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blind pilot

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Everything posted by blind pilot

  1. [url="http://www.facebook.com/retool462"]www.facebook.com/retool462[/url] I look after the page and perform bass duties ...... Its early days for us, but the extra support is always welcomed. We are hoping to get a good following over the next year, and gigs are starting to happen now! I am really lucky as the guys I play with are pretty awesome...have made me a better player!
  2. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1333791020' post='1606426'] Pretty damn impressive yourself dude! [/quote] cheers fella, this is Justins actual board, so I am pretty close! I am not spending silly money on a Bass Whammy, the XP-100 does a fine job! The Flip Tremolo is also pretty hard to find so my DIY does a great impression, and as its only used on Right in two, which we are not playing live yet is not an issue! It is a big old beast to card around though, six foot long! I will have to make a flight case.....but thats going to be a major mission! The only other thing I am missing is the Foxx Fuzz Wah, but....its only used for a tiny section in The Pot - so not biggie just yet! Just has also stopped using the Guyatone BR-2 bottom wah rocker and used the MXR BEF, which in my opinion is much better! peace!
  3. Shep thats a badass board - I would not know where to start! [IMG]http://i1257.photobucket.com/albums/ii509/Basschism/pedal.jpg[/IMG] My ever growing board for the Tool tribute band........not much missing now - the latest addition the GT-2 is just an amazing pedal, the bottom end it retains is fantastic!
  4. its like the white stripes in a parrallel universe lol
  5. This guy NEEDS to be on stage, he is explosive and great fun to watch, and a lot more musical than some slap fest double thumbing boring stuff I have seen (but wont mention through fear of lynching) lol I am glad he won the Sandburg bass competition too - well desereved IMHO
  6. [i][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oRQQnrdavQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oRQQnrdavQ[/url][/i] [i]Gets my vote - But I am very biased towards a certain band......[/i]
  7. Im far from an expert, but I do seem to recall, someone on here being quoted around the £1000 mark for a new neck! Your best bet would be to give me the wal and just forget the whole notion......
  8. I love my XP-100 the only that would replace it would be a bass whammy!
  9. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1329471005' post='1542842'] Tell me about it! [/quote] Ah but you play all that modern "dubstep" stuff lol, Im in a rock band maaaannn! lol Seriously your board is superb - a knob tweakers delight!
  10. Fancy selling the depth charge.......................................................................................................
  11. [attachment=100156:2012-01-25 22.56.16.jpg] I provide the low end in a Tool tribute band, so ALL of my effects are essential. Chorus is on 75% of the time, use a fair bit of flange and delay. Then I have three different types of dirt/overdrive. Tremolo for one song.....(not yet played live though), not forgetting mt MXR BEF which I use for four notes in one song and a short solo lol. And then Whammy wah......Used in about 5 to 6 songs! People laugh when they realise my board belongs to the bass player.........
  12. Also can act as effective mute - roll one volume down etc! our guitarist uses this feature a lot
  13. IMO = Remi's tone is fantastic, but not as close as Brads (Toolbassplayer) or Dean (Toolmybass) - the reason. Wal - so much of JC's core tone comes from the Wal! a great example of this is to look at Toolbassplayer's cover of the patient - that is pure Wal tone on the recording....And it is spot on! When you say "schism" are you talking the main riff? As with my G&L and a sansamp Bddi I get very close to the Lateralus (album) bass tone. Remi Uses a RBI, so pretty much the same kind of effect. You can then use it to blend it a bit of grit. Also very close to the 10K days tone - but that has more"grind" and you can really hear the clean and dirty channels in the mix. The solo in Schism is GT2 all the way with added Whammy/Flange/Delay.
  15. Evening/morning whatever lol. i recently bought this via here, but it is not for me and try as i might i cannot find a use for it. Its in good condition,no box or destructions but this thing is easier to use than a very easy thing. Dirty fuzzy stuff with bags of bottom, you know you want it dont you....... £40.00 is what i paid for it so i thinks its fair to move it on for the same. price includes postage.
  16. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1327858031' post='1517753'] Not really my pedalboard, but my meager collection. I don't use any of these for bass, but I use the equalizer and wah for guitar. Here's what they are: -Dunlop 105Q Bass Wah -DOD FX40B 7-band equalizer -Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah -EHX Bass Big Muff Pi -EHX Freeze Sustainer -Boss OC-3 Octaver -fOXX Fuzz/Wah/Volume (refurbished, bought from their website for 200$) Eh, nothing special. [u][b]I'm probably gonna sell the fOXX[/b][/u] and get something Moog-y. Or a Source Audio BEF Pro. Not sure where my loyalties are at the moment.. [/quote] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me have first refusal on the Foxx! Need it for the pot.........................
  17. Would you swap for a warwick rock bag? Its quit well padded, strong straps etc? I would be happy to trade this and an extra score your way if it could be posted? Let me know, cheers
  18. blind pilot


