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Me And My Bass

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Everything posted by Me And My Bass

  1. Up for sale - My Barefaced Compact cab, l waited a good few months for this cab & l still believe there is a waiting list for one. Got it a few months back and l have giged it 4 times, as such its in pretty much new condition. I need to get a new estate car, and l have tons of cabs. Got a Roqsolid fitted cover for it as well. In total it cost me £530 to get it delivered (with cover), I am looking for [u][b]£430[/b][/u]. A ton less than it would cost with no wait. Here is the catch - at the moment l am [b]not[/b] looking to post the cab. Pick up only in Glasgow, Scotland. I dont have the packing or time at the moment to post it. [attachment=117284:cab.JPG]
  2. First picture looks like he has them in a hard case for it mate
  3. not a sniff bump . . . .
  4. This is still for sale guys, stuck it on ebay 2 days ago - buy it now £140, but l am taking offers on it. If any Bass chatter wants to nick in there and take it for £100. Found a picture of it (not a great shot & my ugly mug is in it as well lol [attachment=115743:264388_10150263608918081_1477049_n.jpg]
  5. Great video review of the amp - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqancBS121M[/media]
  6. As above guys, Pedal in great condition. Looking for £100 Cheers, Chris! SOLD!
  7. Paypal also fine marked as a gift. Cheers
  8. [quote name='Me And My Bass' timestamp='1344946184' post='1771424'] Hi guys, bought this few months back only used it once. Great little amp, all the details are here - http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179592-genz-benz-shuttle-90-fs-or-ft-sold/page__fromsearch__1 Looking for £450 + p&p ( bank transfer or cash on collection) Cheers. [/quote] Hi guys, bought this few months back only used it once. Great little amp, all the details are here - http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179592-genz-benz-shuttle-90-fs-or-ft-sold/page__fromsearch__1 Looking for £450 + p&p ( bank transfer or cash on collection) Cheers.
  9. bump
  10. [attachment=115362:DSCF1688.JPG] Green towel not included [attachment=115363:DSCF1690.JPG]
  11. Gone
  12. Up for sale or trade is my Pedaltrain Nano, not seem much use tbh. 3 months old and it has spent its life in the house. Bought it for £49 + £6 postage from Bass Direct. LOOKING FOR £30 + £6 p&p or TRADE FOR/TOWARDS A FUNKY ENVELOPE FILTER. Cheers.
  13. Nice one mate, video sounds great. What did you use to put it together?
  14. Think its a SD basslines MM P/U - going by this [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f38/modulus-flea-pick-up-identification-819224/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f38/modulus-flea-pick-up-identification-819224/[/url]
  15. Cool, just had a look under the P/U, Its in cased all round. [attachment=114308:DSCF1532.JPG]
  16. I am not sure which pickup l have in my FU4? I am reading that not all Bartolini had the name on the pickups? I know the lane poors had the LP logo. Its going into get cleaned & setup tomorrow, Mark might take the pickup out and have a few pictures of the bottom of the PU. Its a 2004 model. The pickup is slightly pyramid shape to the top. [attachment=114304:DSCF1530.JPG]
  17. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1343383531' post='1749805'] How old is this? [/quote] No idea mate, l will get back to you tomorrow once l check the back of the amp.
  18. [quote name='binky_bass' timestamp='1343161251' post='1746470'] That's a damn good price for a mighty piece of kit... [/quote] cheers mate. bump
  19. Pulled the trigger on this and its coming to Glasgow! Right just need to sell my spare Eden WT800 amp l am selling in order to eat!!
  20. Price drop down to £500 Need to move this on to pay off other impulse buys! lol
  21. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1343133690' post='1745772'] As long as the amp weighs less than the cabs I'd stick with the best tone. My amp went down to 4 lbs but now I'm up to 22 lbs again. Tone has to win out every time. [/quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]lol the head in the touring case weights more than the barefaced. The tone is great on the Eden though.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]BTW - I believe this is a 'B' model version. The 'B' has the upgraded cooling system and allows bridging into 4ohm's. [/font][/color]
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