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Posts posted by essexbasscat

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1465233361' post='3066372']
    This is something you really need to get expert advice on, rather than opinions from people on a bass forum. Even if something has worked for somebody with the same condition it doesn't mean that it will work for you.

    Agree wholeheartedly with sentiments of RhysP.

    That being said, a good practitioner of The Alexander Technique will teach you the importance of posture and the integral role of the neck, along with a good idea of how to consciously position the neck relative to the trunk.

    Best wishes for your future health :)

  2. To the OP; have you had your hearing tested ?

    Here's why I ask. I bought some ACS ER17's and with them in, I discovered I had real trouble hearing vocal parts, including my own. I would take the earplugs out in order to be able to hear the vocals for harmonies. As a result, I heard the harmonies and I now have tinnitus (what a surprise). It drove me up the wall, as it appeared to be a lose /lose situation.

    I started threads on here about monitors, earplugs, all kinds of things to get to the bottom of the issue, all to no avail. Almost in desperation, I went to an audiologist to get their opinion.
    Both ears were blocked with wax, one around 80%, the other even more. A lot of the wax had been rammed in deep by the earplugs :blink: . The wax was microsuctioned out, a great job (but that also has a risk of making tinnitus worse)

    Then came the hearing test. Turns out I've lost the ability to hear the higher frequencies. This meant the higher frequencies were (in my perception), quieter than their cousins in the lower frequency ranges (where the mids live). The earplugs were reducing the higher frequencies to the point my impaired hearing couldn't detect them.

    Solution ?

    The audiologist made me a pair of moulded earplugs with 9db of overall attenuation (i.e. ER9's) and I can now hear vocals with plugs in - hooray !!!!!!!!! (do the dance + have a beer)

    Strange thing is, now I've got used to the 9's, I'm able to detect more of the higher frequencies with the ER17's in. Maybe me ears are acclimatising ?

    Good luck OP, I hope you get it sorted :)

  3. Just bought a lovely Tele from Ed, who worked with me to make the deal possible. You can deal with confidence with Ed, good communications all the way

    Thanks Ed, I'm going to have some fun with this tele


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  4. At last, the A-Z of Basschat


    Thou shall not comment on Barefaced threads unless you;
    A-add something positive.
    B-Own and gig a BF cab.

    If you do not meet the above criteria you are;
    D-using it incorrectly.
    E-have the wrong amp for the cab.
    F-have the wrong amp for your chosen genre.
    G-have the wrong cab for the genre.

    [quote name='3below' timestamp='1462128667' post='3040512']
    Just to finish

    H - Averse to HEFT ™
    I - of weak mental disposition
    J - financially challenged
    K - unable to use strap handles
    L - do not like loud clear bass
    M - using the wrong basses
    N - sonically challenged
    O - unable to admit your other poor purchases
    P - a bedroom player
    Q - using your existing cabinets as part of a body building regime
    R - deluded by the advertising of other manufacturers
    S - not using a flat EQ is
    T - in a highly lucrative endorsement deal with another organisation
    U - underpowering your cabinet
    V - misguidedly worshipping false cabinets
    W - locked in the 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s using a smiley EQ (circle as needed)
    X - in need of scuffed / torn tolex for the RnR look
    Y - wanting a 'Fridge' since everyone uses a 'Fridge' because 'Fridges' are cool
    Z - thinking that 10s and 12s are too fast compared to 15s and 18s

    Choose reasons to suit own situation from the above, please feel free to add other reasons :)


  5. Met Paul to buy a drum machine from him. Had a good chat - we could have gone on for more but I had to run on

    First class BC'er, you can deal with confidence

    THanks Paul


  6. I played this one last night. The bass line makes this song for me, I've heard people play it straight and it just steralised the song.

    On one gig, we played Maggie May and then Honky Tonk Woman afterwards. I kept the style and feel of Maggie through Honky Tonk and the guitarist picked up the feel and went bananas with it,
    His enthusiasm infected the rest of the band who just re -enforced the character of our rendition of the song. The crowd loved it and it was by far the best version we've ever done of HTW

  7. I was told by Bass Direct only last week that they are just called Fat Beams now, no longer Marcus Miller Fat Beams.

    Also, the importer and UK supplier has recently changed. As a result, we can no longer get single DR strings :angry: sets only now, bah humbug, drats etc

  8. HI all :)

    A while ago, I purchased this desk from Monckyman of this very form (a very knowledgable sound engineer in his own right) with the intention of learning how to use digital desks.
    Since then, I've come to realise that I'm going to be too busy to have time for this, so I've decided to let it go

    It's in good condition and comes with the original box. I'm asking what I paid for it.

    I've copied Monckyman's original script below, who said it far more elequently than I could ever hope to do.

    Thanks all

    Over to Monckyman;

    12 mic pre inputs
    4 line inputs
    4 dedicated monitor auxes with 4 jack outputs
    4 dedicated FX auxes with 4 dedicated FX inc reverbs delays etc
    4 band parametric EQ on all inputs and outputs inc stereo out.
    Gates and compressors on all inputs and aux outs .
    Midi control of most functions E.g I used my GT6 rocker pedal to turn the rev up or down.
    Save and recall all settings.

    That's standard spec, but this desk has an ADAT card fitted which gives you 16 in and out which you can use with the optional ADA 800 pre amps.
    I also used it to record and playback 16 tracks from Cubase via an RME adat PCI card which I also have for sale.

    The cons are the desk had a bad rep because the capacitors used to sh*t themselves and it was quite an expensive fix, but LO! I only bought this desk because all the capacitors had been professionally upgraded and it hasn't missed a beat in over 60 gigs.
    I drove to Cardiff and back in a day because I wanted this desk.
    For the spec, there's nothing that can match it, for the price the nearest competitor is the yamaha 01v which has less EQ per chan, less aux and less expandability.
    There are lots of cheeky routing options that mean you can rout your auxes back through some input chans and set the EQ and compressors on all your monitor outs.
    There are 4 jack outs and a stereo xlr out
    With the optional 8 chan ADA preamp you get 8 extra ins and 8 extra outputs so you can route All auxes as monitor outs pre or post fade, or just use 6 and keep two for FX.
    No other desk at this price has so many Auxes to play with.
    Very versatile desk.
    It's rack mounted and I have the rack ears and the original box,a couple of light pipe optical cables and a load of tips and tweaks for this desk.
    If you have an ipad I'd be delighted to show you how you can control volume and pan via wifi.
    I'll post some pics tomorrow for those who want to see the actual thing in the flesh.
    It has some scratches etc, but overall in very good condition.
    I'm selling because I recently upgraded to a Soundcraft SI and this has to help pay for it, otherwise I'd keep it as a backup desk.

  9. Hi all

    Up for sale, my trusted Aguilar GS112. It's served me well and I'm happy to pass on a reliable piece of kit

    It comes with the Roqsolid cover I've kept it in since the cab came to me. Overall, I'd rate the condition as an honest average / good. The corner protectors are scuffed, but the carpet covering is fairly good all round

    £200.00 + courier at buyer's cost please

    I'll organise some pictures soon

    I fang queue :)

    Now sold, thank you

  10. Bought a roadworn P from Dunc. He was obliging with working out the deal and sent the bass very safely wrapped. All the hallmarks of someone that cares, which is entirely in keeping with the rest of his feedback

    Thanks Dunc, a pleasure :)

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