[quote name='Phil Starr' post='755698' date='Feb 24 2010, 12:20 AM']It depends on what you are trying to do. This is a already pretty impressive set up. The jbl's i find a bit bass heavy if anything and you already have subs. does your sound engineer have any indication that you are running out of bass grunt. is the XTi 2000 clipping?
If you just add subs then you will only get extra sound below the crossover frequency and your sound wont be any louder psychologically, it will just get more gut wrenching which is fine if that is what you want to achieve. A bass bin which has a higher crossover frequency would beef up the bass and possibly reduce the demand on the PA but it will change your tone so that it becomes a lot deeper again this is fine if you want that effect. If you just want to be louder or to maintain the same volume then you will need either a bass speaker (which you can put out front to keep the sound off the stage) or to beef up the whole PA,
If your PA isn't clipping you don't need to do this and you can put your money towards something else[/quote]
Thanks for your reply Phil,
Yeah the XTi 2000 does clip (and sometimes cut itself off altogether when we are pushing it!). The problem being the vocalists level is hot as well, we have compressors in place though for him. I think possilby adding the bins is the best way to go then just for the bass rig and kick drum, that would free up the main rig for all Vocals, accustic guitar, sax, electric guitar & some kit.
I do the sound live from the stage (we are only playing bars and small/medium clubs), l would love a soundman to do it though!
Am l on the right track if l was going to go ahead with the extra bins, using an Aux channel for that mix to them?
Any ideas for what l should be looking for? Im thinking two 500 bins and an 1k amp for them. Im currently using an Agulier DB410 & 500SC amp which can hold its own onstage.
Anyone selling any bins?