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blind pilot

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Everything posted by blind pilot

  1. I take 2, one in standard tuning/Drop D, the other in C/Drop C. and sometimes I only use the C tuning for 2 songs. I did take three basses to our bands first gig last year, and the third was in C, but half a sep down just for one song, crazy-ness!
  2. AH, most helpful thanks! why does it look so easy!
  3. hey all, I am confident with pick/finger playing, but never really got to grips with slapping. I play grungey rock, so the technique is not really fitting for what I do, but.......its something i would like to learn. Whats the best way to approach this, any links to some good places to start? Shall I just pick a line of the tube and practice? I look at Mr king and Wooten etc and it just amazes me and to be honest also confuses me! is it possible to "self teach" ?
  4. blind pilot

    Stoner fuzz

    I see Karma to burn when they supported Monster Magnet last year - they were pretty cool!
  5. Love the way the whole backline is blasting into the drummer! He has no choice but to "feel" the music huh!
  6. [attachment=55899:serious.jpg] me at my biggest gig so far - 500-600 people at t local festival last month - was awesome!
  7. Tool's Bassist is better
  8. WOW, reading all this, makes me even more excited about getting my HA3500! Cant wait! :wub: :brow:
  9. When returning to playing after a massive 14 year+ break, I needed to buy kit. I got a HA3000, 4X10 transporter cab, 1x15 Transporter cab all for about £350.00 and i love it, and i have just bought a HA3500 (via here) so I am very excited to try this out! especially the valve pre-amp. I also use the Hartke VXL pedal and I also love this, was a cheap alternative for the Sansamp for me! Bear in mind i used to play through a Selmer treble and bass amp and carlsborough horn loaded cabs, i prefer my new sound loads! From Shopping around, i think they give great value for money! Im in! BP
  10. Ah, though it was too simple! thanks for the reply! BP
  11. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Duk9vtxF46M&feature=youtube_gdata"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Duk9vtxF46M...e=youtube_gdata[/url] check this out, if you can get the ep, put it on and lay down.... Most chilled, takes me to a 'special place' lol
  12. Our guitarist uses the G30, and he loves it, I did some digging and found this [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/misc-guitar-accessories/pid16871/cid590/brace-dwg1000-digital-guitar-wireless-system.asp"]http://www.andertons.co.uk/misc-guitar-acc...less-system.asp[/url] looks like a fair price for a very similar bit of kit. Also done some digging for reviews etc, and got the thumbs up, will be my next purchase!
  13. afternoon all, Shortly will be taking delivery of a Hartke HA3500, and it comes in what looks like a 4U rack, with a grill section above the amp with the Hartke logo on. My question is..... would you know if this grille can be removed and a rack mount tuner slipped in its place, seems almost too simple? any ideas? cheers BP
  14. just use his email address and sign him up to lots of 'Ahem' dodgy websites! lol
  15. where abouts are you? how much for just the head? thanks BP
  16. having no dough, but wanting to play bass again, I bought a Lindo Bass of e-bay, the overhang on the frets was just lethal, the neck was just the weirdest shape ever, was happy when I managed to P/X for my Dean, and i got £100.00 trade in value - ka-ching!
  17. This is truly the worst thread I have found on this site.................. There are some stunning Wals on here, and when you are wanting one as much as I am, this thread is 'real' bad place to be. I am still saving, but with my amp playing up, and another pay cut at work, they seem to be getting further from my reach one day.........................In the meantime, is there a way of stopping this thread being viewed for me
  18. ah, the logo is backwards, on the headstock, are the pictures reversed? there was a rather nice one on t bay, sold for £3100.00, and last week another one went for £1800.00. i think its a sellers market, and you should get £2000.00 easily, and i think to be honest, looking at what they sell for, is a more than fair asking price!
  19. lovely looking bass, but shame its a left hooker, i will have to retract my offer, sorry
  20. ah that serial number was a mis-build, and as such not really worth any thing, tell you what, to help you out, i will give you £50.00 and my old nez in part ex lol
  21. Afternoon all. is this a typical rick sound/tone? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oRQQnrdavQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oRQQnrdavQ[/url] i know nothing about these bass, and although i am saving for a Wal, just recently these have really caught my eye/ear! i think the guy 'may' be running through a sansamp, but still, i am loving the tone of this beast, its a Chris Squire edition, but does that mean it have special pups/on board amp etc? your thoughts - thanks
  22. Dood, thanks! i will take the cover off after work today, i was pretty sure it would be something easy like that! thanks again! BP
  23. HELP ! i have a HA3000, that i love, but last night it developed a problem. For the first time, i used the post effects line out/in and since then, after disconnectin from there, i have no sound output. Now if i use a 'patch' cable between the out/in the amp produces sound. my question is, do these jacks have some sort of switch to by-pass the i/o when not in use, and is it possible that if so, its just a bit sticky? or is there any thing else i can check, really stuck, and strapped for cash, so its me out of the game until i can fix this cheers! BP
  24. you have PM !
  25. Hey guys, We are playing the twist in colchester tonight, we are a covers band, covering, nirvana,pearl jam, system of a down, tool, stone temple pilots etc. If you get there before 8 its free entry, so if anyone is around - pop along, let us deafen you! A link to our FB page [url="http://www.facebook.com/#!/theblindpilots?ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/#!/theblindpilots?ref=ts[/url], We have a good sized gig this weekend at the eight ash green music festival near colchester see [url="http://www.myspace.com/eightashgreenfestival"]http://www.myspace.com/eightashgreenfestival[/url], so this will be a great warm up, its only my third gig ever, so nerves are creeping in, but I am very excited. We are well rehearsed so should be good! cheers y'all
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