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Everything posted by civictiger

  1. Also, here's a link to their website which shows the benefits of being an MU member. [url="http://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/join-the-mu/benefits/"]http://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/join-the-mu/benefits/[/url]
  2. I vote MU. The ONLY bad thing is when you join the UM, your a 'member for life'. You CAN stop the payments to then, thus ending your membership temporarely, but if you had say a 5 year gap and then want to rejoin the MU, you'd have to pay 5 years worth of membership as a lump sum to rejoin - that is just about its only fault. I think its just under £100 a year, and like someone mentioned you get a massive PLI, and 2k worth of insurance on your gear from theft + the le gal advice is amazing.... If you don't get paid for a gig, tell them your an MU member and I guarantee they'll sh*t a brick and the monies yours. If they dont, well, let's just say the MU will get it for you.
  3. Has anyone got any sound clips, or even a review of this product? I'm interested in buying one, but only if its really actually worth getting.. There have been a few for sale here which makes me think that people dont tend to keep their hands on them once they actually buy 'em!
  4. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1344079' date='Aug 18 2011, 09:48 AM']You'll do no damage using something like that adapter, as long as the voltage and polarity of the mains adapter connector are correct.[/quote] I use an adapter atm and it caused me all sorts of problems, with my Russian Big Muff.. it just so unreliable. But, I am going to get one of these, soon. [url="http://www.thegigrig.com/acatalog/PS_Virtual_Batteries.html"]http://www.thegigrig.com/acatalog/PS_Virtual_Batteries.html[/url] They're £30, but its basically a fake battery that you plug a 9v lead in to, so it wouldn't case any problems.
  5. Hey mate, now.. I just did a review of a Mono M80. I still haven't managed to add pictures to my thread yet as i'm taking them today/tomorrow, maybe even later in the week, but take a look anyways. I give a MASSIVE review of it, which should hopefully sell you the case even without pictures! [url="http://andygbass.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/mono-m80/"]http://andygbass.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/mono-m80/[/url] I wasn't going to link anyone this site yet, as I literally just made it.. There is only 2 reviews up at the moment, but you'r a fellow chatter in need so there you go! For now, though, heres a link to it on their site aswell for the images. Its basically a soft hard case! [url="http://www.monocase.com/mono-bass-guitar.asp"]http://www.monocase.com/mono-bass-guitar.asp[/url]
  6. [quote name='Bankai' post='1335986' date='Aug 11 2011, 03:53 AM']Would recommend Sennheiser CX-200 earphones. A little more at £20 but worth it. Very re-inforced at the plug end.[/quote] +1 I've used 1 set every year and I abuse them all the time, tying them up, throwing around + our drummer uses them for gigging with our click track from the iPod (not mine, his own set) They have really good bass responses for a cheaper model of earphones, and best of all you can get em for around £13-£16 on eBay.
  7. Hey mate The one that does the audio to midi (the 2 in 1 version) will indeed let you use your bass as a midi controlled. However. For analog devices, such as the boss v-bass you won't get too much latency, but for digital programs like reason/cubase I'm pretty sure you will get a slight latency delay. Feel free to try it out. But I'm certain there will definitely be a mild case of latency.
  8. Hey guys So im looking into something that does the same thing as a Sound Sculpture Switchblade. If im correct, the 16 inputs obviously get signals from the pedals.. So, Pedal 1 > Input 1 Pedal 2 > Input 2 Pedal 3 > Input 3 But what about the outputs? where do they go? & what about loops? I notice a lot of bassists racks consist of loops, they dont just plug each pedal into an input like this switchblade kinda thing. Also, lets say all the pedals have their own input on the Switchblade, and I got patch 1 to run: 1 > 2 > 3 > output to amp, could I then have another patch to run: 3 > 1 > 2 > output to amp? And to make it even more complicated, could I run: 1 > 2 > 3 > amp1 via output 8, and then run: 2 > 1 > 3 > amp2 via output 9? Sorry for all the question.. I think I have it right but I just want some insight on this. & does anyone know of a cheaper version of this, from a different manufacturer?
  9. Thanks for the replies guys It is a Russian model, yes.. I should have stated a bit clearer!! so I need a +ve centre? Also I noticed my dad who had a quick look at it (but isnt too electrical spec, he's all wood work!) says that the switch needs 2 things not 1., altho I cannot rememebr what 'things' he said they were, haha.
  10. Okay, so one of my Big Muff's needs an Online BC diagnostic! In short, I broke it when I was using a boss PSU with it (I got a cable that has PSU one 21mm one end and a 9v battery thing the other end.. worked fine with my power brick until the 9v. So anyways I got annoyed it with turning on/off and I slammed it a little and uh-oh. I gave it my tech at college, they fixed it (kind of).. the LED is borked, completely.. and the pedal one works when I turn the effect ON, if the effect is off the signal chain is cut off completely, and no sound passes through. Is it done for, or can it be repaired?
  11. Yeahh the exams are pretty much different sections, I believe.. like Theory, Techinical Playing and some Improvisation (which may get tied in with playing) I'm not sure if I want to take any exams or not.. I am going off to a Music Academy in September myself, to study a 1 year Higher Diploma, and then hopefully a Degree which lasts for 2 years. I have been slacking lately, though, I need to up the ante and start playing again! I got given grade 5 and 6 books from a friend, maybe i'll work through them.
  12. civictiger

