat all the strands go down the hole. Ideally you'd have a bootlace crimping tool which crimps the ferrule tightly onto the cable end before you put it in the hole, but decent ones of these are quite expensive (£100 +).[/quote] +1 thats the way to go.. end of story!
  22. IMO, usually high quality cable is used with speak-on but main thing is its a more secure connection and less likely to give trouble, hence the higher cost.. so, yes its better.
  23. I use a handtruck with pneumatic tyres for my Trace combo.. all terrain!
  24. I bought this yesterday.. so it will be en route to Dublin this week BTW.. having checked on comreg (Irish Comms Regulator) all short range wireless microphone/audio systems are exempt here at present. Im sure its just a matter of time before we have to buy licences though.
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