This Pangborn has the articulation and brightness people call “piano tone” … as a man who became musically aware in the mid-1980s, it has always been the most omnipresent bass tone in my head. Thanks Kiwi!
I also think it is 1986, but in that 1985 article the writer says an all graphite bass is the next step for the brand, so I wonder if that was the plan but wood ended up part of the mix for financial or practical reasons, such as the stiffness or warp in Modulus necks documented at the time.
I am surprised to find I like the passive tone better! The active one overdrives my amp unless I bypass the amp’s EQ. A little compression is a must. Superb player!
I have what appears to a one-off all-graphite Warlord. [EDIT: wooden wings!] would love to know its history. I’ve read up on Pangborn and found a reference to this bass from 1985 when it was in its planning stages. Aside from that, nothing. I quite love it. Anyone see this one before?