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The Goatreich

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Everything posted by The Goatreich

  1. How much would postage be and where are you based?
  2. Tell me about it! I don't tend to buy much musical equipment new, but I thought it was probably worth it for the amp. Oh well, live and learn. I should probably just buy a Sunn, as they'll outlive me.
  3. Thanks, well it's in perfect condition as I've said. I'll take some photos and get it up for sale officially and see what happens.
  4. This is all killer info, thanks very much guys
  5. WOW, £375 is cheap seeing as they retail at nearly £900 and this is in pristine condition. I appreciate the info though, maybe I'll have to re-evaluate the price.
  6. I'm considering selling on my Ampeg SVT3Pro amp which I've had for coming up to 3 years from brand new. The amp has always been kept in the Gator rack hardcase, so is in perfect condition. It has been gigged, but not heavily. The Gator case would come as part of the sale, but unfortunately one of the lids was accidentally swapped with an identical case at a gig earlier this year and as such isn't as perfect a fit as it once was, but it does still fasten, just slightly loose. I'd be looking at selling on for around the £550 mark. What are people's thoughts? Is this a fair price for this kind of setup? Would consider a swap for an Orange Bass Terror 500.
  7. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1323173470' post='1460035'] If you've already had a series of £400 basses maybe this is the time to go for something extra. [/quote] My thoughts exactly, just wanted to get some clarification that if I do save for the big one I wouldn't end up with egg on my face. As for the long left arm....I played a BC Rich for years so I'm pretty sure my left arm will take anything that's thrown at it.
  8. I've always loved the thunderbird shape, but have never played one. I'm thinking about saving up for a proper Gibson Thunderbird, but after reading a few posts I see that lots of people rate the much cheaper Epiphone version. Admittedly part of me wants to own the expensive one as I've never owned a bass that cost more than £400, and they've always been ibanez or BC Rich...then one day I played a friend's Geddy Lee jazz bass and instantly could tell how much of a better bass it was all round than anything I've owned. So my question is, how do people rate the epiphone t-birds against the gibsons? Ideally I'm after a sexy white one.
  9. I'm looking forward to trialling mine in rehearsal tomorrow night.
  10. My sansamp stomp box is the best piece of equipment I've ever owned.
  11. I find for some reason that I can't hear my vocals as well when I have earplugs in. I know that doesn't make any sense as the voice should be louder in my head...but I just can't hear it. Also I never get the live buzz if I play a gig with earplugs in. I really want to invest in some of the moulded earplug, but at £150 I haven't managed it yet. They'll be one of my first purchases for 2012 I think, as I've stupidly punished my ears enough over the years.
  12. I really fancy a Gibson version of these, but didn't realise the Epiphone was held in such high regard.
  13. I've only ever seen the cheap versions of this bass before, I had no idea there was a £multiple thousand version available. It's lovely....but wow that's an expensive bass.
  14. Sounds really interesting, if the price compares then the thought of having a custom matamp is blowing my tiny mind.
  15. niiice! Do you mind me asking the cost? I'd be very interested in a hybrid Matamp before I buy a bass terror.
  16. I'm after an amp like this, but don't need the cab. Did the cab go to the person above in the end, and if so is the amp now available separately? I live near to you (Newport) so can quite easily pick this up.
  17. I've gone with the Bareface compact, with the thoughts to adding another one soon enough and a Bass Terror to run it.
  18. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1322560719' post='1452496'] You need something like this :-) [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/forum/showthread.php?t=199987"]http://www.seymourdu...ad.php?t=199987[/url] [/quote] HAA! That's amazing!!!
  19. I guess actually it would be worth me grabbing the Ampeg as I'm never likely to lose money on it so it's a worthy investment. Plus, I've always wanted to own one so it would at least appease that part of my GAS. I'll still save for a Barefaced compact or two in the meantime though, maybe even sell on my SVT3pro and use the Bass Terror for both rigs.
  20. No, not arenas. But I would like to at least have the option of a large cab behind me if and when I need it, we do sometimes play gigs where the stage would be large enough to make a compact cab look slightly mickey mouse. I am leaning towards the Barefaced compact for the convenience...but it feels like this Ampeg offer is too good to turn down.
  21. I've mentioned this in another thread yesterday, but I thought I'd start a new topic to get more opinions. Yesterday I sold my Ashdown 410/115 rig so now I have some readies to replace them. My ideal setup would be: All-valve head - Ampeg 810 classic cab (for larger gigs) Orange bass terror - Barefaced Compact (for smaller gigs and rehearsals). My quandary is that I've been offered half retail price Ampegs, so the 810 is instantly affordable, however the Barefaced Compact is also on offer at the moment at £100 off. I really can't decide which to get first. If I grab the Ampeg, am I going to regret not having the convenience of the compacts? If I get the compacts am I going to regret not having the mansize stack behind me. Help me out guys before my brain explodes!
  22. Great stuff, thanks.
  23. Cheers for the info. Another vote for the Barefaced.....nice.
  24. Ha, it's perfectly possible, and I don't even own it yet. I want the compact rig for convenience, and the 8*10-all-valve rig as a penis extension Slightly off topic, but how do these Barefaced compacts fare against the Orange compacts? There's a bass terror amp and compact cab for sale on this forum that is local to me, and I'm slightly leaning towards that route, however a good friend has both cabs and in his experience the Barefaced is the better of the two?
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