    [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1327686550' post='1515456'] I think I read it was used for the wailing feedback on 'Lost Keys' but I'd have to check. Anyone tried Devi Ever stuff on bass? I bought a Vintage Fuzz Master for guitar but it doesn't suit my delicate jazz chords. [/quote] Stolen from TB - there is a massive thread on JC's set up! Its helped me bundles! [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/tool-tone-fx-sticky-thread-ver-1-a-620296/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/tool-tone-fx-sticky-thread-ver-1-a-620296/[/url] His dirty channel goes to a Proco Turbo Rat, then a Boss GEB-7, then a Prescription Electronics Depth Charge, then out to the amp. The Turbo Rat and GEB-7 (boost low-mids and highs) are always on, the Depth Charge is used only for the distorted intro to "Flood" in concert. His main channel then follows this path: Guyatone VT-X Tremolo (used in "Lost Keys" and "Right in Two") Digitech Bass Whammy (used in "Eulogy", "Third Eye", "Schism", "Ticks & Leeches", "Lateralus", "Disposition", "Vicarious", "The Pot" and "Right in Two") Tech 21 Sansamp GT-2 (used for all distortions on Aenima and Lateralus, as well as on "Vicarious", "The Pot" and "Lost Keys") Boss CE-5 (used in many songs, most obviously used in "H.", "jimmy" and "No Quarter") Boss BF-2 (used in "Forty-Six & 2", "Pushit", "Schism", "Lateralus" and "Jambi") Boss DD-3/6 (used in "Pushit", "Third Eye", "Schism", "Disposition", "Jambi") Guyatone BR-2 (used in "The Pot" and "Rosetta Stoned") Colorsound Tonebender (used in "Jambi" only, as far as I am aware) Foxx Fuzz/Wah (used in "The Pot" live; in the studio, it was another unverified wah) Justin also has a second, smaller board that is placed close to his amp that he uses for "Lost Keys". This board contains a second Sansamp GT-2, Guyatone VT-X Tremolo and Boss GEB-7. He places it next to his amp so he can generate the necessary feedback while turning the tremolo on and off.
  19. blind pilot


    [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1327622629' post='1514530'] Oh, anyone have any idea what fuzz would work nicely on that bit in Schism with the pitch bend? I'm guessing it's a tone-bender, from looking at his gear. [/quote] Also I think tone bender is only used on Jambi...........nut not 100% sure on that
  20. blind pilot


    [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1327622629' post='1514530'] Oh, anyone have any idea what fuzz would work nicely on that bit in Schism with the pitch bend? I'm guessing it's a tone-bender, from looking at his gear. [/quote] I thought it was te sansamp GT-2/WHammy/Delay/Flange. I use Whammy/Delay/Rat/flange but at the next gig I am going to try it out with the EH bass big muff pi - I have also used the Marshall guvnor, and that sounded good for schism!
  21. He furnished me with Muff - efortless easy transaction, fast shipping, well packed, Item as descirbed - top bloke!
  22. [quote name='ChristopherGilbert' timestamp='1327577929' post='1513536'] Would you recommend the it to someone who is aiming to play fast/progressive stuff despite it's neck? [/quote] Dont get me wrong the neck is not like a cricket bat, I was just so used my Dean, which is super skinny. To me the neck feels wide but not deep, so I find it very comfortable, and found it easy to play the chord styles in the songs we do. the best thing really would be to try one out! Machines, I thing you would fine it hard to beat on value for money! I love it!
  23. NBD for me yesterday. I am saving for my Wal, but I saw Pikeman's G&L L2000 tribute listed on here for a great price, and I have read lots about coaxing a Wal'esque' tone from them. So I bit the bullet, shot up to Steve and picked up the beast. I was really worried about the neck, as it immediatly felt very 'big' compared to the svelt neck on the Dean. But after playing for 3 hours with the band, I felt really at home on the neck. And the tone of this thing...............WOW within about 40 minutes I had it dialed in, and it sounds monsterous, we played through our Tool tribute Set list, and at times, I was told - they could not hear a difference between me and Justins playing on the Wal . [attachment=98211:2012-01-25 22.56.37.jpg] A picture to tell the story, the poor Dean, now relegated hangs lonely on the Wal..........My new favourite bass...............................
  24. I purchased Steve's L2000 tribute. Done the deal in person. Steve is a total gent, some nice e-mails before. Let me have a play before I handed over the readies! Great guy to deal with, a credit to the forum!
  25. Weds will be my NBD - excited much!
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