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Everything posted by Cheeto726

  1. That's very kind of you sir! I appreciate it. I know that's there's another new bass player out there that needs it more. Thanks for thinking of me
  2. Not exactly lol. I found a used hartke rig and jumped on it. It's sounds super sweet!
  3. That was actually going to be my last resort. Just regular strings and cut them down. I found some Ernie balls online that will hopefully be delivered in the next couple days that say they're medium scale. I'm going to try that and if I still have issues with those then I'm just going to replace the bridge so I can string them through the actual bridge and set up the body
  4. I wish I could string them through the bridge but there are no holes there. This has to be strong through the actual body which is probably why I'm having issues finding proper strings. I didn't even think about that! I think that's a sign to just replace the bridge LOL. It's the one that came with the base when I bought it though
  5. I need some help! I just got a Fender American Performer Limited-Edition Mustang bass. It's got a 30 inch neck which from my understanding is considered a short scale. I'm having issues finding strings for it. I put two sets of short scale D'Addario Strings and where it tapers off, there's way too much play in the neck area. The string is not properly sitting in the nut. Everything I look online says that this is a short scale base and I need to put short scale strings on it which I have done but I'm still having this issue even when I put flat rounds on it. My instructor recommended I purchased the strings that are on the specs from fenders website but those are also short scale strings. The tech at my local Guitar Center said that my basss is considered a medium scale which is why I'm having issues finding strings for it. The internet has no answers for me either lol. There are considerably less options for medium scale strings everywhere. Some stuff I've read says just put regular long scale strings on it. Others say the exact opposite. Is there anyone out there that has a base just like mine or similar to it? Did you have the same issues I had? What did you do? Is my base considered a medium scale? Is it not short enough to be a short scale?
  6. This was one of the first videos I saw when I typed in short scale basses. I love watching these two and you can tell one of them does not like short scales lol
  7. I just had a small jam session with some coworkers and they didn't notice any difference as far as sound. If anything, it sounded better and "bigger" lol
  8. Thanks! I was looking for this thread!
  9. I picked up a Fender American Performer Limited-Edition Mustang bass over the weekend and absolutely love it. Only issue I have is the fact that it's smaller than my other basses so it will take some time getting used to. I got this on a trade The thing is mint condition too. When I looked into it and did some research, I read a lot of stuff and saw a bunch of videos about how short scale basses are not real basses, how they're "dead", etc etc. I also went to a local music store and they didn't really have anything good to say about them either lol I really like mine but just wanted to know some opinions on them and maybe some recommendations for some other short-scale basses. I'm thinking about getting a 2nd one.
  10. I wanted to get more of an aggressive, punchy tone. My sire is very warm and I love it too though. I played an actual music man at a music store near my house and loved it but the price tag was more than I wanted to spend. I'm by no means trying to get rid of my sire. I just wanted to add a music man and wanted some opinions on them
  11. That was what I was TRYING to do lol but the sterling fell into my lap so I jumped on it and purchased it. I had a day to make the decision too and since I played an actual music man, I made the quick decision to purchase it.
  12. I've actually been working my way towards one of Sire's precision basses! I have a sire l7 and the v7 and I have wanted one of the precision basses since the last time I used one about 3 months ago. For me, I like both my v7 and the sterling pretty evenly at the moment but eventually I wanted an actual music man. They are about $2,000-$3,000 USD but I didn't want to spend that much just yet before I did more research and asked for some professional opinions lol
  13. Not sure if this has been asked before but I wanted to ask some experienced people for their honest opinion. I have a sire V7 base that I absolutely love. I just bought a sterling by Music Man Stingray RAY4HH. I've been seeing a lot of videos about the music man bases and I really like the way they sound but didn't want to spend the money it cost to get one just yet so I got a sterling. It's in mint condition so it's pretty good quality and it sounds pretty nice but I still don't know that much about them. Anybody have any opinions on them? Do you prefer sire over Sterling or vice versa? Everything I've read online is pretty split down the middle or it's one extreme or the other so can't really get any straightforward opinions
  14. I just realized I messed up lol. I meant to say I only have one SPEAKER cable and was the market for more. I have a lot of instrument cables. SPEAKER cables is what I'm in the market for!
