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Everything posted by bawjohnson

  1. An update for the Ashdown combo and the DIY extra cabinet (none of the stock Ashdown cabs match the 300 1x15 combo) always bothered me that they don’t match, and the top frame was warped anyway, so a new one built, some lovely rock and roll paisley cloth, new piping and good to go 🀘🏻
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  2. Hi all πŸ‘‹ Here, for your consideration is and early 80s Vox Standard Bass, swapped for Squier Jazz way back when - modded with an extra split P and scratchplate, plus 3 way knob - there used to be no scratchplate so the pickup was a bit more stealth, however fancied the look of a stingray-esque guard on it, and thought a whimsical Vox cloth design (courtesy of gig.ink) would be the way to go... πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Weighs an absolute ton (maple laminate) but a fine player. May consider selling if anyone fancies it, or even better swap for a black Mexican precision with rosewood board with cash your way... 🀘🏻
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