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Posts posted by essexbasscat

  1. Hi BC

    I'm in the process of upgrading the electrics on my road worn P bass with a kit from Charles guitars - RS superpot + paper / oil capacitor + CTS tone pot.

    When I applied solder to the back of the volume pot this morning (for the earthing connections), it became a matt silver slab, instead of the nice shiny silver block that denotes a nice solder joint.

    The original Fender solder joints on the back of the pots are nice silver solder blobs, so it can be achieved

    I made sure the soldering iron heated up a fair bit before starting the job, but still it didn't do the job properly. Maybe I need a hotter iron ?

    The other concerns are transmission of all that heat to;
    - the pot itself. Will it damage the pot ?
    - the capacitor. I'm considering using a small free standing vice as a heatsink. It has a small crocodile clip which I intend to attach to the capacitor leg. When it comes to attaching the capacitor to the back of the pot, I intend to solder a small piece of wire to the back of the pot first, let that cool, then solder the other end of the wire to the capacitor leg, thus hopefully avoiding transmission of too much heat associated with the process of soldering the back of the pot

    Any ideas folks ?

    Thanks BC

  2. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1476827133' post='3157685']
    The one that does it for me is John Paul Jones and Ramble On.

    Bags of melody, groovy as you like and supports the song brilliantly.

    JPJ's playing encapsulates everything I love about bass in rock/pop music: groovy, funky, melodic, interesting and always adding to the song.


  3. Marinus and I traded basses, he also worked with me to make the deal possible. We spent a bit of time mailing back and forth on the deal and I found I can endorse what others have said here, first class from start to finish

    Credit to BC

    Thanks Marinus for a lovely bass :)

  4. Tom and I agreed a flexible deal to enable me to buy an amp he had for sale. I won't go into details (as I don't want to embaress the poor chap) but he proved that he's very trustworthy and deserving of the good feedback he has here

    You can deal with Tom in confidence :)

    Thanks for the excellent deal Tom, I'll enjoy the SWR

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