Surplus to requirements, need the money, blah blah blah now THE BASS
As you can see, its a tad dog-eared. Patches of wear on the front, dents on the back and sides, one indentation in the neck and the pickguard has been sprayed black... badly. Appearances aside, this bass sounds and feels GREAT. The only reason I'm getting it is because I'm rebuilding my rig for Uni in September and have decided to take only one bass.
Comes fitted with a Badass Bass Bridge II as standard, made in the USA. Ladies and Gentlemen, this bass was a bargain when it was new! (These things are reaching nearly £700 new.)
£300 is my asking price, not including a courier. Collection is fine by me and I can deliver in person if costs are covered (I'm in Lancashire.) This price is SET IN STONE, please do not try to haggle.
I'm interested in P/X only for a Sansamp Bass Driver DI of some sort. I'll knock off £150 for the deluxe version.