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blind pilot

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Everything posted by blind pilot

  1. Got some new videos up on there now, Stinkfist etc Just Sayin................................................................ \m/
  2. Nice - great tone too!
  3. [attachment=88633:justinth...ingpicks.jpg] you can just see the 2nd board, GEB-7,Tremolo and another GT-2 are whats on there, could he be using this, as the camera angle he is side on?
  4. A similar noise again at around 2:45, it really does sound like feedback though, an I cant think of anything on his board that would do that? sounds good though! When we play it, its always guitar feedback. I did read somewhere he has another smaller board,normally over by his stacks! I cannot remember what effects are on there, used for lost keys, I might be wrong but i think there was another delay on there........maybe its this delay cranked?
  5. It seems wierd to see him with something other than the maple top! Still I bloody hope they get this new album out soon and start a tour of the uk! Back OT, I am going to try out clean and dirty next week, will nick the guitarist Marshall combo! Will let you know how it sounds!
  6. That said, If any one fancys it, its in the cash convertors at Braintree!
  7. well, I did not get it in the end, A good bass it may well be, but, I dont actually 'Need' it, and the money can go back in the Wal fund!
  8. Ahem - nice view at 0.52 secs though.........
  9. could you get close with a ls-2? Or would the fact I am putting the clean and dirty sound through one rig not achive the same effect?
  10. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1345208' date='Aug 19 2011, 10:41 AM']If you think you need most power for the low end - all that's coming from your bass amp. A little 50W guitar combo would probably be enough to give you a nice bi-amp rig.[/quote] interesting...... I have a HA3500, 4x10,1x15 - plenty of low end, I might just try nicking the head, and running it through the 4x10 as the dirty channel!
  11. I might have to steal the guitarist stack and try the clean/dirty thang out - the budget wont stretch to a pair of GK heads, and that JD7 is best part of a grand . yoinks lol I used to have a spare HA2000 amp, would have been Ideal - wish I have kept it now........ho hum.
  12. [quote name='Marvin' post='1345096' date='Aug 19 2011, 08:31 AM']We all want to know...have you bought it yet? [/quote] I am going to swing by there today at lunch time - If its there, It WILL come home lol
  13. Justin Bieber.......Er no the other one, Chancellor thats it - Tools Bass player!
  14. A pretty accurate diagram of his touring rig - [attachment=87359:justinch...llor_rig.jpg] And he has a New Wal : [attachment=87360:justinnewwal.jpg] Not fair say I! lol
  15. there is one in my local Crack convertors, I could more than likely get it for £50.00, what are they like tone wise? from what I see, active 2 band pre, with humbucking pick-ups, should sound pretty fat? cheers!
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1342928' date='Aug 17 2011, 11:33 AM']I've never seen one that looks good so I have gone no further.[/quote] They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder...but this is my dream and it makes me sex-wee! [attachment=87249:g_17_91.jpg]
  17. I too have wondered why they dont seem to have been hit like other basses, there are some fantastic basses Musicman's etc going for prices almost within my reach! I am saving as I do want a Wal, I have played a MK I, and I was not that taken by it, but........I only had 5 mins with it, was not comfortable and did not even get a chance to tweak the settings etc. I want a MKII, in fact, I NEED one lol and one day I will have them, I did wonder if the fact that Paul is building them again, would the used market drop at all, but it has not been affected. I am a total Tone chaser, obssessed with Justins Chancellors Tone, I have been told its the player, not the gear, but there are a couple of guys on the tube, that use Wal's, and nail the sound! I also think they look utterly georgeous, I will probably get flamed but I dont think a P or J bass looks "special" as there are so many clones, Stingrays and sterlings looks special, and for the most part are recognisable. I also think the Wal has a pretty good list of pro/known players compared to other "boutique basses" from what I can see - maybe that is keeping the price high, along with the fact, they dont really seem to come up for sale that often!
  18. There are only so many notes, It is very hard to come up with something that does not sound similar to something else. But I prefer to say - Its influenced by ......... LOL The lines that I have written are very influenced by Tool, but also with a little bit of The Cure and Led Zep etc etc, If you love a style of music, more so the way the bass is played I think it inevitable that its going to come out in what ever you are writing! I did the start of a song the other night, and our drummer actually said, "its like Lateralus part II" lol
  19. I have one of these, and I absolutly love it - plays like a dream! [attachment=86784:n8217315..._4495459.jpg] I would actually love another, but I have nothing to offer really! good luck!
  20. Where are you located fella?
  21. Fella, not wishing to rain on your parade etc, but check these threads : - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=145058&hl=olp"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=145058&hl=olp[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=125727&hl=olp"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=125727&hl=olp[/url] hope this helps!
  22. And hopefully like/comment/subscribe! That is all lol [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/basschism"]http://www.youtube.com/user/basschism[/url]
  23. Cheers man - the drums are a touch on the loud side - and it was our first time out with the new singer and drums - In love with that tone though especially from a bass that owes under £70!
  24. Got to love the tone from my uber cheap tanglewood bass - perfect for this song!
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