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Everything posted by jonsparrow91

  1. Hey all, I feel slightly guilty for posting this as theres another almost identical thread, make sure to check that one too. I got this off eBay before Christmas and while its great fun to play with (this pedal is seriously versatile) there really isn't a place for it in my music. Its a fuzzy distortion with a 3 band EQ, blend and gain. The torch switch adds another level of fuzziness so you can cut right through the mix. There is a slight fault with it, due to its previous owner using an incorrect power supply the LED is permanently on when you have cables plugged in (slightly dimmer when the pedal is off). This beast requires 18v of power or two 9v batteries. I don't have a power supply for it but the lucky person who gets this pedal will also get some new batteries! Also comes in the box in great condition, catalogue included (there may have been an instruction manual at some point but hey, these things are rocket science.) One thing I've just realised while I'm typing, the knobs glow and thats... thats just awesome. Onto business. Ideally I'm looking for a trade (ideally for EXH pedals). Particular effects I'm looking for are delay, reverb, phaser, looper, general modulation. Bonus points for these but show me what you've got anyway. I'll gladly take a combination of low end + cash, low end + low end, high end - cash. E.g. I'd give you an extra £30 for a Bass Micro Synth but I'd want some cash if you offered a Bassballs. I will take cash alone but thats not as fun as getting pedal in the post so price is £75 inc p+p, PayPal only. I can post pics if you want but theres little point as other than the LED its in perfect condition. Cheers and have a happy new year!
  2. A new year's bump.
  3. Bump.
  5. ^ Call it extreme haggling.
  6. I have a Fender Standard Jazz V (mexican), 10 years old and quite worn but sounds beautiful. I'm expecting a new gotoh bridge for it any day now. Its in midnight wine (dark red) with a black pup. I got it from basschat just a few weeks ago. Would you be interested in that +£250? I also have some interesting pedals for p/x if you're interested. If not have a free bump for a sexy bass
  7. Are you interested in trades or p/x for an ATK300?
  8. Cheers for the reply but I don't think this is what I'm after. At the moment I have a Jazz V and an ATK, I only need one of them so I'm getting rid of the ATK. It seems like this bass would be just a sideways step. Thanks anyway and enjoy the free bump. If this is still hanging around in a while maybe I'll rethink Good luck with the sale!
  9. Cheers anyway, have a bump.
  10. Are you interested in p/x for an Ibanez ATK300 and some money?
  11. I'm sorely tempted by this, a proper Warwick without the annoying two piece bridge that I can't replace. I'm just unsure about the pine though, I'll do a bit of research and see how they sound. Are any other basses made from the same stuff?
  12. Would you be interested in an ATK300 for trade? I doubt it seeing your OP but just checking.
  13. What are the characteristics of that? I'm quite interested in this but I'm interested in Wick tone, other than that it looks like a Rockbass.
  14. A desperate bump?
  15. What wood is it made from?
  16. Would you consider a trade or p/x for an EXH Bass Big Muff? Or a straight swap for a WD7?
  17. A slightly impatient bump.
  18. I'm assuming you're not interested in trades.
  19. PM'd
  20. A bleary hungover bump.
  21. I have an ATK300 for trade if that interests you.
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