Hi all, I'm a well-seasoned novice bassist, morphed from a very bad and only occasional bedroom guitarist. I had a Sire V5 for a while, but I sold that and now have a Sire P7 fretless. GAS is hitting hard for an unlined fretless for some reason, but I think I'll check my progress in a couple of months or more. If I'm playing more than 5 days per week then we'll see about adding to the collection. Having said that, perhaps a fretted bass would be the best next step. The bass goes through a THRii at the moment, the "flat" setting seems to sound the best to me, but I may get a headphone amp in the future. The THR lets me play a backing track via Bluetooth from my phone, which will come in very useful I think.
Musical interests, when it comes to playing, are anything and everything, leaning towards soul and acid-jazzy type tunes.