At gigs your volume is automatically louder - thus more gain going into your amp.
The only change you can get really to get it sounding good for gigs is to do a soundcheck at a gig, and change it after the song, or mid song while the band still plays.. and then when you play to the audience you'll have the tone you want.
This will also usually carry on to work with other gigs aswell.
Also, if you are DI'ing with your amp, your getting the flavour of the amp in the signal, and not just the pedal flavours. If that makes sence.
I get a much better tone (especially with effects) if I DI out of my pre-amp rather than my amp.. but then again I have a crappy amp! I only like it cause I can drive the hell out of it, cause I get all my tone out of my pre-amp anyways.. the amp is just volume for me, really.