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Everything posted by civictiger

  1. [quote name='dumelow' post='745426' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:16 AM']can you do that? think i might have to look at getting a tu-2[/quote] I think so I was told by a friend before that Boss pedals are made especially to power off of eachother. but I dont know for sure.
  2. I use a Power bank, too. powers all of the pedals listed in my signature at once. I only got it cause I was on a really right budget. I will upgrade soon-ish I hope, but for now it does its job great
  3. okay, well.. since this is all in stereo atm, I cant transfer it to mono, can I? I tried that, and then when I load the audio back in it comes up with 2 channels again - stereo. so does this mean a new go at it starting mono or can it be transfered?
  4. [quote name='MythSte' post='742892' date='Feb 12 2010, 10:49 AM']not as hard as you might think, I used to do it by splitting a stereo signal into two mono mixes and panning the click all the way left and the track all the way right. [/quote] hey guys, sorry for late reply been busy yeahh, we've done this. We used Reason to make the backing tracks, and then Cubase to make the click tracks we pan the click + backing track right (for the drummer) and then the backing track left (to go through the P.A) but the thing is, the click track on the right, spills a tiny signal over to the left, which goes through the P.A and since the P.A is at a loud volume, you can hear the spill really loud, too. Th spill sounds so crap too, like its isnt a copy of the sound on the right panned track, its all the little acoustic reverbs that spill onto the left track which sound really crap.. if anybody can let me know how to solve the spill entirely that would be great, because we have tried so many different things!
  5. Hey guys Does anybody have a reasonable spec Laptop that my band can use you Live Gigs, we really need one as everything we have tried concerning backing tracks (panning, using l and r channels, splitting the signal e.t.c) all has failed and we are in desperate need for having a laptop that e can use to run software from for our live gigs. Everything on it will be wiped and will be used just for Live purpose only. It doesnt need to be top spec, just be decent enough to handle a song with 3 tracks playing with no skips.. and must be reliable It must have a charger battery, and is possible the charger lead, too We will be much appreciated if anybody has an old one lying around collection dust.. I will be more than happy to pay £10 to cover postage cost and a bit of your time for looking. If anybody does find an old one they have, then PM me with a picture of it and we can talk over PM's.. if you can send me a PM with the make/model too so it would be easy to check online the specs quickly enough. I know its a lot to ask for, and we are not sure if we will get any replies, but we have spent a lot of money on mixers, D.I boxes and leads and we have been un successful so far because the click track and other audio spills onto the tracks we dont need it on.. and recently my friend shown me how he does it in his band so a laptop would go down nicely. thanks a lot.. it is so much appreciated!
  6. you can mute the string from a slap by having 2 points of contact on the string with your left hand, so that when your thumb hits the string it gives a mute sound not an actual note like with one point of contact. if thats what you mean?
  7. really? i've been doing it the wrong way then. oops.
  8. Can I plus my bass into the high input, to give a louder signal? or is it only for active basses? mine is passive.
  9. to be honest.. why Akai dont make them anymore is unknown But what is also unknown, is why another company dont make similar sounding one?! I mean come on.. if you cant beat them join them, so idk why another company hasnt made a 'clone' or a very similar sounding one without breaching copyright.
  10. I'll take it! =] i'll PM ypu about payment
  11. Still no reply to me about the big muff :\ But dw mate, im gonna get a different pedal from someone else. Shame that you dont even have the decency to reply to messages.. and you call other people the time wasters. Not good business if you ask me.
  12. [quote name='spaz91' post='731158' date='Jan 31 2010, 10:30 PM']Well no one has asked for it and actually offered the selling price So its yours if you want it. If you turn the tone all the way right it sounds fairly bassless but towards the middle and right you can get some great bass tones from it.[/quote] Excuse me, but I sent you 2 PM's both regarding the price, and I also posted here saying that if you could send me a pic and we can finalise the payment.. Bad buisness tbh..
