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Everything posted by Gamble

  1. Chainsaw-wah cello and saw solo's are the future Jerry, I've tasted it!
  2. I'd forgotten how much I wanted one of the Spears. DAMNIT!!!
  3. What are you lot on about? I could barely hear the bass on the first video, but what I did pick out sounded groovy enough to me. How exactly do you judge how much soul he's playing with when there's that kind of sound quality on a clip? Looked like he was into it to me. In that build up clip, I like the bit where he cocks up about the 4th note, shakes his head to himself and noticably stops trying to look cool and pays attention to what he's doing. That's a move he got from me!!!
  4. I hope he doesn't like it. I hope he doesn't like it. I hope he doesn't like it.........
  5. PM'd
  6. Gotta love Bowling For Soup, and I'm a metaller! Sorry for the blatant plug, but if that's your kinda thing check this out: [url="http://www.myspace.com/thestanton"]www.myspace.com/thestanton[/url]
  7. Sounds like quite a ride mate, good work getting as far as you did! Just remember the good times......
  8. [quote name='WalMan' post='401148' date='Feb 5 2009, 03:51 PM']Good lord!! What's the world coming to!? Not a pair of sentences I would have expected to see together, but I suppose time & method moves on for everything. You'll be doing D'n'B/Folk mashups next [/quote] I was really suprised that a couple of folkies would be into recording that way, but it meant that I could play loads of mistakes and try stuff out on the fly and it wouldn't matter! On a couple of tracks I'd play a really simple bassline just following the rootnotes, then they'd say go to town and I'd just try stuff out. If it didn't work they just wont use it, if there was a nice lick they'll just put it where they want it. Seemed a bit G.M. to me..... The only slight problem I have is that I'm not going to have a say in the editing, so they might keep some stuff that really makes me cringe, but I'll just have to wait and see. The producer they work with seemed to have a really good handle on things, so I'm sure he'll do me proud!
  9. This was just £20 cash in hand to cover petrol etc, I even tried to give it back as I was only doing it for laughs. I did think about declaring to the tax man back when i was playing covers as I used to earn a fair bit through that. It even looked like I might have even come out better off for claiming mileage, but I never got round to it. I'd certainly think about it now if I was going to be earning much money from playing.
  10. Never mind, I really shouldn't be buying anymore basses at the mo anyway! Good luck with the sale. Cheers!
  11. I'd be interested in the whole thing, but not for quite than much. I am a bloody scrounger though.
  12. [quote name='dood' post='400710' date='Feb 5 2009, 09:51 AM']Nice one dude!!!! And for anyone who doesn't know the area... getting proper session work around Norfolk is a bit like finding a unicorn....... that plays piano.... and talks .... and likes Metallica.... So good on ya chap![/quote] Interestingly enough, I nearly decided not to ride my Metallica loving, piano playing, talking Unicorn to the studio that day because of the snow. Glad I did now!! Cheers Dood!
  13. [quote name='mathewsanchez' post='400365' date='Feb 4 2009, 08:03 PM']Just wondering, are there any full-time session players on the forum? If so I just have few Q's:[/quote] I believe Jakesbass makes a living from playing, although I think he's in function bands and allsorts too. [quote name='mathewsanchez' post='400365' date='Feb 4 2009, 08:03 PM']Just a few things i'd like to know as i'm 16 and [b]considering[/b] a career in music, possibly session playing.[/quote] I wish I'd committed sooner, good luck if you go for it!
  14. Nice one Chrisdabass, got much more work coming up?
  15. [quote name='largo' post='399838' date='Feb 4 2009, 11:59 AM']Mmmm, is being a dep the same as playing a session?[/quote] I'd have said that being a dep meant playing gigs when someone else couldn't make it, I only spent a day in the studio (or a session, if you will) recording tracks for them. I was kinda joking anyways, I'm not going to be making any real money out of playing anytime soon. Just thought I'd share my chuffed-ness!
  16. It's yet another gig that you turned down and I got on the rebound Pete, surely you know how it works by now?! Yep, I'm being tongue in cheek, but it was my first time getting payed to record for someone else. I was asked to write a bit and record for them as they're a bit of a "loose collective" and one of the main members who usually plays bass live wasn't feeling all that inspired. I played shockingly for a lot of the session but they're really into digital editing so as long as there was a few good licks they were happy to cut, copy and paste the tracks together, which also gives them a bit more control over how the finished article comes out. As far as the title of "Pro" goes, I don't think it applies until your main income is from that line of work, so I've got a little way to go yet!!
  17. Played a session for a local folk band on Sunday, wasn't expection it but earned £20 for my troubles. I guess that officially makes me a pro! Well chuffed!!
  18. [quote name='neepheid' post='388305' date='Jan 22 2009, 10:42 AM']I've sold one bass this year already! [/quote] And very nice it is too! I on the other hand have made an offer for my 4th new one since Christmas this week. Can't go on like this..... I hope your current situation all comes good in the end mate.
  19. PM'd
  20. I borrowed one of these to record with in November, great bass. If it weren't black, and I hadn't already bought three basses this year then I'd be after it myself. Good luck with the trade!
  21. I bought an OLP Stingray (great condition and well set up) from Matt for a very reasonable price, he got it to me in no time at all. Great communication throughout and seems like a really genuine guy. Can't ask for more than that! Cheers!
  22. Gah, can't quite justify it to myself I'm afraid, not for a bit of a laugh. Plus I don't really play 4's anymore, and it would have been my third bass this year! Good luck with the sale!
  23. I'm keen, how much are you thinking of? I don't want to take the p!ss by lowballing you, but I'm not looking to spend too much!
  24. I think that's a Manta Ray
  25. That's the thing, I've been twiddling my thumbs wondering whether to or not and like someone said, they're probably going up in price now!!
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