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The Goatreich

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Everything posted by The Goatreich

  1. I'm pretty chuffed with this offer! If the sale of my huge ashdown rig goes through as planned tonight, I should have the funds in my hand to order the barefaced compact tomorrow. My plan is to own, one practical rig for rehearsals and small gigs, which would be an Orange Bass Terror 500, on powering a Barefaced Compact, and one monster rig which would be an all valve head powering an Ampeg 8*10 classic for bigger gigs and when we travel in a van. Might even think about getting the Midget on top of the compact seeing as that's what people are recommending.
  2. Bump, will be going on gumtree this week, and ebay after that. I need these gone.
  3. ARGH! I want one of these, and you're local too! I need to sell my cabs to fund any new purchase though.
  4. Not bad rig at all. Some interest I had has pulled out on this, so will leave it a few more days before putting it on ebay. Let me know if you're interested.
  5. Daily bump. I'd rather not send this to ebay, but at the same time I need them gone. Are they too expensive?? Personally I thought this was a perfectly reasonable, and even slightly cheap price.
  6. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1321378228' post='1438471'] Never seen it written before! RIP Nian [/quote] It's even better when written. I love the almost reverse onomatopoeic nature of it. Long live the Welsh language
  7. Bump (sorry, I need these gone asap).
  8. I've no longer got the room for these cabs, so they've got to go. I bought them a few years ago for around £550 and they've only infrequently been used since. Looking for around the £450 mark. Would need to collect from Newport, South Wales. Ashdown ABM-410H Ashdown ABM-115-400 The flight cases are the real deal, sturdy, very well made and I'd imagine you could drop the cabs down the stairs in them with no damage. There's some slight aesthetic damage to the cabs themselves from where they've had to be removed from the flight cases, but nothing major. One of the inputs on the 1*15 needs a new nut, which will be an easy job for someone to fix. The cab works fine without this input as it gets daisy-chained from the 4*10.
  9. Amazing, I'll keep my eye out on the SH market then. Those Japanese links look good, but I'm a bit wary about ordering from a site that I don't understand the lingo
  10. Hey all, does anyone know whether the Gibson Thunderbird IV bass has ever been available in white? I can find plenty of results for the Epiphone model, but wondered whether the real deal ever existed. I've never wanted a white bass before, but I saw the bass player from Yob with one of these the other day and it looked very sexy!!
  11. This is AMAZING!!
  12. My mate's band have just blagged Justin Chancellor to play for them!!!! I nearly fell out of my seat when I saw it! [url="http://www.smnnews.com/2010/07/22/intronaut-recruit-tool-bassist-justin-chancellor/"]http://www.smnnews.com/2010/07/22/intronau...tin-chancellor/[/url]
  13. I like the idea of joining a successful tribute band that doesn't necessarily play every weekend. I'm busy with my main band, but would love to do something like this one or two weekends a month for the crack and for the cash.
  14. I'm getting an odd issue where sometimes my Sansamp pedal won't power on when using the power brick in a live setting, but does everytime in the practice room. The only difference I can see really is that usually on stage I'm plugging into an extension cord of some type, but in rehearsal I'm usually straight into a wall socket. My Boss tuner is also running off the same power brick and never has the problem. It's not a massive deal, but I did buy the power brick to avoid having to buy batteries all of the time. Has anyone else had similar issues, and managed to get around it somehow?
  15. [quote name='mrtcat' post='939020' date='Aug 28 2010, 08:43 PM']"Starlight" by The Supermen Lovers[/quote] I LOVE this tune!!
  16. My Sansamp stompbox is the best bit of kit I own. I can never get the sound I crave without it in the loop, even through my SVT3-Pro. If it got stolen today, I'd buy another one tomorrow. It's also incredibly handy when we fly to gigs and can't take our own backline. Any P.O.S. amp that we end up using sounds like a beast. Highly recommended.
  17. Thanks for the reply. I agree with what you're saying, and I do think that he would definitely learn from a more theoretical tutor and I will very likely pass this onto him to see what he thinks. 99% of my bass playing experience is practical based, and have mainly learned through just playing along to other peoples' songs and of course being part of several bands writing music over the years. It's highly likely that I could do with lessons myself, if I could only afford them. He started with me under no pretence that I would walk him through exams etc, he just wanted to be taught some of his favourite songs and also be introduced to new techniques, mainly slap. Since starting with me I can see that he has improved his left hand positioning ten fold and his ring and little finger have definitely increased in strength, which I'm very happy about. The main struggle at the moment is playing along to the metronome, maybe it is time to point him towards someone that can help him out long term. I only hope that he can afford the cost of professional lessons.
  18. [quote name='Chest Rockwell' post='936806' date='Aug 26 2010, 09:43 AM']can you last two posters explain those posts in English? too hot? you mean, too powerful?[/quote] Too hot = too powerful a signal.
  19. Same goes for this as the 5-string, I would LOVE this bass if I could afford it. Seriously nice looking.
  20. This is lovely! I just wish I had the funds, especially as I'm a big Rex Brown fan.
  21. Rio, or anything by Duran Duran!!!
  22. Hey guys, I've recently had a friend's younger brother coming over the house for some basic bass lessons. He started playing less than a year ago, and basically wants a hand in learning some of his favourite tunes, and also some pointers in theory and other methods such as slap. I've been playing for 15 years on a non-professional level but during that time have had extensive experience of playing in a rock/metal style, which is luckily the genre he's into and wants to learn from, at least for now. About a month into the lessons and I'm discovering that since I'm entirely self-taught I'm struggling to give him decent lessons that will help him in the areas he needs to work on that don't simultaneously bore him to tears and want to give up. The main problem area at the moment is time-keeping and following a beat. I have him playing major and minor scales up and down the fret board, along to a metronome set at various speeds, which feels like a proper lesson, but I can tell that he's quickly getting bored of it and his mind wandering and so we always move on to learning whatever song we're in the middle of learning at the moment. Now, of course, I'm not asking any tutors on here to give up precious trade secrets and lessons, but does anyone have any advice on good ideas that I can show him to help him learn and nail the very basics? I try and think back to when I was at the same level and he is, and I pretty much just listened to songs and copied them, never really struggling with playing along to a beat (not saying I didn't, and still don't struggle in other areas ). I would appreciate any advice people can give. Cheers!
  23. [quote name='whimsy23' post='793359' date='Apr 1 2010, 02:34 PM']I just sold my sansamp bddi...[/quote] FAIL
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