Bascially the band are after a couple of powered speakers we can move about a bit easier.
Here is what we are looking at - JBL PRX715 Active [url=""]http://www.soundsliv...aker/JBL-PRX715[/url] (1500watt two way)
I am thinking these would be good for small/medium pub settings (bass and eletrctric guitars would go through backline only in these settings). Through the tops - x3 Vocals, x1 harmonica, x1 Flute, Acoustic guitar, banjo & maybe some kick.
We do have 2 PASSIVE JBL 18" subs (1000watt per side) we can bring out to extend the rig . . . .
suppose my question is - l can buy a 2 way active X-Over and a suitable amp to power the bass bins and connect the whole thing up (giving me 4/5K rig). Does the active + passive rig work well?
Anyone have any experiance with the active jbl stuff?
many thanks!