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DF Shortscale

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Everything posted by DF Shortscale

  1. There are a few bass friendly vendors on the list, Origin / Diamond etc, I'm hoping they'll bring some bass bits along. It's not too far from where I live so I'll go along on the Saturday and report back.
  2. Thought this might be of interest here, first I've heard of it but looks pretty good to me, and it's free. Not sure how much bass related stuff they'll have there but the vendor list looks pretty intriguing, has anyone been to one of these before? https://delicious-audio.com/london-synth-pedal-expo-2024/
  3. Should be ok, I have a Dimarzio Model J going in there. I’m hoping that’s loud enough, I have a PJ with a quarter pounder in the P position and a Model J at the bridge and volume wise they match, despite the loud P pickup. Should also be ok in terms of string spacing. Interesting that you prefer the pickup right by the bridge, I think it might be a little too quacky back there for me, would probably sound good with both pickups on but I do like to solo the bridge sometimes.
  4. Re relative scale length - no, but I measured another of my short scales for reference (Atelier Z) and the bridge pickup on that one is pretty much in the optimal spot, so I was going with that as the reference point. Re. test rig - I can't do this myself because I have significantly less than 2 brain cells, but I could definitely ask the guy doing the modding if he'd be willing to do this.
  5. I hear you, C was my original choice too, the only thing stopping me was that I measured all my favourite basses and the distance between the 2 pickups (outer edge to outer edge) was always around 10cm. Perhaps a measurement from the bridge would make more sense than measuring the distance between pickups. I'd like to approximate 60's J bass pickup locations. I won't be doing the routing myself so I may not be able to find the sweet spot in the way you suggest, which I know would be the ideal scenario.
  6. I'm about to mod a bass not unlike the one above. Before I go ahead and ruin things, would you go with position A, B or C? My choice is B, with around 10cm from bridge pickup outer edge (closest to bridge) to neck pickup outer edge (closest to neck). It's going to be vol/vol/tone with the jack going to the side of the body. Feel free to talk me out of it if you think one of the other positions makes more sense.
  7. Wow that bass sounds tasty, the tones in this and the other video you posted with the flats are killer. Really like that Gemini pickup in the bridge. I’ll send you a DM.
  8. I’ll post some info and pics once I’ve modded it.
  9. Thanks for the motivation! I’m gonna do it. Or rather get someone who knows what they’re doing to do it.
  10. Thanks, yeah it would definitely be a blend, not a fan of pickup switches at all. I'm half tempted to buy the Model J set, so if I'm not happy with the tone of the P-style pickup I'll just turn the whole thing into a jazz bass. It's a funny old pickup, it looks like a 50's P pickup but is actually a split coil. I'm also going to switch out the tone control, it's doing something nasal that I really don't like at the moment, it's not doing what you'd expect a tone control to do on a Precision. It's quite a lot of modding, which I'm not normally into but it's a case of a bass with perfect ergonomics and playability but weird tone. I want to be able to gig with it.
  11. I have a Musicmaster style short scale which has a fairly loud P-style pickup installed in it. It's a very nice bass but it feels like it desperately needs a bridge pickup somewhere around the 60's position, not right by the bridge like the current USA Mustangs but much closer to the 60's spot. Before I go ahead and butcher this bass (it's not vintage and it's not a Fender), can anyone: a. give me any reason why this would be a terrible idea? b. recommend a single coil J pickup that has a nice loud but vintage J style tone, and won't be dwarfed by the loud P pickup? Nothing modern / over the top / no giant humbuckers etc, just a traditional (but maybe louder than average) J bridge pickup. Also - if anyone has done this mod on a shortie, please tell me how it went, and whether you liked the outcome or thought it was a waste of time. Thanks!
  12. Origin / Jad Freer / Broughton / Sushi Box all make preamp pedals that address this, it’s probably the least expensive way to get a bit of vintage voicing into your signal chain. Genzler’s Nu Classic cabs are also voiced to sound more like older cabs, I haven’t tried these but if they’re anything like the rest of their product line I’m sure they will be amazing.
  13. Thanks for the heads up about the body, I've edited the post.
  14. Thanks, yeah it is a nice one! It could well be ash, I wasn’t sure and never gave it much thought, the info is just based on a similar one on reverb which mentioned basswood but now you mention it, that grain does look more like ash.
  15. Yeah, they sound super good too! I guess the price is where it should be, I'm just trying not to think about it to avoid temptation.. If I didn't already have a Broughton Fliptop I'd definitely be looking at the Capo, such a nice range of tones in that pedal. The Broughton is probably less versatile but it takes care of the B15 thing for me (for now).
  16. *sold elsewhere Putting this (and another Fender jazz) up for sale, bit reluctant but I seem to be playing only short scales these days. MIJ Walnut Fender Jazz Bass, I believe these were a special run made by Fender Japan. The serial no. dates this one to 2014. Rosewood board, passive, medium jumbo frets, maple neck, ash body, '62 walnut styling, plays really well and sounds like a jazz bass should! Set up was done by the Bass Gallery, it's solid so I haven't needed to touch it since then. Truss rod is fine, frets are fine but could use a polish, current action is just under 2mm at 12th fret on the E, which is where I like it but it will go lower than that if you need it to. I'm afraid I don't know the exact weight but it's on the lighter side for a jazz, and considerably lighter than my USA Jazz Dlx. Strung with some very old and very dead NYXL rounds. Scratch on the lower bout, pictured. This came without a bag or case, so I would prefer collection or meet-up in or around London but may be able to figure out postage. If you need further info / pics let me know. I work very close to North Greenwich tube, if you're nearby you're welcome to come and try it.
  17. Yeah that Sisma amp and their cabs look killer, I'm too scared to look at the price..
  18. Bit late to respond to this, but I find pedals like the Broughton Fliptop or the SVPre really useful, both for practice and gigs. The Origin Effects and Jad Freer stuff is probably even better, although haven't had a chance to try those yet.
  19. Thanks! Yeah, appreciate it's not everyone's (anyone's?) cup of tea
  20. Hi everyone, a quick hello from me as I've just created a new account. I'm Dave, based in SE London, I play jazz, I like short scales with dead strings, pedals that that make new amps sound old, and cabs that weigh as little as possible..
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