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Posts posted by essexbasscat

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1483381747' post='3206725']
    He's a member here ;)

    Brilliant :) I was in the warm up band for his gig and we had a chat during the stage change over. He was also kind enough to say some complementory things about my home - brewed bass lines

    Please pass on my best if the opportunity presents itself :)

  2. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1483375508' post='3206654']
    I have:
    4 x Gallien Krueger GK800RBs
    3 x Gallien Krueger GK400RBs
    1 x Ampeg SVTIII-Pro
    1 x Carvin B1500
    1 x Sansamp RBI & 1 Sansanp RPM - into a Yamaha 1U Power Amp

    1 x Mesa/Boogie 2x15 Diesel Cab
    1 x Genz Benz Neox 212T Cab
    1 x Hartke 410XL Cab

    & 60+ basses....

    60 + basses. I thought I was doing well, but I take my hat off to you sir :)

  3. An assessment by an audiologist would be the way to answer this question properly. I purchased a set of ACS custom moulded ER17 earplugs myself, only to find I couldn't hear the vocals when playing.

    I went to an audiologist and it turns out my hearing iof higher frequencies is impaired, As a result, flat response earplugs reduce the overall levels to the point that higher frequencies drop out amongst everything else. The audiologist recommended a set of 9's (another brand they use) and that's made the difference.

    Good luck with whatever you do

  4. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1480282234' post='3183099']
    Neutrik are a company that make a massive variety of connectors so "a Neutrik socket" is a broad and sweeping statement! They do manufacture combo XLR/jack sockets for line level signals, and combo Speakon/jack sockets for amps/cabs, but both are the exception rather than the rule when it comes to what kit manufacturers choose to fit on their products, as the combo versions are more costly.

    This is very true. I meant Speakon socket, I hope most people understood that after my description of it

  5. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1480161843' post='3182097']
    And here's the pics:

    Thanks for the reassuring feedback guys. Found a couple of unexpected benefits of ownership: shorter than normal case fits across the boot of my car; the bass is stable when you stand it up on the floor thanks to beefy twin strap buttons. All good then!

    Very nice indeed, congratulations on the find

  6. The active ones had very powerful pickups, very light and easy to play. A lot of bass for the money. Was rated in a BC poll a few years ago as one of the 'must play' basses

    I owned one from new and sold it to get my first USA P bass. If another one came along at the right time in good condition I'd get it without a doubt.

  7. Every bass or guitar I played from the 70's until the last few years had a glossy neck. The only problems I ever found with stickiness was due to the neck needing cleaning

    Gloss is fine with me, in fact anything else seems to need more finishing

  8. Thought I'd ask this one, as one of my passive speaker cabs won't accept a 1/4" jack, neither will my Eden i-amp 800 at it's neutrik outputs

    Both the plugs I mention above don't have the 'T' appearance of Hazbeen's picture - they have a complete ring around the centre hole. Not sure if this an indicator of something ?

  9. So, the guitarist in the band is adamant he can use a jack plug in a neutrik socket, but I'm quite dubious TBH.
    I've attempted to fit a jack plug in the centre hole, but is seems to be a very tight fit, most unlike a usual jack socket. I honestly don't know if the centre hole of a neutrik socket has ring and tip connectors

    Will it work in any shape or fashion ?

    Cheers BC

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