  15. I just bought a Hartke HA3500 Bass Amplifier, Hartke Series VX115 Bass, and Hartke VX3500 Bass off Facebook marketplace. The person I bought it from comes from a very musically inclined family and regularly performs and knows quite a biy. This specific rig was the uncle's that was used for gigs. Nothing wrong with it. He was upgrading and needed the space. I'm working on some jam sessions and small gigs but I only have one SPEAKER cable so I'm in the market for a couple more. What's a good brand or type that I won't have to replace to soon lol. A professional touring musician friend of mine said I needed to look for 10 gauge minimum and would probably be best making my own if I can't find any. I'd rather not screw them up and try and buy some lol but everything is see is for instruments or is 12 gauge. I would also like to try and get some with two right angles but if not then I can always get an adapter. I attached some pictures of the rig as well! What do you guys think?
  16. I'm trying to upgrade my ampeg practice amp and saw a Fender Rumble 40 that is in mint condition on Facebook marketplace for $150 USD. New they are about $250 USD. This will be used mostly for home practice and very small jam sessions. What you guys think? If not a Rumble 40, maybe something else in the same price range?
  17. I will definitely look into those! I have a local Music Go Round a few miles from me and I think I saw some of those this weekend. I just didn't have time to sit and play with them but I'm definitely gonna check them out this coming weekend
  18. Honestly, probably something less than 300-400 usd for now. I've been looking at quite a bit of used stuff and keep seeing Peavy and ampeg things. I also keep seeing things about the Trace Elliot Elf amp so I was thinking about getting that and pairing it with a decent cab.
  19. I feel like I'm reaching the end of my beginner stages and starting my intermediate stages as a player. Right now I have an ampeg BA 108 but I'm looking to upgrade to a good head and can or combo amp. I don't want to break the bank though. I am also starting to do some jam sessions with some coworkers and they're talking about a small gig at the end of the year. Any suggestions?
  20. What kind of bass head would you recommend? I consider myself in the early stages of being an intermediate player. I'd like something that wouldn't break the bank as well.
  21. Yes I am and eventually (hopefully) do a gig or 2. Still ways away though. And I will definitely look into these!!
  22. Not sure just yet! I know my amp is just a practice amp and I've gotten good enough to where I need something better but not sure what to get. I was looking at a peavey 410 tvx that I saw used online and thought that would be a decent-ish start without breaking the bank but it's just a cab. Heads are more expensive and I was just trying to see if I needed to get one. I have a marshall code 100 but that's for guitar and I'd hate to damage it using it for bass.
  23. I was wondering if I can use a combo amp as a preamp into a bass cabinet. Nothing really concrete online as to if I can or cannot or how to do it. I'm stuck between buying another combo amp or buying a head and cabinet (which is honestly what I'm leaning towards) but they are more expensive. I have an Ampeg ba 108 combo amp and I was wondering if it would work with a base cab? Can I just plug it in and run it? Or is that now how it works? Am I better off just buying a an amp head?
  24. A lot of times, we play some simpler songs since our sessions are open to all skill levels. We have people that literally just started a couple weeks ago to people that are professional musicians that have toured the world for 40 plus years. I really enjoy them because you get to learn from different perspectives and learn how each person speaks the "language"
  25. I have a group of coworkers that I've been jamming with for about a year. I originally jammed with them when I played guitar but it didn't "feel right" so I switched to bass. We haven't jammed in about 2 months due to the cold lol but are going to get together in a couple weeks. I have also been very fortunate to be surrounded by musicians, both novice and professionals, and even some professional musicians that are in world famous bands and are still even touring. They told me to jam/gig with some of them too but I feel like I need to learn more before I do!
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