    big muff

    despite the fact the russian bug muff is actually a guitar pedal and not a bass anyways, it sounds beaut. BUT, i'd stick to the BASS big muff over the guitar big muff (in the link). I hav the bass and the russian, and the bass one sounds great on the 'dry' mode, which has 50% of your CLEAN signal so you dont lose any low end, and 50% of effect.
  13. This can be done. Machines, I will send you a link in a PM that will show you how to add a new BB Code so you can embed Soundcloud the same way you can embed youtube videos on here with the youtube BB code tags
  14. Moncy is right, that is definitely a synth. I had a bit of trouble on this, cause you can usually tell synths like that cus of the 'attack' on the notes, but this sounds like there is another guitar playing very similar to the bass turned down very low, which makes that 'clipping' noise. But simple characteristics in the sound give it a way, for example the little scale down at 3:09.
  15. You two are awesome! well done! what do you guys think of this?? this is me on Bass with my friend on Drums, but we are expanding as a full band format with a frontman and guitarist (which we do have the guitarist but his part isnt on this clip atm) we just need a frontman who can sing aswell as produce us. [url="http://soundcloud.com/civictiger/song7a"]http://soundcloud.com/civictiger/song7a[/url] It's just the outro to one of our songs, its only about 45 seconds long. As you can notice, were a bit more 'digital' than you, with you being pretty much all analog. My Bass is basically a MIDI Keyboard thats how we achieve this possibility. the sounds are only basic as we use simple-ish sounds to write music with, and then work on them after.
  16. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1225093' date='May 9 2011, 01:59 PM']Yeah a Boss LS2 is a good choice and can be used as an AB blender. What band do you play with? Your effects and implementation sound right up my street. Dan[/quote] At the moment I am in a Muse Tribute Band, and also in a project to play live electronic music like Pendulum. The whole thing will be MIDI processed, though, with ghost piezo pick-ups which will trigger VST's, we'll be using very little analog effects I think. We need a 4th member, though, who will be the frontman and also ideally a producer too if we wanna be very picky lol.
  17. okok, here is my signal chain bass > noise gate > octave > synth > fuzz > fuzz > pre-amp > tuner > amp Now, I basically want the octave to only put the octave on my fuzz, but not my clean tone.. and then I also need the fuzz to come back out and go through my pre-amp effectively, I need to swap around my synth and octave and then add the octave and fuzzes into the loop (if possible) and then back out into my pre-amp is there a way I can do this using the effects loop on the back of my amp, by putting the octave, and both fuzz's into it and back out to the pre-amp.. and if so how do I wire it?? or do I need a AB blender pedal?? With the blender pedal I can process it like: Bass > noise gate >into loop A-octave, fuzz, fuzz >into loop B-synth >out of loops into preamp > amp or maybe even: Bass > noise gate >into loop A-octave, fuzz >into loop B-synth, fuzz >out of loops into preamp > amp So I definitely know I CAN do it with an AB pedal. any help is gonna be appreciated greatly cheers BC!
  18. Mono case do some very nice good quality straps I seen, they are on my list of saomething to get!
  19. [quote name='deanbean502' post='1215956' date='Apr 30 2011, 05:10 PM']I havent got a mamouth, however i almost bought one and Tim at mansons advised against it because it doesnt suit active basses. He reccomended the mastaron. It has a sub switch from 1-3 which controls the deep you want that fuzz so it never gets lost in the mix. Im very happy with mine, it did take me a while to tame the beast as it were but you soon find the sound you looking for. Apparently Chris Wolstenholme is using one in his current setup And a plus there only £99 bonus[/quote] Nice one, i'll keep this in mind, thankyou! Jus' watched some gear on yourtube play it with a bass, he was a pretty dancy player hehe, but it sounds really nice, actually.
  20. I got 4 x 512 sticks, DDR, PC 3200 CL3 two are samsung, two are crucial I used them in my old PC but got a new one just before christmas which uses DDR2 so they are just lying around doing nothing. yours for £12 including postage, sent recorded delivery & padded well. If you want em, send me a PM with your address e.t.c
  21. Just need someone to send me an audio demo.. you dont have to introduce or play anything specificm or show your face, just want someone to send me an audio clip of the settings I will provide them.. kinda like a try before buy kinda thing PM me if you can do this for me! thanks Andy
  22. Just a question, are any frequencies lost at all using this? And is there any latency?
  23. I use an artec noise gate, it isn't a supressor its an actual gate You set the threshhold/sensitivity and and signal below that, it just cuts. I have the gate as the very first pedal in my chain as running it after distortions means you have to get really risky with the threshhold. If I mute a string, my whole signal is cut off and amp is silent (including using my fuzz+preamp) I'd recommend it, also since your concerned about using your conpressor after your distortion, you can have the gate first and the compressor second in your signal path Oh, aand best parts are its true bypass and only cost me about 45-50quid new
  24. [quote name='Netballman' post='1175346' date='Mar 24 2011, 10:37 PM']I've got an old (but fully functional ) Stagg one I no longer use you can have if you like? Only light padding but has backstraps and a couple of pockets... Not sure what it would cost to post - I guess around £5-£6? - but if you (or anyone you know) is going to be in London any time soon pickup would be good, I could bike it to anywhere in the general vicinity of Euston or Northolt... [/quote] That would be great thanks i'll PM you my address and then when you post it let me know the cost and i'll send it to you via BACS
  25. Just wondering if anyone has a Softcase/Gigbag lying around that they havent used in a long time and have no plans for it, i'd love it! Not meaning to sound picky but it must have a strong, working zip! I will ofcourse cover postage costs Thanks a lot Basschat!
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