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About Kowad

  • Birthday June 30

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  1. Very lovely! Another opportunity to curse Brexit 😂
  2. Stopped by his gaff in Leeds to pick up a half-tonne of Buzzard (in three-quarters of a tonne of case), not quite a shop as such but a very lovely space. Agree with Prowla, definite need to make an appointment in advance.
  3. Ftr I am currently in the gym.
  4. I don’t want it. She doesn’t want it. She’s put it in her basket. I’ve got it in mine. It’s got to the point where if she thinks I’m going to the gym, she sends me this link. Can someone spare us this insanity and buy it, cheers. https://reverb.com/uk/item/84581281-fender-japan-rare-2012-hollow-body-walnut-thinline-jazz-bass-mij
  5. I would absolutely ruin the installation of that 😂 looks like some precision needed!
  6. Wow, zooming in on that carpet corner a lot 😂 Greatly appreciated. I’m a sniff from gear4music atm, may go and look!
  7. Good afternoon! I have this very morning collected a heavy, long bass. Asymmetrical, I want to say 45-46" base of headstock to furthest asymmetrical point, bit shy of 5.5 kg. I would not mind this being out of its case occasionally, e.g. in the front room by the amps with easy access and not strapless in its quarter-tonne atomic survival case in the hall. How is this easily doable? It's too asymmetrical to work on a conventional bass stand (tbf only the ones I've tried, I might be able to get it to work with some form of stand somewhere around here, initial indications are 'no'.) It's too long for the headstock stands I've seen (e.g. Hercules tap out at 42-43". Won't work.) I'm somewhat wary of a wall hanger, as I've yet to drill my walls (for hangers at least) and this feels like quite a chunk of weight to be putting on one. I also don't like the prospect of a free floating bottom? Not because of exposure / headstock weight, but because some hooning lump of a dependent will thunder into it or cause a massive gust of unexpected wind and clunk the bottom against the wall. So, yeah. Any thoughts welcome! Picture not mine but of the very bass. Cheers!
  8. Put that next to a cybertruck, I doubt most people could tell which was which 🏆
  9. I've had DHLs not appear until they were almost out for delivery. Most recently on my partner's (late-ordered) birthday present, which caused me quite a bit of panic 😂 Glad to hear it's appeared!
  10. Ok right. I was thinking “what I thought 2+2 headstocks were fairly common on Spector basses in fact don’t I have one upstairs?” 😂
  11. It’s the actual batshit string winding and not the headstock then 😂
  12. You don’t mean like this?
  13. Switches back to an EB within a couple of pics, must be a secret double neck!
  14. I learned basics through apps. Some of them are genuinely great for learning the pragmatics (well, the putting your fingers in places), none of them are any good at e.g. learning the fretboard or what notes you're playing AND WHY. They can be immensely rewarding; they gamify playing in a way that e.g. buying 'The Jaco Pastorius Method' (Jaco's method turns out to be playing lots and lots of arpeggios and scales without any real explanation) just did not. Am I stating the obvious here? Ultimate Guitar has a pretty good range of tabs, and can now (in principle) listen to and grade your playing. The backing tracks for pro tabs are autogenerated, no singing, but aren't bad for getting you going. It encourages a degree of independent exploration. I ran through fender's 'play' app very quickly, though it does at least do bass, and does at least have some enjoyable tracks and a passable learning curve. It's gamified reasonably well; it kept me coming back. A fair bit. Yousician is incredibly gamified, has a few more tracks and a bit more free roaming, idk I was probably through everything Fender had to offer in 4 weeks (?) and Yousician lasted another month or three. Or four. All of these may be absolutely toxic to anyone who already plays bass 😂 I have been breaking out and doing much more independent learning / exploration in the last year or two, but regularly said to my partner that I need to find a proper tutor. I can't do videos. That said. May be an autism thing. Someone talking at me, god no. Which is one reason I've resorted to apps. Would gladly recommend alongside other things, if not as an exclusive path to whatever.
  15. Broke at the other end - just at the bottom / rolling off the peg. Could this still be relevant?
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