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Everything posted by jimmypreston

  1. item arivd 2 days afta paeing wat more can i saye
  2. i fink they luk realy good i want 2 try 1 owt
  3. tak that as a yes
  4. thanku 2 al hu hav sent me nice msgs i aprciate it
  5. iv kind of had sumbodey mok me alredy on here hes cald nasher1993 or sumthing liek that reali puts me down y do ppl discriminat
  6. i h8 my disese!
  7. thx!!
  8. im sorri i dnt get the joke
  9. moos3h u wil lyke it its amasing
  10. loooooool moos3h gt it furst but i am seling other stuf soon i pm u
  11. meat?i am not hungry
  12. random i kno but sum ppl may have noticed my poore speling it is not me bein lazy or a ^chav^ i hav dyslexia and hav had to painstackeingly teech myself 2 try to 2 spell i jst wanted to ask ppl nicely on this forum not to take the mik as many ppl do and bass playeing is my releese sorry if ppl think this is a silly post but i jst dnt want 2 b jugded on sumthin i love so much thankyou
  13. we agreede a price n he payed imedietly how people shud b thanks
  14. sorry having problems im trying to log into paypal and its saying cookie error?wont be long
  15. ok i'll get this to you by thursday ill post tomorrow or day after gimme 5 mins ill send you my paypal you wont be dispointed with this amp it is amasing
  16. i make lil money from my gigs and dnt laugh but there isnt much money in part time florestry! BUMP
  17. not sure it isnt going to be the fastest delivery in the world as il be payin 4 mst of the post charge myself but dhl are safe and will insure too i recon it wud b with u within a week i no how u feel bout money bein tight i hav nun at all and i hav rent and car insurance to pay!If you can take it off my hands 2day i will giv it 2 u for 140 freepost that is a bargain i cnt do no lower
  18. i can get a rack case for it just found out it is manky loooool no extra charge
  19. of course you may ask i will be using dhl as they do freight from guernsey airport (Guernsey Freight Services Ltd Guernsey Airport) didnt get it with a box i got it with a rack case but gave it to a friend.i have a roll of bubblewrap though and boxes i hav posted and received b4 never with a problem.remember i have to order my equipment from england so when it arrives i usuali keep sum of the bubblewrap of polystireene.of course if it dnt arrive in the condition u expectd it 2 then id hav to refund but i will tel u now nothing is wrong with it:)
  21. if it dnt sell i might hav to put it on ebay bt they charge soooooooooooooooo much but il b without a car soon coz of insurance so puttin it on ebay may b the case:-(
  22. started off left handed actuali bt some years back i had to gig with a right handed as i left mine at home i actually bought the bass off the fella and never luked back loooool how odd is that?
  23. i might have one laying about but heed this that it will be dingy lol i thought this amp would get more intrest that it is gettin i think the price is fair tho.i have to get rid of sum of the stuff in this musicly cramped house and i have car insurance to pay:-(it is a fair price isnt it?
  24. thanks for bumping silky! moos3h that isnt a silly question if sent as a gift no problems are with customs remember we arent part of the uk but we are ruled by the same queen!and i think this has plenty of balls i just have so much stuff that i am guna hav to sell a lot of it.i will do the amp 4 u 180 and 10 postage that is fair as remember paypal will charge me also:-(
  25. im new too this forum is brill welcome!
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