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Everything posted by Gamble

  1. SOLD!!! I'd change the title but I don't know how........
  2. Still available! Open to sensible offers too......
  3. Still available! I'm open to sensible offers so please get in touch if you're interested!
  4. Hi All I'm also selling my 5 string Steinberger Spirit headless bass - £250 ono. Don't really want to sell this one as I really like having slightly unusual basses in my collection, but times is hard and I've got an album recording to pay for.... The bass has a gloss black finish, 2 passive p'ups, overall condition is pretty good - it's even still got the cellophane on the control cover on the back! There's a couple of small knocks on the back of the neck but nothing nasty, I've tried to photo them but the pics aren't great. Even comes with the branded gig bag! I'm asking £250 but any sensible offers will be considered. Any questions or for more pics just pm me, cheers!
  5. Hi All I'm taking the plunge and thinning out my collection a bit, starting with my fretless 4 string Tanglewood Rebel 4K Deluxe bass - £120 ono. I picked this u from Peted a while ago with the intention of dabbling in fretless playing, but it turns out I didn't find it effortless in the first 5 mins so gave up. I pretty much exclusively play 5 strings now too so this really isn't getting any use here. It's a nice thin contoured body with natural colour/gloss laquer, bolt-on maple neck with rosewood board (I'm assuming, that's what it looks like anyways!), passive P/J p'ups, no nasty knocks or dings - there's a couple of shallow marks on the back of the neck but nothing I'm able to get a photo of. Anyways, pictures tell a thousand words...... Any questions just ask! Thanks for reading, Matt
  6. Yeah, seriously - is this still for sale?
  7. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............. I hate having GAS!!!
  8. Mate, your bass was at that show! I knew there was a reason I'd been staying away from this forum.............................. * must not buy more basses * must not buy more basses * must not buy more basses *
  9. Gamble


    Already got too much stuff, that's why I need my own house! Would a 15th bass really tip the scales though? Oh yeah, the money. Damnit.
  10. Gamble


    I'm guessing you're gonna be about 2 hours from Bristol? My Girlfriend has family and friends there and is visiting this week but I've got no idea when I'll be that neck of the woods next. Oh yeah, and it'd be a struggle to justify another bass right now. Stupid house shopping, taking up my spends.......
  11. YUZZ PLZZ!
  12. Any idea if the neck would be directly replacable with a fretted version? i.e. it's not a non-standard neck pocket for Status with the 6 fixing holes? I don't play fretless but I spotted this bass when it was for sale before and lusted after it, so if I've got the finances I could consider having it and trying to trade the neck for a fretted version. I'll have a look once I'm home.....
  13. Oh yeah, and here's mine!
  14. I've played Urb's Sei and it's lush, I've played Dougal's and it's lush (but I can't remember who made it and I really want to know!), I haven't seen "The Doodle" in the flesh yet but I've been assured by a man who has that it's lush - and the pics of Peted's unfinished Shuker look lush. I like 'em, have done since I first saw them - probly because they're a bit different. I do understand the "unbalanced" look some people are talking about, but I think the biggest mistake that gets made is not having a dramatic enough "waist" on the bass. They need a nice curve along the top for it to look really good, just like any twin cut bass.
  15. I want this. I don't have £600. Poop.
  16. I'd be really tempted if you were nearer home, but unfortunately I'm not driving from Norwich to sunny Scotland for a £100 bass!
  17. +1 for Primus/Claypool for a sense of "FKKKIN' HAVE SOME OF THAT!" once you nail it, and Rage for just enjoying the groove. Tap me up on FB if you ever want to talk Claypool too, I've got a couple of Primus tab books incase you get stuck!
  18. Did you see the thread a while back about the F-Bass that jumped out of the owners car boot on the motorway? I get pretty upset if one of my basses gets a knock, so that must have been heartbreaking!
  19. I'm not so against lending kit myself, but I do prefer it when players at least check if it's cool to use my rig before they ask where to plug in. Seriously, I got beckoned across the room by one guy who just asks "How does the bass amp work?". "THE" bass amp? "THE" FKKKING BASS AMP?!!! It's MY bass amp mate, and you might want to ask another question before that one! Thing is, at the venue this happened at (don't misunderstand though, this wasn't the only time it's happened) we always kit share as there's not enough room for 2 or 3 full sets of backline to be waiting in the wings with another on stage. The organiser would always check around the bands when putting the lineup together to see who could bring what, and I'd always be happier to let everyone use my Ampeg/8U rack head and SWR 610 than get lumped with some tatty little combo. We quite often supply the drum kit too so we knew what we'd be playing with, but it's always - ALWAYS - bring your own breakables eg sticks, snare and cymbals. I work as sound engineer there a bit now and had a band asking for guitar leads and plectrums the other day, and they were asking me! Like it's the venues job to have then laying about! Fkkks sake.......... My advice for the OP, if he hasn't already done his thing, would be to politely decline with a half decent excuse - even if you let her know it's because it sounds like it will all go horribly HORRIBLY wrong, give your evidence. I think that if there's a strong chance you'll get thrown out of the venue on sight it's not unfair to say that it's not worth the petrol bill to get there and find out. Even put the ball in her court first and ask her to check with the venue before hand. "Sorry love, if the venue says no-go then what can we do? We're just the band!"
  20. And cheers for the heads up on Karnivool, I'd seen the name about but not bothered to give them a listen!
  21. Man, Aussi bands are the best! Check our Dead Letter Circus too, and Cog, and Full Scale......
  22. Here's one I wish I'd gone for and made a project of: Here's some Ritters that just flick my switch: And although I don't really play 4's anymore, I'd still love to get me hands on this..... errrrrrrr.... I wont say beauty - but still: *Edit* On second thoughts, she is a bit of a looker actually!
  23. Mate, that's seriousy c@ck of her. I'll buy you a pint at the next time I'm in town, but in the mean time just try and find a silver lining. There WILL be one mate, trust me.
  24. +1 to you not living close enough to do my set-ups! I can do most things that I need to myself, but I'm a bit wary of trying to dress the frets on any of my basses and cocking it up and I'm pretty sure that and maybe a bit of neck shimming are what's wrong with my jazz. I have had it looked at by a well respeted guy from round these parts but he said there wasn't anything wrong with the frets he could see and that shimming the neck can change the tone. Anyways, sorry for the thread hijak - and don't let those muppets get you down! I totally understand how you feel about being bad-mouthed, but it sounds like a mug being led by an ar$3hol3 to me!
  25. That's great news! Really glad to hear the bass is going to be restored to it's full former glory, I was probably going to just put up with it too for the sake of a bargain if I'd found the money. On a side note, have you got any plans for the old neck? I might be interested in it for a project (that'll probably never get off the ground!)
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