Good morning!
Well, what a weekend! Absolutely brilliant show! Like others have said its such an improvement from last year. I'd like to think I had some input on the event, from the day after last years event I email Jason the organiser begging him for our own space again and he wasn't sure it would work or if people would be interested. I started various posts on some Facebook groups and the feedback I got was a midlands based Bass Show would be welcomed with open arms from the bass community, and I think its safe to say it was! I email Sheldon, SBL and more asking them if they would be interested and when they said yes I passed this onto Jason and sure enough he cracked and put the show on. Yesterday as I was leaving I saw him in the hall and he told me it will 100% be on again next year, so thats great news!
Personally I had a great weekend and met some awesome people! I wish I had the forum logged in on my phone so I could have updated earlier but alas I forgot. I want to say thank you to everyone who managed to stop by and say hello. The feedback on the pedals was awesome. Sold a few bits and can safely move into the next development stage.
Thanks again, Matt.