  13. I sent you a second lm regarding the postage... I said I have borrowed money to cover the postage but since I sent it after the first one you must have read that one first.. If you can, pm me a pic of the russian muff and we can finalise the payment
  14. PM sent regarding russian muff
  15. Hey guys! Just thought i'd help promote my gig a little bit and post here! if any of you guys are up for a good night out in coming to see my Muse tribute band play, then pop down to our shown on the 17th February in Leicester, at The Shed. Show starts at 7:00 there is 4 bands on the bill, were on 3rd I believe. It should be a good night! more details in our Social Network sites if you need anything.. I'll check back here from time to time, too! -Andy
  16. damnn im always late for these and then sell my money and then one comes up again! oh well maybe next time
  17. some say this pedal might be an Akai killer due to its customization.. is this true? has anybody tried/have news on this particular topic?
  18. can luthiers produce good finishes, then? and it is special paint or is it spray?
  19. Hey guys I have a question, about purchasing Jazz Basses in a particular colour/finish.. How do you do this, do you order it through Fender themselves? because I havent seen anywhere online that sells a particular coloured bass I think I want [url="http://www.museabuse.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10014/Candytangerinebass.jpg"]http://www.museabuse.com/gallery/albums/us...ngerinebass.jpg[/url] Its apparently called 'Candy Tangerine' but a lot of pictures of google are different, some are orange like that but some are also red-ish not orange.. does anybody know a way to order a fender jazz (deluxe) with this colour finish? Thanks
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' post='719156' date='Jan 20 2010, 03:54 PM']Your bass goes into the input of your amp, FX send goes to the input of your pedals, output of your pedals goes to FX return. If you have the sensitivity on your pedal set to the max and you're still getting feedback I guess you're too close to the amp and you need to rest your fingers on your strings to bring the ouput of your bass down below the threshold of the gate.[/quote] okay man, thanks =] i'll have to give it a try sometime tomorrow thanks for the replies everyone =]
  21. thanks for the replies, guys well, im on a bubget so I cant afford an NS-2 atm.. I did buy a Behringer model which does the same thing (but obviously not as good) but the ammount that it reduced the signal wasnt significant so I got rid. the artec pedal reduces more of the feedback sound after my effects pedals, so i guess at the end might be the best bet for now.. I have tried using my amps effects send/return but i cant get it to work!! from my understanding, my bass goes into my effects, which then plug into effects send which then the effects return goes into the input of my amp, but when I start playing my bass I hear nothing.. so is something I am doing completely wrong? (this is without my gate in the chain, btw)
  22. [quote name='honky jazz' post='717042' date='Jan 18 2010, 08:02 PM']yes its a technique problem not the pedals. i had the same problem. i didn't change my action or relief but i worked on my slides and returning to orginal note. don't be lazy and slide up the string, lift clean off and move upto the original note. you could put flatwounds on that will help but will also change your tone (if you try to get a certain tone) you could compromise and put half wounds or ground wounds on. i put rotosound solo bass 55's on my bass. get a great tone and reduce finger noise. imho[/quote] yeahh, thats what i do currently, the 'non lazy' part, hehe okay, well, that resolves my string noise issues.. so what about where i should out my gate? sometimes with my amp loud it still doesnt cut out the loud feedback noise it makes.. and thats on the most harsh setting on the gate, too.. do i need a compressor, or am i doing something wrong? =[
  23. Hey guys I just got my noise gate through the post, an Artec SE-NGT. Now, my problem is that I use effects live.. one thing that shines through effects REALLY badly, is cause of the high signal they put out, they give a lot of string scratching sounds that I cant have when playing live. There is mainly only one song this happens on, which is a song that has a lot of slide downs , but when i go to put my hand back up to the 12/11th fret area, it produces the string scratch noise.. Now, I have tried my gate with even the lowest sensitivity, which cuts out the hum, but doesnt cut out the string noise.. Is it just because of the gate itself? or is there something I am missing? I can play this piece without the string making scratchy noise but it doesnt sound as pure as i slide down to the 3rd fret rather than the 1st and release my hands off of the fretboard completely and then move it up to the 12/11 area. Is it a compressor i need, or what? im really clueless.. also should a gate be put at the start or end or a signal chain?
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