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  • Birthday May 4

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  1. As a classical guitarist originally, there is place for tab to see how someone else chose to finger something. Certainly a major challenge I had when I took things seriously was trying to work out the best fingering/position... but yes a pre-requisite was being able to read normal music!
  2. I can't ever recall doing it with pizza, but certainly interfering with the brass players plumbing is standard par for the course certainly in relatively junior (or immature) band situations! As is lobbing things at the tubas when the conductor isn't looking...
  3. Someone will come in with a formula in a moment to provide the answer in terms of SPL, but I certainly find that for the same volume I get better dispersal with more speakers, and thus I actually prefer to practice at home at low volume with as many speakers as possible - I use a Marshall 4x12 and TE 4x10 for guitar and bass respectively at home, and despite the low volumes think they sound much better than the fewer speaker options I have. But I do think this is to do with sound dispersal rather than anything else. Thinking logically, speaker area must have an effect on SPL - if you google it there is a talkbass thread that seems to think 3dB every time you double the speaker area with no change in the amp settings.
  4. Thing is the strength of a forum is the personal interaction - asking the question in your own words and hearing someone's answer. Stickies or FAQs work for some people, but I always wonder at the point of a forum where people just say "do a search as we've talked about this before"... to me this misses the point of a forum. (BTW Trace Watts are bigger than other brand's Watts - they used to grow them specially and combine with groovilium)
  5. If I start another thread complaining about a divorce you can probably conclude that I failed the gear abstinence challenge as well!
  6. ...we could turn this into a game of "traitor"... who is still in but misleading everyone else that they haven't just purchased a £3k bass... 😎
  7. Yes I agree - hence it's not for everyone as it is a cultural difference. Thus said some bands are a bit more flexible than others.
  8. It can also be defined as Joule per Coulomb, so the amount of energy needed to move a charge through a component (hence also being a descriptor).
  9. This is so important! I make it very clear to every band I'm in that I'm not the right player if they just want someone to stick to what's written. I get bored far too easily and start experimenting once I've played something a few times! Of course iconic bass lines need to stay more or less the same, but elsewhere I start experimenting with different fingerings, different octaves, trying it on a fretless instead, seeing if a different syncopation works...
  10. I broadly agree with this - as Biochemist/Biophysicist speaking (at least originally) - there are plenty of biochemical systems that rely on the flow of protons rather than electrons, with the resulting electrochemical gradient measured in volts, so I would say volts are often used to describe the state of a system.
  11. Every band I've ever been in, of any type, has started off with music/tabs in standard tuning followed by a discussion of whether the key works or not, and then usually the key might be changed to suit the singers (or Eb instruments etc.). But it has always been up to each musician to transpose for themselves - either by doing it on the fly, re-writing/re-printing the music in the new key, or by cheating (often keyboardists using a transpose button but I suppose if I had a lot of Eb songs I probably would detune a bass by a semi-tone). It looks to me that the previous bass player had indeed decided to detune their bass, but then create tabs in different keys on the basis of playing a detuned bass, meaning that the fingering is up a semi-tone in all keys compared to standard tuning. Makes sense, but does need explanation if someone else is trying to use the tab!
  12. ...post deleted as your second tab posted above is indeed weird - looks like someone was trying to be helpful and in doing so has just caused confusion! I'd get back to the arranger, tell them you would rather not bring two instruments or have to retune, and ask for them to reprint the bass music written for standard tuning. Hopefully they have the file on their computer and it should just be a case of changing the key signature and then reprinting.
  13. Yes this is gets us into a fascinating discussion in the philosophy of science/physics where we have to acknowledge that our descriptions of the natural world are often analogies that may only work up to a certain point. The classic example is wave and particle duality in physics wherein one analogy works well in some contexts, and the other in other contexts, but neither in all contexts. So with things like that picture (volts/amps/ohms) you have to consider whether it does the job for the context - personally I find it helpful just to remind myself whats going on when I'm thinking about matching cabs with amps etc., but I do appreciate that there is a whole world that sits underneath the picture where the only way to really get a grasp of what's happening is by diving into mathematics. Of course another philosophical problem is why maths works so well as it is also an analogy of the physical world, but an unreasonably good one...
  14. Here's another helpful picture (from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohm's_law😞
  15. At risk of causing yet more problems, surely if the footswitch is used to switch channels it isn't in the signal path either, and likewise tuners that are not in-line.... I think a bassbash needs to be convened in a courtroom somewhere just to discuss these pressing issues...
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